Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

30 Apr


Originally posted by metaCyC

Just ran some simulations of 100000 players doing CG for an enhanced weapon seed.

Without any changes, I got an average droprate of 400.2, min = 1, max = 5700.
With bad luck mitigation, I got an average droprate of 381.2, min = 1, max = 2275.


Interesting! So roughly speaking 5% if you are increasing drop rate as you described.

It's interesting to then think about the psychologic impact on players - ironmen presumably would feel more compelled to continue until they get the drop and would move on.

Perhaps mains feel something similar, if they're dry - it feels worth capitalising on your investment and seeing it through to completion. As much as the vestiges for DT2 bosses have other issues, there's definitely a similar 'sunk cost' thing going on there and players will feel they need to see it through or they've wasted time.

Ultimately that aspect is far harder to ascertain but I reckon it also ups the amount of kills happening and thus drops too.

I'm not that uncomfortable with the numbers here though, whether we can do something like this will ultimately come down to more than me - the team's view and naturally... the community as well


Originally posted by metaCyC

yeah no clue how you'd do this analytically.

Was how I was initially going to do it and then I realised it was going to be tough and I didn't have time quickly over lunch haha

Think simulating was definitely a good way to do it!


I've not sat and actually done the maths but what would it mean the actual average drop rate becomes?

With bad luck mitigation, the increasing drop rates for those who go dry would mean the average drop rate actually reduces from 1/3k, I think it's something we'd want to understand so to grasp the impact this kind of system has with respect to the economy (how many DWH will come in and be sold on the GE essentially).

I do generally agree that I think it is unfair that a handful of players will go disproprotionately dry and ultimately an item like DWH, an item like enhanced seed from CG are incredibly important progression points for irons, many will just quit the game entirely and give up if they are on that kind of dry streak.

There's also a culture of not catering to ironmen, I'd argue mains care to an extent too if doing the content for money but it is a sentiment that is made clear at times. There's a simplicity to drops working the way they do ...

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29 Apr


Originally posted by Nex_Sapien

While your at it do you think you guys could discuss the issue of cells not granting exp when recharging a full barrier? I understand it's to prevent player from spamming the nearest barrier, but a token amount of exp would feel infinitely better than receiving none at all because someone beat you to it. If the exp is lower than recharging a less than full barrier people will still play the game correctly.

Expect an update soon (tm) with some proposals which could alleviate this issue.


Minigame was initially designed to scale the NPC threats up to 100 players. A few months later we increase it to 200 (without spawning additional NPCs) to see if it overly affected server performance or caused any issues.

We're aware of the concern with the current player limit, the frustrations of waiting for the next game and the frustrations of not getting in even after waiting. Expect an update soon (tm) with some proposals which could alleviate this issue.


Originally posted by IvarRagnarssson

Hey, quick question if you can answer: how do you make sure the lore you’re bringing in, as small as it is, doesn’t conflict with existing lore/potential future lore?

We usually just ask around the team, check wiki, or if we miss things they can get picked up in team sprint reviews or playtesting.

Generally just having game knowledge can help with this too


Originally posted by Jaguaism

Hope you guys will be able to revisit GOTR QOL changes soon!

Soon (tm)


Originally posted by furr_sure

Honestly having this teleport locked behind avg of 1k rift searches is insane

I'm always conflicted on this.

The goal of the amulet was never to provide a means of teleporting to the content easier, it was to tell a story. Later on with development in GoTR I wanted add random things you can pull out of the abyssal rift as a thematic, rare drops that would make players go "Oh, what's this?"

The amulet has a story attached to it and adds some lore to the Lumbridge guide which I thought was kinda cool. Then we got some feedback that it'd be nice to offer some benefit to it so I thought a teleport was fairly harmless especially since we already have a fairy ring near the content.

Then I got feedback post-launch that players felt like this should be on the collection log, so now it's in this weird place. I even see feedback every so often asking for it to be an infinite binding necklace but if it was a genuine meta-relevant reward for the piece of content I would never have made it so rare.

As a developer, I generally like to sprin...

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25 Apr


Just wanted to share something I'll be adding into the blog for more transparency:

Let's give you any example of how this would work:

  • Player is slaying Dagganoths in the Catacombs
  • Player's AFK timer hits 10 minutes, Dagganoths are no longer Aggresive
  • Player drinks a Potion of Goading
  • The player's AFK timer is reset and for the next 6 minutes, every few seconds the effect of the potion attempts to find a mob who's SW tile lies within the 8x8 radius of the player and automatically aggros them onto the player.

