Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

08 May


Originally posted by andrew_calcs

You already can

can conf


Originally posted by unitedfan1878

Amazing update. Any chance for shortcuts to a few clue steps, that are annoying to get to?

The step on the cliff next to Pollnivneach, and the step on the little Island northeast of Mos Le’harmless

Yeah I think there's loads more we could add in the future.


Originally posted by RubyWeapon07

looks like you guys forgot to unequip the echo boots from 1 def accounts, im still seeing them all over lol

Thanks for raising, the team is investigating this issue.


Originally posted by fishboy0099

When will the soulreaper axe QoL changes be put into the live game? It feels like one of the few combat things people universally agree is a good change. It shouldn't have to wait for the huge batch of other controversial changes to be implemented.

All the combat stuff will be released at the same time


Originally posted by dieselboy93

also, snakeskin bandana is still missing in-game crafting guide



Originally posted by KodakKid3

Is there a list of the new minimum/maximum quantities for lower level slayer master tasks? I’d like to update the wiki + a spreadsheet and see how it changes things

I've sent this over to the wiki team


Originally posted by ramfis7

Ironman crafting reblance should be a priority. There shouldnt be only 1 viable method to a skill.

How many people have unsubscribed their ironman after doing 70 crafting?

if you struggle to get 70 crafting on an ironman then that gamemode is gonna have you in for a world of hurt


Originally posted by Revlos7

Loving those zalcano changes, is the loot now better than pre-update if you opt for less xp? (99 mining here!) or is it roughly the same? Also, when is instancing coming? Don't like bots crashing full teams

Loot + xp is the same as before if you don't opt out of resources.
Hopefully crashing isn't as problematic with the forced down changes, group sizes should feel more flexible now.


Originally posted by Vagrant_Isaiah

The failure rate on Paladin and Heros for pick pocketing does not seem reduced, in fact the paladins seems to have been increased. Paladins had a 71% chance of success (before the update) with the most viable setup and these guys are slapping me around ardy

(First hard clue in 181 pickpockets)

LOW:12 HIGH:150 to LOW: 35 HIGH: 160

LOW:8 HIGH:120 to LOW: 33 HIGH: 140

LOW:6 HIGH:100 to LOW: 28 HIGH: 122


Heya, could you DM me your characters name, want to look into why this has happened.


Originally posted by ThatFinchLad

Just to confirm the MTA changes aren't going live today? I've been putting off B2P.

They should be live right now.


Originally posted by Qqslag

Volcanic Mine

  • Solo trips are now more viable!
    • Solo runs have reduced varients on vent destabilisation.
  • Added the Mining Outfit to the Volcanic Mine Reward Shop.
  • Removed both the Kudos requirement and the reward claim requirement.

Variants or variance? I would never make a spelling mitsake, so this is inexscewsable /u/JagexSarnie



Originally posted by thgril

On similar lines, do you know how the agility ticket requirement for the mourning's end part II list is being handled?

Just been told that the quest should check for the new tickets.


Originally posted by [deleted]


3 Saves on Runite, sounds insane - maybe that's just me though.


Originally posted by Leagueofufc

When will these changes be implemented into the live game roughly? They all look amazing

In about, 10 minutes


Originally posted by bassturducken54

When you guys post here, is there a team of you chilling in a room on Reddit and twitter addressing comments? It’s cool to see multiple jmod replies in one thread, wondering if each question has a designated responder or something.

We do have an update call where we all can chat and monitor an update, I'm in one right now! Then there's normally at least one CM that will reply to things and then it's up to other members of the team if they want to interact etc :)


Originally posted by Jaguaism

  • Mining Gloves reworked to make them more desirable. Mining Gloves are guranteed to save a rock X amount of times dependant the tier of Gloves and tier of Rocks.

Small spelling error in the newspost u/JagexSarnie

That word always messes me up, thanks fam!


Originally posted by lukwes1

With Hallowed Sepulcher, is running up to floor 5 also buffed?

Only 3 and 4 have had a buff, but running all the floors hasn't had the XP/hr changed.


Originally posted by rinayuna

Are those changes still coming?

They'll be coming still, just require more time as our intention is to do a beta test too.


Originally posted by WhatTheHai

I feel like the Penguin agility course was left out from receiving Marks of Grace, any reason why that is?

We thought that we'd leave it with it's niche of being the best way to get the pet. Same with the Wildy Course giving you GP and Sepulchre having a bunch of rewards.