League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Jan


Originally posted by Tb5

are you speakin about about dragon ball z references? u don't know about going super saiyan? goku? vegeta?

damn... shits been popular since the 90s

saying that, they over did them...

DBZ I was at least familiar with. Jojo... not so much.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HYMREDDIT

wait I just bought Sett with this video playing in the background. Then he talked about the calling card... can it still be opened for a refund or something? It doesn't do anything right now when I click on it

If you write in player support they should be able to refund the BE

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by buenoskiddoosh

Hey guys so I'm not huge on lore but awhile back I think I read something that Noxus technically had 3 rulers? Swain being the tactician and Darius being the grand General or something. But unless its Draven or I'm just dumb, who is the the third? Could it possibly be Katarinas missing father?

The 3rd is LeBlanc

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by L_Rayquaza

A question that came to me when you talked about the Voli skin: On Fiddle's relaunch are you gonna rename Bandito to High Noon since it is part of that universe?

Skins don't have to have the same name to be in the same universe

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MrBorderlineGaming

Uhm, I bought Sett with essence and watched the video afterwards. I got Sett's calling card in my inventory, but since I unlocked Sett already I can't use it... I guess it's a "too bad" scenario?

u can write into player support and they should be able to refund the BE


Originally posted by Waterstealer

enemy team bans blitz

thresh it is!

Show me a good Thresh in Gold.


Originally posted by Waterstealer

don't get me wrong i love sett, but doesn't lee sin do the same thing with his ult? and with the lifesteal and spell vamp he gets passively from his w plus his passive which gives him a bunch of attack speed, doesn't he fulfill the same ideology of getting into the middle of a teamfight?

maybe lee is just too much of a jack of all trades. good at f**kin everything.

Not really. If you watch the Champion Spotlight video, you can examples of using his ult on enemies with varying health. So, when he uses is on the Ashe he does almost no damage, but when you see him grab the Cho and bodyslam him into the Ashe, she's almost killed.

Lee's ult doesn't scale off of enemy health (afaik, I will never play that champ).

Sett also has a unique mechanic where all the damage he takes is stored as grit and then he can unleash that on his enemies. So him standing in the front line and taking a beating is the exact thing he wants, because it makes him stronger.


Originally posted by Waterstealer

take your robo butler design philosophy and apply it to the eventual blitzcrank vgu.

As someone who consistently bans Blitz because ADCs in Gold don't understand to just stand behind a minion... please god no I don't want this guy played more.


Originally posted by RiotEarthSlug

This is the first spotlight I produced that when I saw the script I honestly was like.... I don't even understand most of these references. What is happening?! Then I talked to weebs, and it was all explained.

Hey that me


Originally posted by terkke

It's a great video, congrats!! I would love to see also how advantages are made when you are on the losing side, like playing a tank vs a bruiser or playing a short ranged adc with melee support vs Caitlyn and Morgana.

I for sure want to cover losing MUs!


Originally posted by SwampWTFox

This is great and all, but I don't play Orianna so I'm gonna need you to go ahead and make a few dozen more of these.

Just need Froggen to pop off on some Anivia then I gotchu!


Originally posted by hiimpeam

So whoever wrote the script assumed that the majority of League player base are weebs?


is a venn diagram explaining the situation.


>Jumpscares, hallucinations, near-death experiences, literally watching one of your companions get torn to shreds in such a realistic showing of gore

Actual Fiddlesticks already has this


Originally posted by RaphtotheMax5

Awesome thank you so much for the response

Yeah, sorry the darn page has been so unreliable. We're in the middle of some work to make it more stable in the future, because we think the feature has potential once it's more consistent.


Originally posted by Hughch

That Darkin Behemoth concept is just amazing.

I'm really glad you like it! I'm really stoked that we're starting to share early stage ideations (Darkin Behemoth, Robo Butler, etc.). It's a relatively recent call made by Reav3, and it's cool seeing the ideas that players like a lot. But don't let any of this distract you from the fact that in 2019 Sett threw Rakan off Summoner’s Rift, and plummeted 38 miles through a World Rune.

Edit: Ty for silver, but instead of awarding me for sh*tposting please consider sending a donation to help with the wildfires in Australia or another charitable organization of your choice. <3


Originally posted by Nevran

I really love this work Azael, I agree that focus on laning phase is something we REALLY don't see/have a lot about and I know coaches tend to talk about it sometime but it is very rare. We tend to have now a lot of educational video about tempo, roaming, using pressure, soaking pressures, etc. The macro sort of play. But on the micro side, we don't have anything about like... What make them dominate the lane or snowball or handle a hard lane.

Love it!

Thank you!


This is the first spotlight I produced that when I saw the script I honestly was like.... I don't even understand most of these references. What is happening?! Then I talked to weebs, and it was all explained.


Originally posted by Rimikokorone

Will jungle pathing ever be a part of this? Or will the series stay true to its name and only focus on laning?

Yeah I'd love to show a jungler turning his lanes into lane kingdoms at some point!