League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Dec


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

Oh my god, I've been blessed. Thank you for this.


Originally posted by TheDarkestShado

I would just like to say that you did an absolutely fantastic job here. Not only does Thresh feel like the spooky boy he should, his animations are so clean and look so visually exciting. Whatever they offered you for this update is not enough. You should have the option of a small team to do this if you don’t have one already. This was completely unexpected but I am awestruck, especially as a former thresh one trick.

Thank you so much!


Originally posted by Earthliving

really great job on skele boi!

question tho, i noticed all thresh skins but pulsefire were there

was pulsefire made with this vfx in mind, or will it also be altered in some way?

Pulsefire will get the little circle indicators around the E, but the rest is fine, imo. :)


Originally posted by Zhearun

Happy Cake Day :)


13 Dec


Originally posted by Freakder2

But Thresh just came out like yesterday...

Btw: will they clean up the clunky aa-delay after a hook? Would be a great opportunity :-)

Thresh is over 6 years old tho... First champ that came out when I started playing. :')


Originally posted by gucci-legend

Bruh moment, hidden op if it keeps its hidden hitbox

Don't worry, SSW Thresh will get the base update too.


Whoa, this is incredible. Nice ink!

edit: How much did that arm ditch hurt? D:


Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

Happy cake day

Oh ty!


Originally posted by Seneido

not sure if doinb would be in discussion without tian and crisp imo. still think that rookie, caps, doinb and faker were top4 easily but who is higher or lower depends on perspective.

Doinb was hard carrying RW with Flawless and Killua a year ago...


Originally posted by crochetri

Hi! Working on it should be available on etsy in a few days!

Yay! DM me your etsy name. I'm very interested and know a lot of other Rioters would be, too.


Originally posted by Hellioning

More excited for this than Ruined King, though that might be because I really liked Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

That’s ok - thats why we’re making a range of new games :) We don’t expect every game to be everyone’s favorite, but hopefully each game is someone’s favorite


Originally posted by Dino_SPY

It doesn't matter what percentage it is, it's the fact that there's an automated execute in the first place. The fact that it's 20% just makes it even more ridiculous. You don't automatically get executed at 100% just for existing near someone with Elder buff. I don't get what's so hard to understand tbh.

An automated execute that you don't have to actively interact with aside from killing Elder to gain the buff is just bad game design in general. You can't really play around it aside from waiting it out or avoiding a fight unless you want to give up objectives/map control for free, but that's not always possible. That's what I'm getting at.

I honestly can't believe it was implemented in the first place or why some seem to be okay with it, but this is reddit after all; biggest echo chamber on the internet.

Tell me why you think Sivir deserved to die completely off-screen to something she can't counter aside from running away (which clearly didn't even work),...

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Sivir would have died to old elder with 4 dragons, just, faster! She also face tanked the Zac for most of the fight tbh, so there's that too.

Make no mistake: I understand the mechanic completely.


Originally posted by Waterstealer

good shit my dude.

guessing by your username the deadbeat draven rumor is probably intentional ;)

Draven's not Sett's dad.

God is Draven cool though.


Originally posted by agentcheeze

Does it make you feel proud or disappointed that new Pantheon was heavily banned in pro-play for a long stretch?

Personally I love new Pantheon. So close to old but also very new, fairly simple pattern but with some little hidden tricks, and highly benefits from map knowledge. Plus that base move speed is so precisely perfect for his pattern it feels like even a slight nerf would ruin it but you can move around comfortably where it's at.

Before it got a couple nerfs I used to rock the support Pantheon pick. It was stupid fun.

Neither proud nor disappointed. He was badly OP on that patch in solo queue (particularly high elo) as well as pro play and the nerfs were easily justified.

I'm a little sad that his first time being enabled for pro was on the worlds patch, where we couldn't do anything to fix it and he ended up hurting the quality of the tournament.


Originally posted by Rimikokorone

Work really hard on warwick bugs next please XD

Are his bugs animation related?


Oh boy Oh boy