Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

09 Apr


Originally posted by CyberHudzo

Herblore activity reward idea:

Eternal amulet of chemistry, or if thats too powerful, an amulet that could combine the charges of different amulets of chemistry.

Use the new 'Varla-MORE' flair to get this idea tagged properly :)


Originally posted by DPH996

Said a lot without saying a lot. New group boss, new herblore activity, no real detail around either. I’d have probably waited until you’ve got more to share honestly

We will have more to say about both pieces of content very soon, this post is mostly to gather your thoughts around the Reward Space.

07 Apr


Originally posted by NonbeliefAU

Thank you!

I don't suppose there's any data on the current driest iron? I'd very much like to know what KC I need for that god-awful mantel.

I couldn't say personally, I work in content development and not data and analytics.

I know others have had worse dry streaks in general, you're currently just below 8x, I've personally had an 11x (trident), I've seen as high as 13x.

The grind really matters though, 5x on an Ely is worse than 10x on a whip for example. Enhanced seed is definitely up there for a bad one to go unlucky on though!


That's disgusting, good luck with getting it soon, it'll all be worth it

06 Apr


We are likely to change the pouch to be empty able in the Hunter guild and thus can be used for recharging whistles :)

05 Apr


Honestly, I admit this was really bad wording on my part, and I can only apologise for that. As a lot of comments pointed out, Kieren did a much better job summing this up in yesterday's stream than I did within this post.

What I was trying to get across was that we made a mistake and I wanted to showcase how we're trying to be better - none of that is on you as players and I'm genuinely sorry if that's how it came across.

As always I really do appreciate your feedback, especially when it's something that doesn't sit right with you all, regarding either content or communication.

03 Apr


Hey u/Substantial_Way_7161

Could you please submit a ticket here so we can look into this for you?

Sometimes a recurring charge continues on a card but cannot be searched via the search tool you used because it's actually being paid through a third party payment provider (like PayPal) and our systems view them differently.

We'll be able to investigate further for you if you submit a ticket and can possibly refund any paid but unplayed amounts.

- Jagex Support


Hey u/broawaay

Could you please submit a ticket here so we can look into this for you? I'm not entirely sure what's causing the problem, it may be due to the email initially being deactivated by Google causing an issue on our end. We should be able to give you more information once you submit a ticket :)

- Jagex Support


Hey u/Tswatz,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the account recovery process.

Just so I've understood this correctly, you started the appeal process from email X (an email associated with the account) but did not receive an update to that appeal.

You then submitted an appeal from email Y (an email that is not associated with the account) and received an update, but that appeal was denied?

If this is the case there are a few things we can recommend, depending on the precise issue.

A) The issue is you're not receiving emails to email A. If this is the case; the most common reason for players not receiving emails is because they are either identified as spam, or they are being filtered from your inbox.

If you follow ...

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02 Apr


I absolutely love this feature lol, it's so cruel! Keep going though, you got this!


We're going to see what we can do to address this so you know how much you're about to spend before you do

01 Apr


Hey u/ChokaTot

Sorry to hear you're having issues purchasing bonds, let's see what we can do to help.

Given the issue is occurring across both mobile, and the website, If you have made sure that any potential issues with your bank/provider have been resolved, it's possible that we have rejected your purchase attempt for security reasons.

This isn't anything to worry about - but there are a few things to check:

  • Try using a different Debit/Credit Card
  • Try an alternative payment method – both PayPal and Credit Cards work in similar ways so we would recommend both of these methods
  • Wait for a minimum of 24 hours after seeing a failed attempt

Hopefully this helps you make the purchase.

- Jagex Support


Hey u/krhill112,

Mod Melora here!

Happy to provide some additional guidance here, with the knowledge of what can cause issues with Jagex accounts.

Things to consider are:

- Your Jagex account is only as secure as your email is. As there is no manual recovery method for Jagex accounts, if you lose access to your email, you may lose total access to your Jagex account. Therefore, I'd recommend having 2FA set up on your email, as well as your Jagex account.

- You need access to your email to access your Jagex account. Brand new emails set up purely for the purpose of your Jagex account are great from a security point of view, however it's worth keeping in mind that many email providers will close email accounts after a period of inactivity, s...

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28 Mar


Originally posted by ImKruptos

When do these changes go live?

They should be live in the next few months. I don't want to give exact dates just yet but I imagine the majority will be done in May, with the Run Energy changes going live after then!


Originally posted by Kresbot

THANKYOU for taking this feedback well and adjusting it accordingly

Thank YOU (collectively) for providing it! <3


Originally posted by WastingEXP

any updates on varlamore agility while we're talking and tweaking agility courses?

Nothing new to share on that front. It's coming, just can't say exactly when right now!


Originally posted by Megamannt125

W so big Guthix woke up from his eternal slumber to witness it

That's one way to release an update early I guess!


Originally posted by Its_Frickett




Originally posted by masiuspt

Thank you for your (and the teams) hard work, Ayiza. This is a great start and I'm looking forward to the NPC Defence changes.

Very excited for this - it's a great time to be playing OSRS.

The NPC Defence changes is extremely exciting, I think it'll be a really good change! And the fact we'll be doing a beta for it means you get to try it out in-game too which will be so much nicer than just reading numbers :)