Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

15 May


Originally posted by PlebPlebberson

When can we possibly see the elder maul special attack animation?

Not long now! I can say that Mod Hend has done an amazing job on it though, maybe go annoy him on twitter to spill the beans early.


Originally posted by Jioxas

Massive thank you to Mod Arcane for the task storage changes. Huge.

Glad you like :) I think it's pretty neat


Originally posted by SillySquanch

Please make the gloves work with sandstone! I would happily swap the xp for those sweet delicious buckets of sand!

Yeah we will be looking to make expert tier gloves work somewhat on sandstone specifically. Should be acceptable XP wise and still provide the nice QoL for getting all your sand.


Originally posted by Tetrathionate

The text says that pickpocketing changes include medium and hard clues from gnome, paladins and HEROS, were ELITE clues missed from here?

And wasn’t last week’s update already a nerf to the fail rates, is this week a FURTHER nerf?

Hi, just clarified with Mod Arcane and yes this is a typo and Elite Clues are also included in the buff. For context I've been on Sailing, so when I read this job it was a bit unclear to me about the change - that's why it was missed. I am amending the newspost now to reflect it and apologise for any inconvenience!


Originally posted by buymyshrimp

"Note that the ability to swap tasks is locked behind a one-off fee of 1,000 Slayer Points, although it will be free from then on."

does that mean another 1k points?

No if you've already unlocked it, it doesn't have a cost. :)

14 May


Hi all, I know this has been a longstanding request now that many of you are using the launcher and we've been doing more regular maintenance.

Whilst we do have the status page and socials, you rightly point out each time that they have their flaws and they're not the ideal solution.

I can't give you a date just yet, but I am happy to confirm that the team working behind the scenes on the Jagex launcher have confirmed they're working on getting this information made visible from the launcher itself.

Until then, please do keep checking the status page as we update that as soon as we're able to!

09 May


Originally posted by BabylonDoug

Can this be added to the news post?

I'll see if I can, gotta love a chracter limit 🙃

EDIT: Added


Originally posted by DRTwitch1

Is there a particular reason it was changed for Sandstone and Granite?

This method with the Gloves was giving XP rates higher than a lot of other methods which for something that is very low intensity goes against our goal of making the Mining Landscape better overall.


Just gonna copy this over for anyone who didn't see it:

We’ve made some recent hotfixes from the latest Game Update:

  • Fixed an issue where Brimhaven Ticket dispensers XP rates were wrong
  • Removed the ability for the mining gloves to work on Sandstone & Granite
  • The Pirate Hook is now correctly adding to the Collection Log



yeah the tagging xp is off by a factor of 10 currently, will look to hotfix this today.

08 May


Originally posted by biggersausage

Any chance we could get our 1000 slayer points refunded if you had previously purchased task storage?

we didn't change the unlock fee, only the actual storage fee.


Originally posted by Doctor_Monty

do you like hot dogs sarnie? urgent time sensitive question here

Yes, but Sarnies > Hot Dogs


Originally posted by LostSectorLoony

I'm guessing that you're correct, but it could also be read as referring to where the alchemy spell is being cast from. "Players will no longer be warned when casting Alchemy [...] from within this room."

Don't worry, this only applies to Mage training arena items. Your rune pouch is safe.


Originally posted by The-Swahn

Love that you guys updated slayer task storage, but is there any chance of making it possible to swap tasks?

It'd be cool to swap my current task with my stored one.

would be nice qol to do in the future for sure


Originally posted by pastwarrior

I got assigned earth warriors from Mazchna before this update, will that task be canceled or will it still be my task?

it will still be your task


Originally posted by Aunon

This is an amazing update with some potentially far-reaching and long lasting effects

Agility xp/hr buffs, Falador hard only needs prospectors helm, Efaritay's Aid might be useful?!, Guthix Rest aren't cancer to make, useful shortcuts

How faster are the shortcuts

at least 1 entire tick


Originally posted by iroryyyy

Did I miss something about the fossil island shortcut? It was proposed as.... "Fossil Island - Zip-line from the House on the Hill towards the small island where players can dive for Underwater activities. Requires 58 Agility." But I noticed its not in todays blogpost.

honestly I tried for quite a while to get this one to work, but we have issues animating players over map loading lines and I couldn't create anything I thought looked acceptable. Simple options would just be a fade to black and you magically appear on there but I that felt a bit too poor for my liking tbh.

Would like us to revisit this again in the future and maybe a better dev than I will come up with a creative idea to get around our tech constraints.


Originally posted by Lizzie_BTW

Gnomes have had their pickpocket failure rate reduced and now have an uncommon chance to provide Medium Clue Scrolls.

Is there a point in giving them a 1/20k clue drop?

no, that's why it's not 1/20k.


Originally posted by dark_cat

"Lumbridge elite diary now offers double wire when being thieved"

what does this mean

when you thieve at either the wire machine or in the goblin chests, you get double wire