League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Dec


It's unusual for a red tint to upset your eyes, since a commonly used app to reduce eyestrain from monitors primarily does so through tinting the whole screen red.

I'd suggest tweaking the colour settings of the game though video settings, but to be honest, maybe even visit an optometrist and bring a screenshot of the dragon pit with you. They may have a better idea as to why the dragon pit causes you physical pain.

21 Dec


Originally posted by Str4ydogg

I'm going to need you to respond to a thread showing this while hes 2/2 at 22 minutes in.

No comment!


He and his team are insanely far ahead. I agree the spell looks strong, but man, he's 13/2. Imagine Kata going into that group at 13/2. Or Riven.


Originally posted by BeepBoopAnv

Hey there, SCUMBAG, I just wanna tell you to have a nice day! You deserve it! And don’t you forget it, BUB!

Well now I'm just conflicted... Thanks, you absolute tool!


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm a game designer. Nothing to do with client/network issues.

Also, if you're going to call someone a scumbag, they're not going to be inclined to help you.


Originally posted by TragicTrajectory

they are in fact hot garbage

I’ve seen a few threads on this topic, so I just want to add some context on why the Jackpot changed for Night & Dawn:

Previous jackpots have been low drop chance, high reward. We wanted to test a jackpot that dropped significantly more frequently to give more players a shot at feeing good about getting something special, but we undershot the value to the point where the moment wasn’t exciting at all.

For Mecha Kingdoms, we are going back to a normal jackpot style, but adding in a “Lucky Roll” drop as well. The Lucky Roll should accomplish the goal we were after (a drop better than the base orb value, but not quite jackpot level) while the jackpot bags in MK should feel suitably juicy and exciting to open.

Thanks for all the feedback here! We are still discovering what players love about Loot in League (some players love high variance high reward, while others prefer more controlled odds, for example) so the feedback really helps!


Ok, now this clip is ACTUALLY someone getting season 10'd.


Originally posted by PrincessJerone

True, but that's only like a 5% increase lmao

Touche! 😉


Inhuman reactions.


You're asking if luck is a real thing? Or if luck is a feature if the game?


Ahhh... His ult DOT adds Liandry's burn, which refreshes elder burn. Basically the perfect champ for elder right now! And he was probably super fed, looking at that 15k gold lead.


Very satisfying!


I appreciate your passion and effort, but you just created about 1000 more words of rules to add to his kit.


Originally posted by 100percenttempduffo

I think what you said about speeding up of the clip for sake of saving people time is totally fair ~ never actually crossed my mind as a potential reason.

However the exaggerated slow mo aspect of it really does make me crease when it's the creator of the clip who is editing it to make his play more than it is. Idk, perhaps I'm being unreasonable, but when someone feels the need to make their own clip (in the context of lol) more "awesome," then it probably wasn't really - especially if the clip in question has nothing particularly impressive within it, that may have required slowing down to actually grasp what was going on (e.g a well executed shy combo, or another mechanically intensive play). We all saw Udyr sidestep Rakan W, incredible stuff.

Have you considered it might be more of a "oh my gosh I just barely got out" vibe as opposed to a "look at how sick I am" thing?

20 Dec


I remember we did try this on Aphelios a while back in development - each weapon had some relative downside. That version was really hard to play because you had to track both the current weapon's weakness and your backpack's gun's weakness to figure out how to optimize your basic attacks at any given moment.

I'm not on SR team so I don't have any say here, but my take is that I don't really think he needs fundamental mechanics changes yet. He's an ADC in almost-2k20 without a dash and frequently without a CC, so when his damage isn't high enough to kill divers on the entry I think he'll feel pretty reasonable to play against.


Originally posted by 100percenttempduffo

It gives off the impression of a "WoW LoOk At ME!1!" vibe. If the play is good, players will appreciate it. You gotta be really easily impressed if you see a slowmod clip in a vacuum and believe it looks incredible.

u/MartyMcNinja understands the perspective I'm viewing it from, even if he doesn't share it.

I think another reason I disagree tbh is just the fact that in order for the clip to work in context you have to see this whooooole long thing which makes perfect sense to speed up. And then when you're sped up, you miss those instant moments where he barely got out. So either the option is make it normal speed for just those moments, which might feel a bit jarring, or lean all the way into it and slow it down and hopefully get that funny / awesome moment. iMO that totally works.


Originally posted by crimsonblade911

???? The f**k is cringe about it?

What do you think cringe even means? That whole video flowed nicely. I didnt even notice the speed ups and slowdown till after the fact.

I think he means cringe as in "this guy thinks he's so cool that's why he slowed it down" but I agree with you it 100% helped the flow and those slowdown moments were more hilarious than any like "cringe" self aggrandizing "I'm so awesome" etc


Game has more players now than it did in 2016. That's a pretty strange definition of dying!

Sorry you're getting flamed, would suggest you mute everyone and keep having fun learning the game.


Originally posted by _Psyki

pee matches "speed" in the item stats and poo matches "spooky" in the item active description, I would imagine

This is accurate!

The item shop’s behavior can be recreated with a bit of data. Notably: http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/9.24.1/data/en_US/item.json and http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/9.24.1/data/en_US/language.json (or as appropriate by patch and language).

This is a reflection of some of the data the game uses. We’d just need to combine it a bit.

The League item shop makes a “searchable key” out of: An items name (“name”), colloquialisms for that item (“colloq”, which you’ll notice is often “;”, this is important), adds a “;”, and th...

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