
Outriders Dev Tracker

16 Jul


Originally posted by Magicmykle

Yes my NAT settings are open I always do a cache clear. The only way I can get onto my main account is if I log in on a different account, then switch accounts. I never get to play or grind the game because it’s too hard to get on.

Thanks for the confirmation - Couple added questions:

Are you on a VPN?

Do you have to do the alt account workaround with every launch?

And finally, do you find that you will regularly get disconnected from the game mid-play session?

I'm tracking a few other cases similar to this. We unfortunately have not been able to reproduce this block on our side at all, despite trying to do so for a long time, so looking into affected players accounts is our only lead.

Can you please also DM me your gamertag?


Hello there, could you confirm whether your NAT settings are set to open?


Originally posted by MercwithMouth82

Read more

Apologies if you feel ignored, that's not the case at all. There is just so much traffic that I have to keep an eye on that individual cases can often slip through the crack unless I specifically come back to check on them. What are your support team ticket numbers please? I'll get in touch with them to review your case.


Originally posted by TheShadyXL

By the way, u/thearcan. Is the Hunt The Prey stuck on activation bug the one where you can’t shoot and use abilities? Because if it is, I can confirm it’s still present after the latest patch and can send you my footage.

Were you playing a solo game or as a client in MP?


Originally posted by Infinite_Chemistry_4

Thearcan can you tell me why is it that you guys nerfed the legendary drop rate around a week after you guys released a patch that increased the legendary drop rate. Me and other have seen a significant drop rate decrease in legendaries, we beat ct 15s and get anywhere between 0-2 legendaries. can you answer this post please?

We didn't.


Originally posted by Cerberus136

I just logged in for the first time in 1-2 months. Checked my weapons for the Community Appreciation Package and am....very puzzled.

I received 4 god roll legendaries, yay! Except:

  • 2 of them were identical 'The Juggler's when I already had a level 49 copy in my inventlry
  • A third was a Voodoo Matchmaker, of which I've already had, I believe, 2 of.
  • The 4th is a new weapon (for me): The Guillotine....so I guess all is good??

Welcome back!

The first two were likely from our inventory restoration.

The third was from the appreciation package v1.

The fourth was from the appreciation package V2.


Originally posted by Joemend246

Hello i havent received the new re-release of the appreciation package ive checked my inventory and my stash didnt find anything and my game is updated i have received my two weapons one from the first package is the juggler and the second weapon i got from the second appreciation package was the landlubber i was just wondering if this is correct and if i should've gotten anything from the appreciation package on june 24th

Sorry, if you got two weapons, wouldnt that indicate that you did indeed get both appreciation packs?


Originally posted by CaptainDune

100% crash rate after update.

PCFs 0% success rate with patches is still intact. Sad.

You should be able to temporarily resolve this if you switch to DX11.


Originally posted by DriagoNatas

Any word on when we may get a fix for borrowed times blocking rezzing for trickster's?

Yep, it's being investigated.


Originally posted by lubekka

So, quick question, i heard somewhere the plague sower set bonus just doesn't work, is it true? Has that been fixed? Is it on your radar?

Another player provided some reproduction steps for this issue, which the team will take a look at. It's currently unclear how consistent a perceived issue with it.


Originally posted by Conkerhero

Thanks for constantly updating the game! it means a lot. My only complaint is that it still takes me about 7-10 attempts (10mins or so) to properly login even after this most recent 6GB+ patch today. I am still testing the process so don't take my word as final. It just sucks having to restart the game multiple times. I cannot complain too much though as I am on Xbox using Game Pass to play Outriders and so far my brother and I are really enjoying this game. we LOVE THE LEGENDARY WEPS/100% DROP RATE EVENTS so keep those coming and don't stop improving. I can't wait for what's next. Have a good week everybody!

Sorry to hear about your Xbox login issues - Could you confirm whether your NAT settingsare set to open?


Originally posted by OneSleepyAzn

Hello, I'm not sure if this is a pre-existing issue or if this started happening after the latest patch. I'm noticing that Cryo Turrets will fall through the map floor and Cold Snap will not always proc correctly. The cooldown for Cold Snap will start, but the visual effect and the freezing mechanic do not work consistently. Here is a quick clip during the second phase of Outriders' Legacy to show you examples: https://youtu.be/FMJDIv\_qvTI

Turrets falling through the geometry is something I'm tracking today - thanks for your video, thats very helpful!


Originally posted by dudeimlost21

The update broke the "Grand Opening" perk. I use it on Deathshield and Molten Eidola. It only works some of the time now. Much more inconsistent than its been. There are times where I back up just to reload and trigger the perk and it still doesn't proc.

Would you be able to record a video where you observe this happening? Having that will allow us to replicate your scenario 100% on our debug kits which can then provide logs.


Originally posted by vintagedan

I don't know about freeze, but alpha perforos get caught in time rift just fine. Then you shoot them just once and they free themselves, it doesn't happen with any other enemy as far as I can tell (human or monsters).

Currently, I have these mods affecting my time rift: double time, Geiger's wave, and another one, pain transfer and long range.

Thanks for the additional detail - I've passed it on as an added avenue of investigation or perhaps a separate bug.


Originally posted by xXxAm4t3ra5UxXx

I have this problem here on XSX. It's annoying cause it's one of the last accolades that are left and I want this last emote finally. Please fix it soon.

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?
Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.


Originally posted by Electrical-Car912

Always stuck at 99% in this accolade since weeks. All entries journal accolade is done 339/339 even if some dont' show and are bugged (or deleted like I've never got them) since they've been marked as read. Is the last thing I need in the game, this legendary emote but impossible to get it until this 99% progression accolade is bugged. Please fix this.

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?
Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.


Originally posted by -L3ppy

I have multiple accolades bugged. Progression is stuck at 99%, Legendary Outfits is stuck at 94/95 though I have all 93/95 armors in inventory and the 2 not in inventory I dismantled for the mods so they have been found. Item Management is saying I have 14/17 accolades completed when I actually have 15/17 done. Accolade level says I need 5 more to reach level 30 but there are only 4 accolades marked incomplete (unless finishing all accolades rewards an additional to reach level 30 accolade). Messaged support and after no success in resolving issue the last reply said it was forwarded for further investigation. Hope you guys figure it out soon, I wanna sit on my throne!

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?
Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.


Originally posted by Psychological-Rip231

Just sent it

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?


Originally posted by SilensMort

I think this is related. Shortly after launch Xbox accolade progress was reset for me and I don't think I have received all progress back yet. Gamer tag: Silens Mort

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?


Originally posted by Chrono_OP

Item Management Accolade stuck at 99%. Enquiry #00094850. Supports only solution was to re-install game. Any way you can help me out?

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?

Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.