For unaggressive enemies like Dust Devils the secondary effect of the potion will attract any NPCs within that range towards you.

We expect this potion to be effective against most attackable NPCs, but will be exploring any areas (such as inside Raids, or against certain Bosses), where the effect should be negated.


Originally posted by TheIsaia

When listening to the SaeBae cast I was wondering where the aggro pot went! good change!

Hope you enjoyed it fam :)


Originally posted by Requiem_for_you

Aggro pots seems interesting. Can they for example work on Jad healers? but looking forward to them either way

The thoughts atm are just standard enemies, so unsure where Healers fall on that, but one to raise with the team!


Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

Just want to mention that I really like the approach y'all have taken this year with the more frequent communication. In years past, players would get frustrated by lack of updates and questioning what was happening. That's definitely not the case now - thank you and team!

Appreciate the feedback fam! It's definately something we've been trying to do more so, especially in the CM team.


Originally posted by Dvst_TV

  • "The Reagents Pouch will now function like the Herb Sack and be able to hold up to 30 of each secondary. We will be limiting where you can use this item."

Can we get more info on this? I'd rather have a worse but intuitive item than one that feels arbitrarily limited. Unless this is just another one of those things were someone finds a way to use this in the inferno for more supplies.

Edit: I kept reading and got my answer.

Yeah, we're looking at the biggest offenders I believe and will go that approach by limiting your use of that there, but if that changes, we'll let you know in the follow-up blog.


Originally posted by harperj

Will the balancing stages/blog be before or after the poll? Can see that having a major impact on how I'd vote on the content

The Herblore Activity has already passed the poll in our original Winter Summit poll. This will be polling the rewards so you'll get a more transparent view after we've polled the rewards and had time to test and the showcase them to you all.


You may have accidentally used a client that captured login or authenticator details. There are dodgy variations of Runelite that appear on Google from time to time, for example.

I'd recommend adding a new authenticator to e-mail and your game account. Change the passwords, remove any linked accounts etc.

I can see you've appealed, so it'll be a matter of time before support take a look.

24 Apr


Just want to jump in and say it's been awesome to see the engagement back and forth as we've done iteration after iteration. To me this is one of the things that really makes OSRS special. It makes sure we tweak, adjustments, compromises and ultimately do something as aligned with what the community want as much as possible. Ideally we'd be as spot on first iteration, but if we aren't it's amazing that we can do this and find better solutions.

I know we haven't addressed quite EVERYTHING we could do with such a project, but it's not quite feasible for us to get to every problem be it minor or major in one go! We're doing what we can now and in future it's good to know there's scope for further improvement.

These sort of tweaks - buffs/nerfs and such are always so hard to do. There's so much emotional investment from everyone and so many views to consider. Personally happy with the amount of positive change we've managed to talk about across these blogs and I'm looki...

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Originally posted by xHentiny

The main issue is when is when is the next time we'll get a chance to discuss all these changes? Project Rebalance seems like the perfect time time hit the nail on the head with all these major balance changes now rather than waiting another 1-2 years for more changes.

There's so much more we can, want to, and will do, but we do not have the resource to include any more at the moment. The additional points we're seeing raised (as Goblin mentioned we already knew about most of them too) will surface when there is availability in the roadmap for them.

The team can only work on so much at once, and we're already at capacity with what we've included within Project Rebalance as a whole so far (especially with adding Run Energy changes back into the mix). Whilst this is definitely a perfect time to hit everything at once if resource wasn't a concern, the reality is we do have to consider how much we're able to deliver and how soon we're able to deliver it.

I hope players feel like we've been doing a pretty good job so far of delivering meaningful updates in addition to the staple content releases you've come to expect, so I don't imagine we'll be sitting on making further changes for years. That being said, it's important that we don't ...

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Originally posted by Gunnarrrrrrr

u/JagexGoblin any thoughts on my proposed suggestion to item weight rebalance as a means of opening up new reward opportunities through already in game mechanics related to item weight?

Haven't chatted about it with the team, I saw it and thought it was neat but also worried a little about it adding an extra layer of complexity or feeling 'bad' in cases where you might be punished for not just bringing your outright BiS to stuff.