Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by 0rinx

The main reason I hate everything having charges is I have to start thinking if what I am doing is getting a big enough return to pay for the charges I am using instead of just putting on my best gear and picking what activity based on what I have the most fun doing.

Does corrupting an item just remove that for you? You still spend a lot but once it is done... it is done.


Originally posted by PeaceBear0

I gotta say I like the idea. You're basically making the true cost of the item base cost + corruption cost except that you're allowed to use it before paying the full corruption cost. You get a really satisfying feeling twice, once when you get the drop and again when you get enough to corrupt it.

It might be awkward for players that use the ge if they're used to selling and rebuying their gear and that might reset the corruption progress, but that's not any worse than what they have now.

Are you thinking of applying this to existing items or just future items? What about items that don't currently corrupt like crystal armour or blood fury?

It's the early stages of the idea so we're still gathering feedback. I think many of us on the team feel that adding it retroactively to other "Corruptible" items makes sense if we're doing it going forwards. Part of that conversation probably will involve "Were there any items that could have been corruptible that weren't made that way?" but it's not easy to give an answer off the cuff.

It's a delicate conversation because when we ask that question it touches on a lot of elements outside of the scope of just the items themselves. Are we going to ruin the gp/hr of a piece of content? Are we going to devalue/deprecate non-charged items that shouldn't be devalued? That's not to say it won't happen, but that there will probably be many case by case conversations. Sorry if the answer is a bit of a cop out, but in summary, we'll probably look into it!


Originally posted by PeaceBear0

I gotta say I like the idea. You're basically making the true cost of the item base cost + corruption cost except that you're allowed to use it before paying the full corruption cost. You get a really satisfying feeling twice, once when you get the drop and again when you get enough to corrupt it.

It might be awkward for players that use the ge if they're used to selling and rebuying their gear and that might reset the corruption progress, but that's not any worse than what they have now.

Are you thinking of applying this to existing items or just future items? What about items that don't currently corrupt like crystal armour or blood fury?

One outcome is we could absolutely go back and apply it to suitable items. Plenty of stuff to work out though if we were to do that.

Personally not 100% sure on the idea of corrupting currently not corruptable stuff - as long as it has the right cost I don't think it's a big deal. Normally corruption costs quite a bit, probably more charges than most players probably ever use!


If you have a Jagex Account and want to import the character sharing its email, head to https://account.runescape.com/game and then log in with your Jagex Account.

You will see an indicator near the Import button to show there's a character with the same email address ready to import.

Follow the steps to import the character and then you'll be able to access all of them using your Jagex Account email and password.


Originally posted by stopcopium

If the benefit is big, like Blood Fury healing 6% effectively, it’s almost warranted to have charges. But if the benefit is negligible, not really necessary.

We’re fine with Trident/Magic using runes since that’s how it was from the start, but for melee gear, you should get a big benefit if you want to add charges (ie. Uncharged scythe to Charged Scythe).

However, there should always be a good active way to maintain said charges. For example, if the only way to get Zulrah Scales was Sacred Eel fishing, it would be complete ass until you add Zulrah.

Likewise, if you could only mine Ancient Essence to upgrade imbued heart and Muspah didn’t exist. I think Muspah went a little too generous because the essence is basically worthless and could very well not exist due to how much is pushed out per kill.

People also like the idea of permacharge as a huge cost.

I think everything you've said is fair - it'd be obnoxious if the power of the item doesn't really justify needing charges.


Hey all, wanted to start a casual discussion about ChargeScape - we see lots of feedback here about disliking it. We want to learn and figure out a better approach for future.

Why do we do charges?

There are several main reasons we have offered charges in the way we have recently:

  • We want charges to add 'cost' to using powerful items (similar to arrows/runes). This creates space for free to use items which are less powerful.
  • We want unique common items to drop in drop tables that aren't merely alchables or skilling resources.
  • We want drops which will encourage longer term engagement with a piece of content.
  • Corruption is OK because it still encourages you to acquire a large quantity of the charge item.

We believe these are the problems

This is a mix of things we've heard you all say and things we also think:

  • It feels really bad to use charges when you ...
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To use the Jagex Launcher you'll need to follow the steps in this article to upgrade to a Jagex Account - https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001528005-Upgrade-a-Game-Center-character-to-a-Jagex-Account

Once you have done that you can download the launcher and log in using your Jagex Account email + password. You will also be able to log in on mobile using either the Jagex Account email + password or Game Center.

10 Apr


Originally posted by Rhaps0dy

In the case of goblin still reading these, is a Wintertodt damage rebalance still in the backlog or has the shipped sailed?

Ship has not sailed - it's still very much there for an upcoming QoL Poll!


Will pass this one on to the team working on Rebalance bits and see if it's feasible, seems a sensible change if it's easy to implement!


