Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

28 Mar


Originally posted by WastingEXP

any updates on varlamore agility while we're talking and tweaking agility courses?

Nothing new to share on that front. It's coming, just can't say exactly when right now!


Originally posted by Megamannt125

W so big Guthix woke up from his eternal slumber to witness it

That's one way to release an update early I guess!


Originally posted by Its_Frickett




Originally posted by masiuspt

Thank you for your (and the teams) hard work, Ayiza. This is a great start and I'm looking forward to the NPC Defence changes.

Very excited for this - it's a great time to be playing OSRS.

The NPC Defence changes is extremely exciting, I think it'll be a really good change! And the fact we'll be doing a beta for it means you get to try it out in-game too which will be so much nicer than just reading numbers :)


Originally posted by ValuableNecessary292

Error fix on this post: This post has two sets of xp for agility. The second table should be updated

Thanks for raising, forgot to update that one, oops :3


Hey all, thanks once again for all of your feedback on the last update (Tuesday 26th). I am happy to confirm that I've managed to sway the team into keeping the previously proposed XP rates you so keenly wanted to stay!

In addition to this, we've been able to bring forward the Run Energy changes so they will be part of Project Rebalance, but please keep in mind that these will come later in the year as we have to move a few things around (there's a LOT of content coming this year!).

I believe this is the last update we'll do on the general Skilling side of things as we move into NPC Defence changes next week and then continue with the rest of Project Rebalance afterwards! Exciting times!

27 Mar


Originally posted by traevyn

Thanks for the update! I’m always blown away by how levelheaded and chill your team is in the face of the band of absolutely screeching baboons this community is sometimes.

For me honestly I'm pretty immune to it, I just try and see through the emotion and what's really going on, what's annoying people, what do they actually want to change and why?

I mean to me this example is easy, it's already something we want to do, it's just about when and how!


As others have said, we were never going to bin doing run energy improvements - merely that we couldnt fit it in immediately as it will take more time & likely want a beta to make sure we're getting it right.

We've noted the weight of feedback though, we know it is what people want so we will change plans. We'll do what we can to prioritise it and bring it forward - we're working out where it can fit as I write this. It won't necessarily release at the same time as the other changes but shouldn't be far away either. Full confirmation on this & other tweaks will come in the next blog update.


Hey u/sigge00

Unfortunately, the advice you've received from others is correct, with a Jagex account, there is no manual way to recover it.

Jagex accounts were created with increased account security in mind, and as part of this approach, we acted on player feedback to remove the old account recovery system due to concerns about historic data compromise from other websites being used by hijackers.

While we appreciate your RuneScape character(s) are your main focus here, this ultimately is something you will need to contact your email provider about (as the service has been stopped, I would recommend reaching out to the ISP directly) regarding accessibility to your email address and subsequently your Jagex Account.

I understand that this is frustrating, but there's ...

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Hey u/osrsacid

Only accounts that have been upgraded to a Jagex Account are accessible via the launcher, so if you're trying to login using a legacy method (either email or username), you will instead need to use the RuneScape launcher which can be downloaded here.

However, if you do have a Jagex Account and the email or password is incorrect you will need to do the following:

- If your password is incorrect you can reset it using the instructions found ...

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26 Mar


Originally posted by Mak_33

Probably because no one likes it.

I think that's more down to the prayer drain aspect - you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Lose HP or prayer. Both suck.


Originally posted by doyouguyssellpaint

Is this project rebalance or project minimum effort bandaid? Cuz you might want to stop calling it project rebalance and start calling it what it is.

There's a LOT more to this project than just these Skilling related changes - next week we'll be talking about entirely different topics. We've had to be selective on how much time/resource we commit to each topic, but we feel like the complete set of changes will have a much better impact overall than focusing just on Skilling.


Originally posted by Rexkat

Wait... You responded to people asking for buffs to agility by... nerfing the proposed buffs to agility?? What?

Project Rebalance was never about straight up buffing Agility XP by significant amounts. As we said in this updated blog, our aim is to make Agility more rewarding and varied to progress through, not just faster. This means that our efforts are concentrated on giving players a wider variety of entertaining and XP-efficient training options.

We do know that many of you want to see Agility reworked in some form, and I imagine it'll only be a matter of time when we look to focus on that, but we need a solid foundation to work off and there are some big improvements that can be made before then (while we have the time and resource to tackle something like this rebalance).


Originally posted by MisterPulaski

Why no mention of having agility level actually impact run energy depletion rate or carry weight? Was looking forward to this after it was previously proposed.

It feels absurd to have the same endurance at lvl 1 compared to 99. A lot of players’ problem with agility xp rates is that the skill simply isn’t rewarding enough for the long grind.

We realise that we aren't able to deliver something that complex as part of this rebalancing project, but it was considered at the start and the team already have a solid proposal for how it'd be reworked. I imagine we'll be sharing news on that sometime, just no longer part of this particular project.


Hey all, I'm taking over this one for a while as Goblin is on holiday so bear with me as I'm not as close to the project as he was!

We spent a lot of time going over your feedback and the survey results to come up with these changes, so hopefully they resonate with how you were all feeling and we can move forward with some positive changes to various skills :)

25 Mar


Been tons of positivity around this and it's great to see. We're trying to make the regular QoL Polls more narrowly focused on individual themes (CoX improvements last year, MTA here). The goal being to create change that feels a bit more meaningful. In the past we've been quite broad like "a set of pvm improvements" but that can mean 1 tiny thing to this content, 2 tiny things to another. Whilst CoX today feels meaningfully better than before that poll.

That won't mean we stop doing other things too but do expect more of this kind of approach.


Originally posted by BocciaChoc

A general rule of thumb we think about is that it's controversial to change top end meta.

Am I losing my mind? the top end meta is paying for runners but that has no impact for 99.9% of the playerbase, I hate when you guys add something fun and nerf it because such a small portion of players cried about it.

edit: apologies, I'm being a little much, I'm just frustrated having my gameplay impacted by such few players with such niche and expensive methods.

I think that's fair! We'll get the xp rate right such that its appropriate for players doing it normally. We just needed to do something in the meantime.


Originally posted by PMMeJoshGordonPics

If someone wants to spend an absolute fortune for RC xp, it should just be okay.

We agree but even then there's levels to that. Is 200k xp/hr okay? Yes sure.

Is 5m xp/hr okay just cause it costs a bomb? I'd very much think no myself. Which implies there's a line somewhere in the middle.

The game is really about player achievements, we don't want to undermine player achievements by suddenly allowing people to get something far far faster than before (for the same cost as running at lava runes). i.e. pre update: 28m gp/hr for 280k xp/hr at lavas, post update: 28m gp/hr for 400k xp/hr at sunfires. Things do get faster over time but that's a hell of a jump.