Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

08 May


Originally posted by reGilth

So I'm in the middle of grinding out a Pirate's hook, I have 300 "old" tickets saved up. Are these now useless? Or will I be able to purchase the hook with a combination of old tickets and new vouchers.

I raised this with the team and although there's nothing that will do that atm, we're going to look into be able to convert them into the new tickets. Hopefully will have more to share about this soon.


Originally posted by __infi__

Readjusted all versions of the Mining Gloves and their prices.

Will there be a refund for people who bought it already? Damn I just bought it last month oof.

Unfortunately no refunds for anyone who have already brought the gloves.


Originally posted by Bookluva12

Any update on the kebbit rumours? The nerf killed all enjoyment of rumours for me and i know it was the case for many others. I know there had been mentions of some discussions about it. I know they can't necessarily go back the way they were before, but adjusting deadfall or tracking kebbits would at least make it less painful to do.

I'm unsure of any further discussions that have been had among the team, but I'll raise it when I have a chance.


Originally posted by Fribb

Typo in the Plushie section

"You have until midnight GMT on April 18th to get your hands on these fluffy FashionScapers IRL."

Thanks for the flag, this has now been fixed.


Originally posted by hirmuolio

Something is wrong with the news feed.

The "Group Boss - Varlamore: Part Two" news from yesterday is shown as being the newest news while the uptade for today is shown as being second newest news.

Also the RRS feed didn't trigger for the boss post yesterday. Today the RRS feed notified about the boss post when the rebalance post was published.

Yeah, that was a mistake on my end, as I yeeted the HTML of this newspost on the Group Boss one. 🙃


Originally posted by Gruner_Jager

Is this out now?

It will be once the downtime of 30 minutes it done (roughly around 12pm BST).


Originally posted by GetsThruBuckner

Just wanted to say your sae bae cast episode was very enjoyable

That's very kind of you to say fam!


Originally posted by tztok-xik

when does the magic rework and elder maul changes come?

Soon (TM) - joking aside, it shouldn't be too far away, but I can't confirm any ETAs just yet.


Originally posted by SPARKLEOFHOPE6IB

Amazing changes. Any ETA on when the monkey room in TOA gets it's update?

Can't give you an ETA but I can tell you it's coming alongside the Combat updates for Project Rebalance. Shouldn't be too long.


Originally posted by glisteningoxygen

The Coal Sack now has an upper cap of 108 Pay Dirt


Correct and changed!

07 May

06 May


Hey u/Disastrous_Ad_2153

u/Friendlygymgoer is correct, there are a few different reasons we may lock accounts, but the most common is due to suspicious logins. Without knowing the specifics of the account in question it's hard to say for certain, but on the off chance that a hijacker had gained access to your account, I'd recommend doing a security sweep including:

  • Check your email is fully secure and not accessible to another person (I'd suggest 2FA for your email too) I'd also encourage you to review the inbox rules currently in place on your registered email address. If your regi...

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Sorry to hear this. I've flagged this to the team for review but could you also kindly contact our tech team here? They will be able to take a look at this for you. Thank you for your patience!

-Jagex Support

04 May


Originally posted by Jagex_Melora


There's been a lot of misinformation / incorrect assumptions on the thread so I just wanted to clarify that if you have not yet upgraded to a Jagex account and a hijacker upgrades your account, you need to contact support here.

Once we verify ownership of the account, if you are the owner we will get your account back to you.

Where I think people are getting confused is the stance we have on accounts that are already Jagex accounts (and have been made so by the original owner), which is that there is no manual recovery option, to prevent hijackers from accessing Jagex accounts secured with 2FA.

I hope this helps.

Also, just copying this from a previous thread of mine regarding how to keep Jagex Accounts safe!

In order to get you started on the best foot possible with your Jagex Account, I've included some security guidance below:

Your Jagex account is only as secure as your email is. As there is no manual recovery method for Jagex accounts, if you lose access to your email, you may lose total access to your Jagex account. Therefore, I'd recommend having 2FA set up on your email, as well as your Jagex account.

You need access to your email to access your Jagex account. Brand new emails set up purely for the purpose of your Jagex account are great from a security point of view, however it's worth keeping in mind that many email providers will close email accounts after a period of inactivity, so even if you only use it for this purpose, make sure you're checking it regularly. We have a list of the most common domain provider polic...

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Hey u/WeatherLast6351

There's been a lot of misinformation / incorrect assumptions on the thread so I just wanted to clarify that if you have not yet upgraded to a Jagex account and a hijacker upgrades your account, you need to contact support here.

Once we verify ownership of the account, if you are the owner we will get your account back to you.

Where I think people are getting confused is the stance we have on accounts that are already Jagex accounts (and have been made so by the original owner),...

Read more


There's been a lot of misinformation / incorrect assumptions on the thread so I just wanted to clarify that if you have not yet upgraded to a Jagex account and a hijacker upgrades your account, you need to contact support here.

Once we verify ownership of the account, if you are the owner we will get your account back to you.

Where I think people are getting confused is the stance we have on accounts that are already Jagex accounts (and have been made so by the original owner), which is that there is no manual recovery option, to prevent hijackers from accessing Jagex accounts secured with 2FA.

I hope this helps.


Originally posted by b_i_g__g_u_y

Man this would make the lumby ring so much nicer to use to alch. Almost impossible at times during barrage tasks

Absolutely! Is one of the things I added it too. Be nice not to have to equip the thing to get access to it when bursting nechs :)

30 Apr


Originally posted by someanimechoob

See the other comment thread I started as it's directly what I wanted to know too! tl;dr ~5% higher drop rate on average.

It's not 5% higher drop rate on average, OP didn't give enough context even if the math is entirely correct. It's a 5% increase on the average drop rate only if everyone who does the content doesn't stop until they get said unique (which isn't and will never be the case).

The real number would likely be around +2% or less. Not only that, but that direct increase only applies to chase uniques, which people actually go for. You have to compute all the other uniques which will no longer drop because many people now finish their grinds earlier.

Overall, I'd be really surprised if it meant more than a +1% increase.

Yeah that is a great point, some proportion of people will stop before getting one.

Though this system would incentivise seeing it through.

That effect will be stronger for ironmen than it is for mains who quite possibly are very happy to stop. Examples like just doing Shamans whilst on slayer task for example.

I would reconsider the use of the word average! 5% is more of a cap.


Originally posted by SoAndSo_TheUglyOne

Wouldn't that just effectively buff the drop rate of everything that's rare across the board? What's the functional difference at that point from just buffing drop rates?

It absolutely does, it's a question of how much really - and how much is too much.

See the other comment thread I started as it's directly what I wanted to know too! tl;dr ~5% higher drop rate on average.


Originally posted by Girtag

Man good job you hit Kieren with the math hard.

I support this, especially for pets please.

I fished 986k karambwans post 99 fishing for heron in addition to 1-99 being before tempoross, 44k tempoross pulls for tiny tempor, and currently 8k GOTR pulls and no pet.

I'm always partial to some good maths! it was my education background :)