Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

25 Mar


Originally posted by TheArzonite

When designing new content, how much thought is given to potential emergent gameplay such as essence running, alting etc.? I feel like with essence running already being as prevalent as it is with the hlc, I'd imagine it'd atleast be a side consideration.

It's certainly easier to forget to think about in that it isn't inherent to the content itself. That said I think this is more a case of Varlamore is huge - there's a ton of content that was important for us to get right so the small scale new RC method just doesn't get the same attention in feedback from playtests and so on. That's totally on us for what it is worth to remember these things in future.


Originally posted by GodBjorn

Thanks so much for the reply. It's nice to know that the team is taking the feedback serious. I can also understand that a 40% buff to the existing meta was a bit much.

What about instead of limiting trading itself, we limit the amount of trades in a specific timeframe? So for example, a max of 1 trade per 8 seconds. This way you guys could control how strong essence running would be at certain places while not devaluing XP for us regular runecrafters.

This way (almost) everybody wins.

Artificially "no interaction with these new altars within x seconds of a trade" is totally possible too. It's just weird and there's no in game explanation for it really but the game is full of stuff like that. Both yours and this solution can be applied case by case too (leaving it permitted at other altars).


Think the feedback in this thread is fair about us being overly attached to existing meta. A general rule of thumb we think about is that it's controversial to change top end meta. We've seen that go wrong on many occasions and so there's a natural aversion to doing so. Perhaps we're a bit too conservative sometimes (though many will disagree with that too). I'll be keeping this feedback in mind personally to maybe second guess our assumptions more often.

Ultimately we were uncomfortable with how strong the method was, I don't know how accurate these numbers were for sure but apparently ~400k+xp/hr. A pretty substantial buff over the current top method (lava rune running is 280k xp/hr according to the wiki). Ignoring the requirements for lava runes, I think its reasonable to feel a 40+% buff to the top rate isn't okay.

The immediate response was to quickly address that by adjusting xp to be delivered per essence like most RC as the simplest method to fixing...

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Originally posted by Rough-Ideal9510

Good luck. We lost our lance due to the same issue. Got the same automated email response so I went to Reddit, and Mod Tyran said there was an automatic process that would return the item to us “shortly”…that was 45ish days ago but the lance still hasn’t been returned home yet.

Hoping you have better luck!

These should have been returned within 7 days, I'm sorry that they weren't. I've flagged it to be looked into

24 Mar


We definitely don't need more birdhouses, they're already an insanely effective xp/hr rate for Hunter! The Varlamore hunter content gives a genuine alternative that (at least once some immediate qol and crowding issues are addressed) feels so much more meaningful to play in my opinion.

Not that we're going to take birdhouses away from you but adding more would really undo some of the core goals of providing the new hunter content. You now have options, and in fact you can quite happily do rumours between BH runs if you so wanted both!


Originally posted by anon_couple2019

yeah its gone sadly, I put every password ever used, the dates of the membership codes i used, the amount of membership on em. etc. If it was a automated system it would work but whatever is in place currently is never going to let me get my account back /:

I appreciate you for taking the time out of your day to respond for me. 3 denials in the last 24 hours.

Hey u/anon_couple2019 if your requests are getting auto-denied and not manually reviewed, it means you're not providing enough of the basic information correctly for the system to push it through.

As I said in my first message - if the above hasn't worked can you submit a ticket using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help.

23 Mar


Originally posted by anon_couple2019

When i type in the email for the account and click recover, it says a email was sent to the registered email, in which i lost access to because of it being 2step auth'd (along with the runescape account itself) I'm not sure what to do, it feels like dead ends every way i turn in this situation. I can 110% prove its my account, but thats only by me talking with a JMod and telling specific account details that I wont type for the public lol. But you could fact check it and see.

I can provide all previous passwords, I used RS membership codes for the account, never used a CC. I'm still using the same computer, but different internet because i've moved houses. however, i can provide my old address to you.

I'll try again, wish me luck!! i would love it back. I spent a ton of hours at pest control to get my 99 hp cape untrimmed and then get maxed pure stats xD

but yes, i still use email: n***cc2711, 271111, 2711111 but 27111 i gave to my cousin. I can...

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So when you go to recover the account, if you don't have access to the registered email you need to do the following:

  1. Head to this page
  2. Enter in your login username
  3. Click the 'RECOVER' button
  4. Click 'contact Jagex support' when it says 'CHECK YOUR EMAIL'
  5. Complete the form with as much information as possible.

22 Mar


Just want to chime in to say the feedback is noted and also let you know that part of the reason for the inflated cost is that the armours last 3-5x as long as Barrows, the cost of both Barrows and this is based on charges remaining so the QoL of not having to charge it as frequently means it's total repair cost is higher. We can also look at lowering that though! Please let us know what you think!


