Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by ElFtador

Hey Mod Goblin! Thanks for your time and effort! What's your favourite type of Goblin?

Goblin potion transmog 5. You're not getting a 'mind goblin' out of me.


Originally posted by Confident-One-5321

u/JagexRascasse so logging in to Account Settings on website is not possible without connecting it to jagex account?

If you have an RS account with the same email address as a Jagex account as its login email - no. The expectation is that when you switch to a Jagex Account, you import all of your characters to that account and then use the Jagex account to access them.


Originally posted by Nyaco

The app gets frozen when I try to log into a beta world on mobile. Is that an issue on my end or with the servers? I've already updated the app

Can drop me an RSN and I can pass it on to have a look, we want to do loads more with betas so ironing out stuff like this is really useful!

In the meantime, can you try logging in to a maingame world, searching for 'Beta' in your Settings and using the 'Convert save to Beta Worlds', then trying to log in to a beta world again and seeing if the issue persists?


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

As someone who cannot be bothered reading and struggling to understand this post, Will this make Magic BIS anywhere? Or does it just make it equally as strong as other current methods (range/melee)?

My read is that in some scenarios at some stages of progression, you might be better off using Magic than other stuff. Like it might be the case that you're better off using Water spells on a Pyrefiends task than some other gear setup, but that's not massively applicable to a lot of the players who are likely to vocally contribute to discussions like this.

But in terms of how it impacts existing 'established' metas, I don't think a whole lot really shifts immediately - the primary motivator is opening up future reward space so that we could release items or NPCs that switch things up down the line.


Originally posted by Proof-Cardiologist16

Skeletons feel like they should be earth weakness for the same thematic reason as crush weakness IMO.

Also I'd love to know the numbers of water spells dps versus demonbane dps, demonbane spells are already pretty niche I'd hate to see them completely outclassed.

Imagine a really windy day, except you have no skin and your walk along Brighton Pier leaves your ribcage in Stoke-on-Trent. Still not convinced?


Originally posted by AmbitiousMobile7168

Didn't see it stated anywhere, but Monster Examine or some variant of it should be added to the standard spell book because who's going to be switching to lunar just to find an elemental weakness then switch back?

We chatted about this a little but didn't land anywhere specific, still something I think we'd be interested in though! I was tempted to try and learn RuneScript and make some kind of a bestiary for Game Jam but CM often have other stuff to do during Game Jam and I'm not sure I'd be able to make something cool that wouldn't be criminally expensive (it's a lot of data to store on an item per account I think)!


Originally posted by Sledge1989

Any talk of making pages for the tomes more accessible since elemental will be more important now?

It's not something we've actively discussed yet, but think there are numerous ways we could approach it. Perhaps making pages just worth more charges (so you're not screwed over for already having a bunch and then just needing more) might work out, but would want some further discussion!


Originally posted by No_Atmosphere_1889

Are you still looking at changing the voidwaker? It hasn’t been mentioned for a while

It's mentioned in next week's newspost, but we also make it clear that we're not strongly attached to some of the changes and we're fully cognisant that the Voidwaker is probably the one we've been most requested to not touch - we'll see if that persists after the specifics are on paper!


Originally posted by Jaded_Pop_2745

Honestly the names are fine. You could do something artillery/standard/frail but that would be very confusing.

It's very good that you're taking things slow! I feel like there's been too much a 3ush to put out a lot of things every week, feels like a patch every 2 weeks once in a while outside of maintenance would be useful for big changes.

Can't wait for next week's post! I really hope you rework the BA BA puzzle room... So many people love everything toa but avoid doing it solely cuz of that one room (myself included) it just feels like the odd one out compared to the others. Perhaps some kind of agility oriented puzzle would be cool (where you have to cooperate with others to operate something and each part has certain agility obstacles behind it? Maybe something to dodge in-between. Idk I'm coming up w this as I go it's just an example lol)

If you read this is there anything on the mta changes? Also big fan

MTA Changes are in testing, think I said on this week's newspost in the replies that the aim was to get them out around our upcoming GameJam, so likely towards the end of April or the start of May - but no firm date has been set yet!


Originally posted by [deleted]


More than happy to say this list is total nonsense, though some of the bits on it don't seem too bad tbh (colour-coded Sally attacks, theming of the BSS w/ Prayer bonus, Yew/Magic comp bows, Fremmy armour themes - though they're kinda silly - are fun)


Originally posted by chatnoir11

Great changes. Obviously some of these things won't matter, who's using air spells at kree, but I'm glad there is uniformity and consistency being added to the weaknesses. Makes its a lot more intuitive

Yeah! I think some of the chats we've had internally and something Mod Kieren was talking to a few of us about the other day was thinking about things in terms of like, 'how are players going to feel about this in five years, will it have been a good thing?' and to your point of "who's using air spells at Kree" I feel like that kinda ties in? It could be the case that we introduce some neat reward down the line that maybe makes that the case and you feel like a badass just ruining that dumb bird's day by generating your own wind etc., is the kind of long-term thinking we really want to encourage!


