League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Dec


Originally posted by OldManWiggy

Not a single one of those "third party products" are actual fantasy leagues...

Can we NEVER let Riot try to pretend they give a f**k about Fantasy ever again? They've just been lying right to our face for years, and it's really getting pathetic at this point.

EsportsOne is pretty close to the old fantasy league - season long fantasy leagues where you have to be organized by your friends and you can only enter at the start of the season don't work well (we know that from our own data). The others are not fantasy leagues, but hit different audiences.


Originally posted by MyNameIsBroop

Are there any particular games that come to mind that really show off the prowess that Clearlove had from your memory? And did you have the opportunity to cast any of his games throughout his career?

Yeah I was lucky enough to cast the LPL during EDGs Spring run to their MSI title in 2015 including their final over LGD.

Clearlove's ability to camp for Deft was so great we referred to it as a luxury resort because he'd clearly set up some prime real estate.

But watching his ganking that whole season just screamed a preparation and awareness that feels really rare. I used to say he was the engineer, because when he knew the other jungler it was like he'd set up shop in their brain and would map out timings perfectly. Somehow he always found a way to make his gank work.

Other than that season, I've always had a fondness for an OLD tournament Papa and I casted when he was on WE where he and Misaya played Sion mid + Volibear and just chain invaded the enemy team, I should look for that game it might be on a harddrive somewhere.

CL always struck me as a player that worked hard to be talented rather than naturally being amazing and that's always resona...

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We didn't forget.

For Spring 2020 the LCS doesn't have an official/endorsed/affiliated fantasy product. We expect to be connected with some really cool stuff for summer split, but none of those are ready for announcement.

In some of those prior updates we talked about creating a third-party ecosystem through our partnership with Bayes (who provides our live game data to third-parties). The goal was to make sure that fantasy fans had an LCS fantasy experience for Spring 2020 (even if Riot wasn't associated with it). So, I've got three of those for you:

EsportsOne has created a fantasy platform that covers the LCS. It is free to play and lets you build a dream roster against a budget in a daily fantasy style. ...

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My favourite player finally retired without winning Worlds =(

It was always going to be difficult, but I'm sad to see such a legend finally leave the rift.


Originally posted by Dino_SPY

Sounds like someone worked directly on the changes and is biased against any negative feedback. You can cry edge cases all you want but it's still a janky, anti-fun mechanic.

I did some work on new Elder, but was many VFX and bug fixing. We killed a lot of ideas that we got negative feedback on for preseason so we are good at being as unbiased as possible.

It's more that these clips always have dozens of other contributing factors in them. Diana being fed into space with all dragons, Baron buff and full items probably did most of the work against the enemy team.


It is not an average elo for the team. It is skewed heavily towards the higher ranked players, especially when the skill disparity is high.


Originally posted by RazorRipperZ

We are nerfing the damage over time burn next patch, bit honestly, a shield or heal would have saved her. From anyone.


Originally posted by FostXTV

Remove this braindead elder dragon execute from the game or at least make it much harder to kill.

Oh please. Look at Diana here: super fed, Liandry's burn, Void staff, levels above opponents. She enters fight with Dragon soul, Baron buff and then steals Elder. If the other team had secured Elder, they'd have likely still been obliterated by her.

These are exceptional (and awesome to see!) edge case videos. That's why they're posted to Reddit: because they happen 1 in 1000 games.


Sweet steal! They must have been making a hail Mary play to try and secure the Elder at all. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't!

15 Dec


I would love to see something like this come through Riot Forge!

These are very well done, awesome work.


I'd be quite happy with selecting a primary and secondary role and then selecting an avoid role. It does make the queues go up pretty heavily though.


Originally posted by gobbyblueman

I have no idea about scouting phase, but in-game if he disconnects the game will continue like a normal game.

Scouting should be able to reconnect as well. Had a buddy whose machine blue-screened during picks and bands and he was able to reconnect.


Originally posted by sgchase88

Just like the raindrops, smh

f*cking too true


Yikes! Red buff AND Elder burn! That's a lot of true damage.


I love it. Very tasteful .


They work and gain more money for the content creators. They're well aware some people don't like the titles and thumbnails, but it's how they get noticed above the rest.


Originally posted by iHuntGoblins



Here you go friend, this works the other way around too. So if the ward is too far on the other side of the brush. Its kinda scary if a top/bot laner wards your red and you know that the ward isn't showing it all bc they could just be sitting on the edge of the bush

Hmm I think that's not really ok actually. Those wards look like the kind of placement that might be a mistake rather than intended by newer players, and then if they die as a result that's a little unfair.

Not able to do anything about it right now as out of office for a few weeks.


When was this clip recorded? I was sure I fixed this bug.


Originally posted by Rimikokorone

Thought they said they fixed this

Yeah, really!

When was this clip recorded?!