Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

22 Apr


Originally posted by neoscooby6

Please don't make this like Giant's Foundry! While GF is great content that fixed a lot of issues for smithing, the actual gameplay experience is greatly diminishd by having to watch the UI at the top of the screen the entire minigame.

That entire beautifully designed room is great to be in, but all the player does is watch the top of their screen for the bars to line up. The progress bars should be on the actual machines themselves rather than all crowded at the top.

In PvM we are trained to watch for animations, shadows, color changes, etc. Boss battles would be flavorless if we were just watching their special attack loading at the top of the screen.

I think it will be different to Giant's Foundry in that aspect as the only thing you need to keep an eye on is what potion your making, so hopefully it gives more focus on the game world and less on the UI.


Originally posted by Picori_uim

Potion storage (POH, bank, etc) will not be allowed by UIMs? I think similar to the seed storage currently

I imagine this will be the case yeah.


Originally posted by AnotherInsaneName

Hello, Potion Seller, I am going into battle and I want your strongest potions.

You cannot handle my strongest potions!


Originally posted by darkrenown

In terms of how potion storage should work, I like the idea of it being tied to your house, so you would need to build the room in your house first, then you can access it from a new interface in the bank.

This could even be expanded to give you access to other house storage from the bank screen (costume/ armour wardrobes etc) which would make those alot more useful.

Genuine question, does having it inside of your PoH feel natural and would that feel weird having to go back to the bank for other supplies you need/missed?


Originally posted by mattbrvc

Potion storage makes me feel some kind of way

Go on... 👀


Originally posted by Shadzta

So is the herb minigame using your own herbs?

All the rewards look good!

Are the potion packs a random potion, or you would get to select your potion?

Yup, but just herbs, no need for secondaries.

EDIT: For your edit, it's a random selection of potential potions you could get from those herbs.

21 Apr


Really nice to see! Keep up the amazing work fam!


The Forlorn Homestead absolutely bangs for me, automatically going into a trance vibing to this song and sounding a bit FF7 like is the perfect combo.


Your account has now been flagged and all ducks in Gielinor have been warned of your presence. Beak careful.


Honestly, really nicely done fam! Good job!


Can't wait for the Matt Le Hans spin-off show!


Me and the missus are so ready!


Gz fam! Hopefully your next accomplishment isn't too far away ☺️


Originally posted by pringlesaremyfav

Gus Fring death

Might ask the artists about this 👀


Originally posted by Deep-Technician5378

Fair. Make this slightly faster, but increase Varlamore travel time to 1 hour.

I think that's only fair, getting there by boat will take even longer now.

20 Apr


Hey there,

I've taken a look into this and would like to clarify some things for both yourself and the wider audience this post might reach.

In relation to your disabled Jagex account, the account was disabled after the original creator of one of the characters on the account came back in to recover said character. I myself handled this ticket and returned their account to them, and disabled your account in the process as every other character on the account in question was created from a different email and country than your own, with no IP, billing or email match from you to the creation of those accounts.

As we have mentioned in one of our responses to you, we take the use of Jagex accounts to hijack other people's accounts very seriously, which is why the account in question has been disabled.

With regard to the 'maxed account that's registered to your email, which has now also been locked', I've taken a look at this and can see this ban coming...

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19 Apr


Hey u/baneplane69

Mod Melora here to help!

I understand that getting requests denied is frustrating, but it's an important part of our security process to prevent hijackers from accessing an account in this way.

If you're still having issues after following the advice provided in the 'denied' email, could you please reach out to the team using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help.

... Read more

Hey u/confident_tourist781

I can see this has already been taken care of for you :)


Hey u/Educational_Deal8646

We do sometimes see players lose access to their emails when they set them up this way, but if you keep on top of account management, and fire off the odd email from the account to another account, you should be fine.
Things to consider are:

Your Jagex account is only as secure as your email is. As there is no manual recovery method for Jagex accounts, if you lose access to your email, you may lose total access to your Jagex account. Therefore, I'd recommend having 2FA set up on your email, as well as your Jagex account.

You need access to your email to access your Jagex account. Brand new emails set up purely for the purpose of your Jagex account are great from a security point of view, however it's worth ...

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