League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Dec


Originally posted by Hyoudou

You should start maining Shaco

Shaco is the last champion I'd wanna start maining. :')

I can't jungle even if my life depended on it.


Originally posted by adharsh2423

you got any other plans for passion vfx? if so, would love to know what champs!

I do, but I will not reveal what I'm thinking about. I don't like promises.

14 Dec


Originally posted by SirKraken

The only problem I would also like them to fix is that when picking up a soul, they show like 3 orb souls traveling into Thresh's body instead of 1 orb soul. It always made me think I picked up more than 1 soul, it can be confusing. Why it is like that? u/RiotSirhaian

I'm not sure. It's pretty iconic though, so I don't think changing it is a good idea, or necessary. It also looks cooler and is more visible like this, imo.


Originally posted by Morgwynis

I really love your work on the VFX... Makes me want to main him again <3

Glad you like it!


Originally posted by 123skh123

I'd love for this to happen, but this relies more on the actual game code, which isn't my area of expertise. I can always ask around to see if this is feasible at all or not, or if this should even be a thing (what are the implications?). No promises here!


Originally posted by ShufflerStat1c

This comment reads: I don’t play the game I’m developing.

What a strange and antagonistic thing to write.


Originally posted by Slayer418

Well it's still not clear enough IMO. the E preview should show those side hitboxes.

We're looking into that.


Originally posted by Skinny_Piinis

The whole thing looks fantastic.



Originally posted by HappyMove9

https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/skin-release/samsung-white-championship-skins-take-stage But SSW Thresh is 975 (?) has a special recall, and IIRC he and twitch got special recalls (Thresh because Mata was MVP and Twitch because Imp did the roll thing). At least I paid 975 for it.

Oh, I always thought he was 750... I'll ask the team about it.


Originally posted by JuneSkyway

Does this mean that if we ever see a pink ward in a bush that isn't able to reveal a regular ward in that same bush, we should report it as a bug?

(Excepting perhaps the curved bush outside of the base gates, or the one by red buff?)

The one outside base gates certainly. The one by red buff I believe is fine.


Hi! I'm looking for a team. Mid diamond (consistent d3-d2) mid and support main.

In mid, I mostly play control mages with a few off-meta picks like Lucian, Sylas.

In support, I play playermakers like Rakan, Leona, Nautilus and Pyke.

Drop me a reddit DM if you're interested. I have a mic and generally tend to gravitate toward being a macro shotcaller.


This is a great suggestion! We did make the call that no brush should require 2 wards, nor should a ward inside a brush not provide vision of all of the brush.

Sharp players will know if at least 1 existing brush on SR that fails this rule, but perhaps changing this brush might be more trouble for relearning.


Originally posted by King_Manny

It will probably just use the base model's visuals since it's 750rp

Yup ^


Originally posted by Japstan

was it also pointed out that the pariah yasuo chroma, when he has max steel passive stacks, reverts him back to his original color scheme?

I hadn't heard this but I will pass it along to the skins team


Originally posted by FNC_Luzh

indie game.

Smoll indie company

Big indie company


Originally posted by Ackelope

ooh, i really like the way the E visual fades away from back to front after it's finished.

I'm always happy when people notice those little details!


Originally posted by TfTEberron

So it’s clear the little legend golem is from Demacia and the bird is from Piltover, but where is the bug from? I think it’s void, but the naming doesn’t match other Void creatures.



Originally posted by TheEsophagus

Is every skin getting the update or only the older ones such as deep sea and Championship Thresh? I only ask because you did an amazing job and would love to see how it would look on other skins!

Every skin using base particles gets those new particles. The others are updated as needed.


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

Hahahaha! I will cherish this forever, thank you so much!


Originally posted by [deleted]


I just like to show different angles. That's how we make our videos internally for our reviews. An effect can look very different if you cast it horizontally or vertically.