
Outriders Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Originally posted by Asappp12

Didnt see it in the list, but using the T3 Armor Mod "Pain Transfer" with either T2 or the T3 "Damage Link" mod drastically reduces framerate. It truly is unplayable with either of these combos equipped.

T2/T3 Dmg Link works fine on its own, along with Pain Transfer working fine on its own. But NOT together.

Hope this can be fixed because it seems like a deadly combo

Thanks for the info - what platform is this on? I'll ask if we've encountered it


Originally posted by Napilitan

The DX12 were kicjing and screaming about isnt random. Just scan through the posts. Everything was fine for me before the pqtcht.

Also fyi hunt the prey bug isnt fixed yet despite the claim the previous patch

It's random in that it's not clear why it's affecting some people but not others and, so far, we haven't identified the root cause. It's also random in that different fixes work for different people.. to the extent that doing opposite things can help!

For some people, deleting the intro movie helps, for others restoring it helps. Wut?


Originally posted by Igglez83

Hello! Thanks for the questions!

For 1. - This isn't something I've come across before but I'd be keen to hear if other players have a similar experience with it? It's not on our radar, but I wouldn't want to disregard it if its a big problem for many players.

For 2 - we first want to see how these buffs will affect the meta and set usage, but we are teeing up a review of sets in future, just to see if there is anything obvious that needs to be done even after these buffs.

Thank you so much for the quick reply! I had made a couple posts about the "flashing red" effect when getting shot and saw a lot of people agreeing it was way too much causing a strobe effect and making it impossible to see after a while. Would love a way to turn this way down!

Thanks again!

Understood - I'll try and have a look into your profile to see if I can find those threads you mention, but feel free to also pass them on here as a reply!


Originally posted by mooseeve

Why wouldn't it be possible to make it skipable? Technological or legal?

Technical, as the game does some loading while it plays.


Originally posted by Penguinfrank

Ash blast has had it's base skill cooldown reduced by 5 seconds, from 27.5 to 23.5 seconds

Should that be reduced 4 seconds, or to 22.5?

4 seconds is correct. Math is hard.


Originally posted by MidClubGamer

One small item to add to the Issues List:

The “Gifted” node in the middle class tree for the Pyro is currently not working. If you click on it and then view your Anomoly Power you’ll see that it doesn’t increase like it will with the other Gifted nodes. There’s a post on this issue from several hours ago (12-15hrs) by u/jjang_goo.

Thank you for all your work on this game 👍

Thanks, will take a look!


Originally posted by CombinationOk7202

Ash Blast

Ash blast has had it's base skill cooldown reduced by 5 seconds, from 27.5 to 23.5 seconds

Ummm........so 4 or 5 seconds? ;)

But buffs look awesome, can't wait! :D

4 seconds. Math is hard.

22 Jul


Originally posted by Fresh-Cup3729

  • Mods and Resources may be lost This issue appears to be quite rare, making it very hard for us to reproduce it and identify it's cause. For anyone affected by this, we recommend getting in touch with our Square Enix Support Team (sqex.to/support), who now have appropriate tools to be able to grant you specific mods and resources that you may have lost. Our support team will also be able to gather the appropriate information to aid us in our investigation.

Looking forward to the fixes and the character buffs!!

I’m wondering if this is something that applies to the mods or resources being lost. I finally got the seismic commander helmet for my devastator and broke it down as that was the last mod I needed. However when going to look for the mod it shows that it never gave it to me. This same thing happened on my techno as I broke down the torrential downpour chest as that was the last mod I needed for that character and it seems that I never received the...

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Interesting to hear... Could you DM your gamer ID and what time and time zone you dismantled but didn't obtain the mod?


Originally posted by TRBOBDOLE

Disappointing that you still havent removed the awful gear score system, and replaced it with a real loot system.

Uninstalled it stays.

Same post as every week and same answer from me as last time.

There are a ton of things that we are looking at and considering based on player requests and feedback.

This is not one of them. It's not something that will be changed.


