New World

New World Dev Tracker

15 Oct

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do not have any news to share at this time about standing up new server locations anywhere in the globe. If this changes we will announce that.

14 Oct

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

I entered a ticket so you get unblocked.

    Critias on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for calling these quests out, @naamtar. We’ll look at the quests - and possibly the encounters as well - to see if they need to be re-tuned.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Still stuck? I will open a ticket right now.


Hi again everyone!

I have an update!

So far, we’ve identified an issue that can cause some of the rarer versions of what we call “core” resources (wood/metal/hide/fibers/stone) like Petrified Wood to be significantly more rare than we would like. The issue doesn’t just affect Petrified Wood so we’re digging in a little more to see what we find.

These types of adjustments require some extra design and QA attention, so right now we don’t have an ETA on this specific change that I can share. However, we are working on the issue and you can expect some tuning in the future once we’ve thoroughly tested its impact.

See you in Aeternum!


Nous avons bien reçu vos signalements sur les comptes de “gold farmers” et l’utilisation de bots dans le jeu. Nous les prenons au sérieux. Pour assurer une expérience équitable, nous avons pris des mesures pour supprimer des milliers de comptes qui ont été jugés frauduleux. Si vous pensez que votre compte a été retiré par erreur, veuillez nous contacter en utilisant le lien suivant (Contester un bannissement - Assistance | Amazon Games) pour corriger le problème.

En rappel, si vous envisagez de vous procurer une copie de New World, nous vous recommandons fortement de l’acheter depuis l’un de nos deux revendeurs officiels : Amazon ou Steam. Cela vous garantira que votre clé est authentique et fonctionnera correctement. Prenez garde aux autres sit...

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    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately I dont have any updates at the moment, but I will check with the team for some news.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Update: The world should be back.

Seems that the world ran into an issue :frowning:

We are currently investigating with a potential restart coming soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Abenteurer aufgepasst!

Wir haben eure Berichte über Goldfarmer und Bots gesehen und nehmen diese sehr ernst. Seid gewiss, dass wir uns immer für ein faires Gameplay für alle einsetzen. Als Teil dieser Verpflichtung unternehmen wir derzeit Schritte, um Tausende von Schlüsseln zu widerrufen, die auf betrügerischem Wege erlangt wurden, nur mit der Absicht das Spiel zu stören. Wenn ihr glaubt, dass New World irrtümlich von eurem Steam-Konto entfernt wurde, was möglich ist, kontaktiert uns bitte über den nachfolgenden Link, um dieses Problem zu beheben: Kontakt | Amazon Games

Zur Erinnerung: Bitte kauft New World nur bei einem unserer beiden autorisierten Händler (Amazon und Steam). Nur so ist gewährleistet, dass eu...

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    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

I’ve seen a handful of posts now asking questions about how our target selection works so I’m here to answer those questions! Most of our AI select their target primarily based on “threat” which is a score that is calculated based on various actions you do. These actions include healing a player (including yourself) with a spell, dealing damage to an AI, blocking incoming damage from an AI, and using a Taunt ability. AI will generally target the player who has the most threat at any given time, and that player will have the “aggro” of the AI. While you maintain the AI’s aggro, they will target you unless any of the following happens;

  • Another player generates more threat than you and overtakes the aggro of the AI
  • Another player uses a Taunt
  • The AI uses a special ability that will target someone who does not have aggro.

Now let’s quickly run through each of these scenarios:

  • In the first scenario, if Player A...
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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I feel like for your patience and frustrations they should give you more than that. I am so sorry. Will ping them again.


Atenção, aventureiros,
Temos recebido seus relatos e estamos entrando em ação!
Estamos tomando medidas para remover milhares de contas que foram consideradas fraudulentas, incluindo Jogadores “farmando” Ouro e bots.
Se você acha que sua conta foi removida por engano, entre em contato conosco aqui Apele de um banimento - Apoio | Amazon Games para corrigir esse problema. Obrigado por seus relatos e suporte contínuos.
Vemos vocês em Aeternum!


Aufgepasst Abenteurer,
Wir haben eure Anfragen erhalten und haben bereits erste Schritte eingeleitet, Tausende von betrügerischen Accounts inklusive Goldfarmer und Bots zu entfernen! Sollte einer eurer Accounts fälschlicherweise davon betroffen sein, könnt ihr über den folgenden Link Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen, Einspruch gegen eine Sperre - Support | Amazon Games um den Fehler beheben zu lassen. Für eure treue Unterstützung bedanken wir uns recht herzlich. Wir sehen uns in Aeternum!


Attention Adventurers,

We have seen your reports of gold farmers and bots in the game. We take these reports seriously and we want you to know that we are committed to ensuring fair gameplay. As part of this commitment, we are taking steps to revoke thousands of keys that were fraudulently obtained to disrupt gameplay. If you believe New World has been removed from your Steam account in error, which is possible, please contact us here (links: Contact Us | Amazon Games) to correct this issue.

As a reminder, please only purchase New World from one of our two authorized retailers (Amazon and Steam). This is the only way to guarantee that the key you have is authentic and works correctly. Beware of all other sites claiming to sell New World keys. We do not support keys sold by third-party sellers because they are often obtained thr...

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13 Oct

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ahhh gotcha! We can consider hosting the patch notes on the forums in the future but for now, we’ve just been hosting patch notes on our website so that everything’s in one place for that type of information.


La maintenance est terminée et les serveurs sont de nouveau en ligne. Merci de votre patience.

A très bientôt sur Aeternum !


Die Wartungsarbeiten wurden abgeschlossen und alle Welten sind wieder verfügbar. Vielen Dank für eure Geduld.

Wir sehen uns in Aeternum!


Final update:

I have been informed that all worlds are now available and maintenance is now officially complete.

Thank you all for you patience and understanding.



The following worlds are now available:

Bran Lesath
Mayda Mandara
Brittia Chryse
Jotunheim Dvaraka
Mardi Banoic
Caer Sidi Cassipa
Ishtakar Arcturus
Metsola Caspak
Glitnir Altruria
Kalevala Evonium
Zu-Vendis Nericus
Phaeacia Eridanus
Charadra Kerguelen
Kaloon Ravenspurn
Lethe Otuken
Malva Emathia
Ship-Trap Hellopia
Caprona Apis
Corbenic Perseus
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