Originally posted by bobly81

Well we've got it now. It's a brand new stat line called armour that directly adds or subtracts damage from all accurate hitsplats. We hit significantly more 1s on Eclipse (probably has a floor of 1, or could just be mega unlucky), and never lower than a 5 on Blue. Max hits also effected of course.

In retrospect we could have avoided a lot of trouble by simply opening our eyes a little wider, but it was also a lot of fun in the discovery. I have an imgur album here to tell the little story. We had pretty confidently deduced the info I gave in update 3, and were simply waffling about on how to figure out Eclipse's debuff (which we still don't understand LMAO), when someone in general linked the blog update. I flipped it open and sure enough, first bullet point under Perilous Moons is "Give a more fitting name to the 'Armour' stat on the new bosses." I snapshot that and another guy suddenly remembered a post from "Ed" (Mod Ed? Is ther...

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You hit the nail on the head with what we were going for. It's another balancing lever to creat fun niches. Right now, Ballista is bad everywhere, and blowpipe is best anywhere there's low defense. Flat armour is a tool we can use to make weapons relevant in different places. Assuming players didn't hate it! And yes also give multihit weapons a niche. I'm glad the discovery was fun :) and thanks for sharing the image!


Sorry I can't hang around long to reply - I've gotta jump for the weekend but will gather up comments and share them with the team next week.

On behalf of the whole team, thanks so much for all of your feedback with Varlamore and all of the kind words you've shared with us over the last few days. Have a fantastic weekend and look after yourselves!


Originally posted by witchking782

With max cape having so many teleport options, can we get last destination on it for QOL?

I'm not sure we even have the space, but I'll check! Items have a limited number of operations ('ops' for short) that they can have on them, I think Max Cape might be pushing it a little, but perhaps a keybind on the menu for just 'last destination' might work? Will share with the team!


Originally posted by virulia

in the original blog post, it was mentioned that you would be able to pay a fee of substantial hunter meats to make it so the quetzal whistle would have infinite charges. why was that removed?

Asked the team about this one and I think this feature was a little out-of-scope to deliver on time, but it's certainly doable in the future once we've got the more pressing fixes out of the way!


Originally posted by bobly81

If we figure it out would you be willing to explain the reasoning behind it? Whether that be balance or lore or whatever. As far as I'm aware this is the first time we've seen mobs that straight up change your max hit, and also do so at seemingly different amounts for different weapons.

Sounds like a fun incentive! Once everyone's figured it out reply to this comment and I'll try to shed some light on the design choice. You are correct by the way, this is the first time we've tried this. I hope you all like the idea!


Originally posted by AcanthisittaMany5451

what now lmao?

Hey, if you're unable to submit an account recovery with your previous login can you please submit a ticket from the link at the bottom of this page so we can take a look for you?


Hey u/Classic-delay8476,

I can see you have indicated you linked your OSRS account to a Jagex account, but it looks like you're going through our recovery process (apologies if i've misunderstood here) to regain access to the account.

As it appears you've upgraded to a Jagex account, the old account recovery system is no longer avaiable due to concerns about historic data compromise from other websites being used by hijackers.

Once you have imported your RuneScape character onto your Jagex Account, you will no longer be able to log in using the standalone RuneScape, Old School or RuneLite clients, or by using your previous login email/name.

In order to log into your RuneScape character once more, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Jage...
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Hey u/Tall_Ad9961

I've taken a look at this for you and it looks like your appeals are being denied as you aren't the original owner of the account.

I've cross referenced the information from the appeals with the data on the account and, while you have been on the account in the past, we can see that someone else is the creator.

I know this is disappointing, but our stance around shared and sold accounts are to minimise the chances of players investing time, money, and emotions into an account only for them to no longer have access to it in the future.

We are here to help and if you have any questions about accounts you did create, you can contact us any time.

- Mod Melora


Hey u/Highschoolhandjob

Thanks for flagging this - the team is currently investigating.

Have you been able to get on today at all?

The recommendation is currently to try restarting the launcher, but I'm aware that's not going to be a fix-all for everyone!

Thanks for bearing with us while we look into this.

-Jagex Support


Hey u/anon_couple2019

It sounds like a tricky situation but hopefully we can get you sorted, though there are a few hoops to jump through.

If you have access to the account but not the auth, you can remove the Authenticator through the registered contact email on the account.

It looks like you've indicated you don't have access to that email though, so you'll need to submit a recovery, which I can see you've said you've done.

Our recovery process is designed for players to get in touch with us and submit their details in a secure form, which we then review and make a determination about ownership of that account. If your request is successful, we'll apply a new registered email address to your account, which will allow you to receive the link to remove your...

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Hey u/sprouze

I can confirm what u/Jambo_dude has said below, if you've upgraded to a Jagex account, you can only access that account via the Jagex Launcher.

Here are the tips provided in our FAQ, for ease :)

  1. Head to the Jagex Launcher and log in to your Jagex account
  2. Click ...
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