Statistics showed the Twisted League Relics were fairly balanced in terms of pick rate. Now, that doesn't mean they are balanced on paper, but it showed that there was at least a diverse desire for the different Relics.
It's impossible getting all Relics to a completely balanced state, because so many systems and strategies feed into the power of the Relics. But I can assure you we're doing our best to create interesting and fair picks for the players and hopefully we end up with a diverse, fair pool of choices.
We're doing two concrete changes this time around to improve the over-all balance of Relics. Passive effects are the first addition we're doing, to make sure all "boring, but strategic" choices are free for everyone no matter which Relic they pick. That's why you won't see a Relic that just boosts all your XP by x5 this League. Secondly, we've categorized the choices so that someone can't pick the "PVM route" because the over-all balance favours PV...
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