Originally posted by DisastrousCarpet1891

as much as i appreciate the buffs, and fixes ( looking forward to finally run an FP Devastator with infinite golem) and even more nuking maps with my Ashblast Pyro,

FFS why do you take the equipped gear out of the reroll ?? i am missing the borealis crown on my techno, and i am getting so many duplicated pieces already except the crown ( yes i know that helmets are the rarest) , people are missing the first drop for most of the items they are looking for, and after the first drop the stuff is usually dropping like candy, so reducing the the chances to receive something unique to get another piece i already have with not even having the guarantee that it will have better stats ( which in general is not a game change) . i am waiting for all the posts whining

"i received now my 10th deathshield drop, but the FP is always lower than what i already have, and i am still not able to clear CT15s Solo Gold " is grinding my gears...

Based on the previous feedback received when we suggested the change, the majority of players appeared to be in favour of it. If it causes huge pain for everyone, it's something we can revise, but let's see how much it helps for now. There have, after all, been a few changes that sounded egregious on paper but actually turned out quite okay when experienced first hand in the game.


Originally posted by Igglez83

Hey u/thearcan thank you so much for this. Just a couple quick questions.

1.) Is the team planning any QoL to turn down the red flashing effect (or ideally turn off) or does the team not feel it is an issue? For me at least the blindness it causes is 90% of the reason I die and it gives me headaches. Hard to regen health when you can’t see anything to shoot.

2.) Is the team planning any modifications to set buffs? Right now with each class the set bonuses for all but one set are incredibly minor so no one uses them. Would be great for build diversity to make the set buffs more significant.

As always, thanks for your hard work and continued transparency!

Hello! Thanks for the questions!

For 1. - This isn't something I've come across before but I'd be keen to hear if other players have a similar experience with it? It's not on our radar, but I wouldn't want to disregard it if its a big problem for many players.

For 2 - we first want to see how these buffs will affect the meta and set usage, but we are teeing up a review of sets in future, just to see if there is anything obvious that needs to be done even after these buffs.


Originally posted by iHelpt

Well %$#@


Change it back, we won't tell ;)



Originally posted by -Certified-

Some nice buffs, still feel like Eruption needs looking at.

Also, tier 2 mods that have been buffed (stand tall etc) will be much stronger than some tier 3 mods (anomoly echo) so maybe that needs looking at.

Set bonuses need sorting next, some are massively underpowered.

Some good changes though.

Set Bonuses are up for consideration next, but we'll want to first see to what extent these buffs already affect things as these changes could impact how much certain sets get used.


Originally posted by engineeeeer7

Those are some spicy buffs. Looking forward to them.

I apologize if you've addressed this recently, but are there any plans to be able to lock gear? It's very hard to manage multiple builds and the sheer number of drops without being able to lock gear.

Locking gear is on that rather long list of "things we know you guys really want and we want to do them to but we're not yet in a place to talk about what will be possible regarding those QOL improvements but we hopefully will be in that place in the not too distant future."



Originally posted by Kyosume

Can you guys also add a skip button to the intro movie? This intro also crashed my game everytime I launch it.

We're aware that players would like to skip the intro movie and it's something we'll look into if possible.

For the time being, switching to DX11 may help you get around the crash. It's not caused by the video itself, but by a background process.


Hello everyone,

Welcome to another Dev News Thursday!



  • Patch News
    • tl;dr: No patch today while we continue to investigate the current crash issues
  • Upcoming Fixes and Buffs
    • tl;dr: We've shared some preliminary patch notes of what's in store with this upcoming patch. Tasty buffs!
  • Ongoing list of currently tracked issues
    • tl;dr: List has been refreshed with latest tracked issues that we're investigating

Patch News:

Our latest patch is mostly ...

Read more External link →

We've identified a temporary issue with some of Outriders online components and are working on this - sorry for the inconvenience!

You can track this here: https://status.outriders.net/


Hello there! Sorry to hear you're running into this issue.

Here are some steps to help fix this for the time being, but I would really appreciate it if you could send me your DxDiag file for us to take a look at.