Originally posted by patronising07advice

Just so long as blood is not classed as 'fire' and shadow is not classed as 'earth' PLEASE.

Smoke being Air/Fire is ok, Ice being Water is also OK, if you must. But blood and shadow are super cool and unique on their own.

Not the case! Initially we were considering something like this, but felt the unique effects of each of the Ancient Elements coupled with Ancients already having a unique identity by way of 'AOE', we didn't want to conflate the two spellbooks further!


Hey all! Beta worlds should be back online featuring some of the changes mentioned in this blog.

I've got a bunch to try and get done before the weekend so might not be as active as I usually am, but we'd be really keen to hear from you on:

  • NPCs that feel befitting of 'Standard' or 'Light' weaknesses for Ranged.
  • On that topic, alternative/better names for Heavy/Standard/Light

Obviously any and all feedback is welcomed, plus we'll have another blog next week focusing on:

  • Item changes
  • Minimum hit changes
  • Early-game Prayer changes
  • Autocast Delay removal
  • Some drop rate changes (note the Teleport Anchoring Scroll isn't included in these, but we are talking about this one internally)
  • Some changes to Verzik P2 and to the Path of Apemeken/Ba-Ba
  • & more, there's a lot of bits in there!

Thanks from all of us for all of the chatter and feedback you've given us on Pro...

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Originally posted by change-password

Coffee Stain studios is one of the best. goto 50 sec lol

Ps if interested satisfactory on sale for a little longer.

Coffee Stain are superb, both their current team and their former CM Jace! Their brand and tone of voice are something I absolutely love. I think Riot also do a pretty stellar job when it comes to their more 'bespoke' comms assets (stuff like Spill the Beans, Champion Spotlights etc.) though I don't keep up much with Valorant, can only assume it mirrors the quality of their LoL/TFT engagement.

11 Apr


Originally posted by Radu47

An anecdote to sum up a key issue with chargescape:

I get a slayer task for 209 bloodvelds. Yay. Off to meyerditch. But first to prepare my setup. So I then have to make sure:

  • my venator bow is charged with essence

  • my ash sanctifier with death runes

  • soul bearer / soul and blood runes

  • my bonecrusher with ectotokens (bloodvelds occasionally drop bones)

On top of:

  • vyre noble clothes

  • prayer, ranging potions

  • runes for alching

  • cannonballs for cannon

Already a complex enough trip for just one task. Now almost twice as complex. Naturally very easy to forget one single thing and have to run all the way back.

I think one of the big keys is keep it special. Charges shouldn't be for every item. If something has a mystical quality especially, give it charges, but otherwise ideally avoid it.

I think you're right on the last point. Charges aren't an everywhere thing, there is a time and a place for straight up upgrades to your account's progression, like a levelup. Just to give some insight into why they are so tempting to add though:
We generally think new content adds variety and fun to the game, and we want people to have a reason to go experience it. We know people will generally only do content if it furthers their account goals, such as leveling up or gaining gp.

We also know that people don't like to "sink" gp into an activity for 10 hours until they finally get a unique, but they like uniques to be rare so they're valubale. We also don't want to keep relying on devaluing skilling supplies, nor do we want to inflate the economy too much by introducing too many alchables.

Charged items, or the resource used to charge them, tick all of these boxes. They don't affect skilling supplies, don't introduce gp into the economy, can be dropped often a...

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Originally posted by WastingEXP

I believe there's a "you are almost at 6 hours, are you sure you want to enter the raid?" warning. (this could be rl, idk) could that be applied to low charge weapons?

Rice's idea is neat though. would definitely feel way better.

Big fan of that. Wonder if there's anything more comprehensive we can do as well, maybe when withdrawing the item from bank, though that might get annoying.


Originally posted by Graardors-Dad

Honestly I feel like the idea that you have charges to make free items more valuable never actually happens and just feels bad. If I buy a bis item I want to use my bis item everywhere. That’s why TBow feel so good because I can use different ammo if I want to mix things up I’m not gonna go use my bowfa and keep a 1.6 bill item in the bank. Also like the quiver I’m not using a Ava’s if I unlock a quiver

Think that's a fair point. The examples where this is true are outnumbered.


Originally posted by WastingEXP

I believe there's a "you are almost at 6 hours, are you sure you want to enter the raid?" warning. (this could be rl, idk) could that be applied to low charge weapons?

Rice's idea is neat though. would definitely feel way better.

That's a great idea


Originally posted by SomeGuy1929

There is a runelite plug in that shows your current charges for many items on their inventory icon. It mostly works well but is a little buggy at times. Could something like this be built into the main game?

It would help alleviate the mistake of being mid-raid and running out of charges if you can see at a glance how many you have left simply by glancing at your inventory. Right-click examining and checking the chat box isn't a huge deal, but it can get annoying and is easy to forget to do

Yeah I think that's a really good suggestion, helps with the burden of worrying about it so much.