Originally posted by Duke_ofChutney

What's not correct is our statement that defeating all three bosses would provide an additional 1/56 roll at any item, for a total of 1/14. This is not the case and has never been the case

What exactly is the clarification here? That the roll is not for any item? Or that they're isn't an additional roll at all?

It's to say that the additional roll is not the case, was a slight error in communication with some of the rate stuff last week.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Correct, yeah!


Originally posted by mrb726

What happened to releasing rates for hunter rumours? Last week a jmod commented they forgot and they'd include it in the next week, but I don't see any mention of it.

What's the rates for rare hunter creature parts? Pet from rumours? Outfit from rumours?

They were retroactively added to last week's blog post, see here, just above 'Changelog': https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/varlamore-tweaks--drop-rates?oldschool=1


Originally posted by Practical_Ear_6936

Can we address the quiver bug soon, bows still won’t recognize arrows in the quiver if you have atlatl darts in main slot

Have made a note and will pass it on to the team to resolve!


Originally posted by jdaddy10

He's a great team player too!!! Goblin for pres

We all are, it's actually pretty important to me that people realise that nobody works in a vacuum and we succeed/fail as a team. Would rather people support (or not) the team holistically rather than singling out individuals on either side, the added pressure or potential to dogpile people isn't fun to navigate a lot of the time.


Originally posted by ltsMeSam

u/JagexGoblin I believe Mantimayhem is causing massive FPS drop and/or client crashing. Just experienced it at wave 4 with Mantimayhem Tier 1 activated.


Originally posted by A_Sunfish

Has been raised, we believe this is due to a RuneLite Plugin, anecdotally have seen some reports that disabling the Fortis Colosseum plugin from the Plugin Hub has alleviated this issue for people!


Originally posted by towelcat

The "old rates" column for Colosseum uniques doesn't seem to line up with the rates released last week. The previous rates implied no uniques were rolled until the end of wave 6 (1 in 108), but today's newspost lists 1/124. It also lists a unique rate for wave 12, so I'm assuming these are all off by 1.

What was the earliest point at which a unique could be rolled before today? End of wave 6 and awarded on successful completion of wave 7?

What's the first wave where uniques can be rolled now? End of wave 3 (awarded upon successful completion of 4) at a rate of 1/124?

Heya Towelcat, yeah you're right in saying they are all off by one.

Before today, the earliest they could be rolled was end of wave 6 (to be received on completion of wave 7). They can now be rolled on wave 3, to be received on completion of wave 4.

I'll look to tweak this on the newspost shortly :)


Originally posted by VBEARxd

Any ETA or update on the Varlamore Agility course?

Heya, unfortunately I can't give you any ETA just yet on the course, but once a decision has been made I'll be sure to let you all know and include it within a Varlamore Blog or something similar.

09 Apr


I won't go into detail about the Varlamore group boss but talk more generally...

Ultimately the issue is popularity of the content really, if there's only one per world you are either forced to group with people you may not want to group with or hop for potentially a long time to find a suitable world.

Some bosses can absolutely be designed to be 'group' content the way Wintertodt is, just turn up join in and get loot. That however is not going to let us do more hardened specific mechanics that may require the boss to be solo or fought in a specific team size. So do we then just have to let players sit and wait and hope they get in first?

The solutions we've tried are:

  • Many bosses but still on base map, like there are 3 Cerberus, there are 4 Sires. It just feels... very weird. It certainly doesn't make sense when it is supposed to be narratively one entity too.
  • Instancing is the other obvious solution which handwaves over narrative iss...
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Originally posted by Bigmethod

I'm kind of wondering why anyone would be against making a new method of training herblore for Ironmen when the current method is exp lamps and vague bankstanding. Can we agree that not everything in OSRS is good just because it's old?

Current herblore: High inputs/insane resources for high exp rates.

Proposed method: Mid inputs/low resources for mid/low exp rates.

This is relatively balanced -- give an option that averages 30-60k an hour based on player engagement and offer some decent rewards ala Guardians of the Rift that make the skill more palatable.

Reality: Herblore is a shit skill, and while I'm not advocating it to be balanced around Ironmen, it's especially dogshit for Ironmen.

The loop for ironmen is honestly really awesome. It feels so satisfying getting all these different resources from across the game in a variety of ways then being able to slowly level your herblore skill.

It's also incredibly rewarding as the potions are genuinely meaningful unlocks.

For mains it absolutely sucks, the whole skill boils down to go to GE, buy resources, Convert resources into potions, sell and repeat. It never changes except which resources.

It's pretty poor. It's fine, it's a simple buyable and not the only skill that operates in that kind of way.

Ultimately thus our question is how do we improve the skill without losing what it does that we consider awesome for ironmen but still add more meaning to it especially for mains - which are most of our players!