League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Dec


Originally posted by _Psyki

pee matches "speed" in the item stats and poo matches "spooky" in the item active description, I would imagine

This is accurate!

The item shop’s behavior can be recreated with a bit of data. Notably: http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/9.24.1/data/en_US/item.json and http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/9.24.1/data/en_US/language.json (or as appropriate by patch and language).

This is a reflection of some of the data the game uses. We’d just need to combine it a bit.

The League item shop makes a “searchable key” out of: An items name (“name”), colloquialisms for that item (“colloq”, which you’ll notice is often “;”, this is important), adds a “;”, and th...

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Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

Don't pretend like you don't know the true origins of this buddy!


How did you know that I have Sasquatch arms???

19 Dec


Originally posted by _Psyki

pee matches "speed" in the item stats and poo matches "spooky" in the item active description, I would imagine

I sure hope this is the real reason lol


You posted the sizes in the title but I didnt realize how big these were until I saw the video . Freaking amazing work dude. Have you ever done Warhammer 40k type stuff?

Edit: ...

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Top: Poppy

Jungle: Elise

Mid: LeBlanc

ADC: Twitch

Support: Rakan


Originally posted by [deleted]


This has been fixed so the picture reflects the actual chroma.


Originally posted by SmokeCocks

How do you even confirm someone is Marc Merrill in an online game? I've only ever seen him in game as Riot Tryndamere, but if someone named MarcMerrill in classic wow I would just rub it off as an impostor.

It was probably him. My dude has multiple characters going in WoW Classic


The Prestige Ahri emote and Dawnbringer Riven Chroma are available once again. You might have to relogin to see them in their respective token shops.

18 Dec


Originally posted by Undope

And ye shall receive... https://imgur.com/a/DchCIYU

Witness Mundo!


Originally posted by HHH-is-Dumb

Did you guys seriously never think of this before?

I can say for sure we've thought of this before. The issue in the past was always functionality and space. Until recently, the loading screeen was a flat image so having every move description was unrealistic.

Now, recently we got mouse over tooltips on the loading screen, so you can see what runes and summoner spells do! A good first step! Now that that functionality is there, we can explore expanding that even more to ideas such as this one.

(And to be 100% clear, this is just saying its possible, not that it's planned)


Originally posted by Ezzedward

You people have more goddamned excuses for gross levels of ineptitude. Point to one thing you've done in 2 seasons that made league of hyperpop better that you can be proud of, and then fix your matchmaker. You've made more changes than you can keep up with or reasonably maintain in working condition, think on that next time you feel the need to release one of these bright ideas: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ebwi86/aphelios_flamethrower_ult_turnaround_penta/

Look at this when you get time off from whatever it is you do there.

We fixed this bug this morning and pushed it out to players. Inside of a day of learning of the bug.