
Outriders Dev Tracker

16 Jul


Originally posted by AdOk229

Stuck at 99%

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?

Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.


Originally posted by Kenni57rocks

Thank you daddy thearcan, we appreciate everything you and the team do for us ❤

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?


Originally posted by Truth_Me_In

Hi, thanks for your quick reply.
Please tell me where to find my ID.

Hello! Did you DM me your ID?

If you haven't yet found it, it would be your PSN or Steam ID. Or your Xbox GamerTag.


Originally posted by Censora2

I've had this bug for a few weeks now. Stuck at 99% on the progression part of the accolades, says I'm 36/37 total accolades completed in the tree even though all accolades are finished. Read that it might be not having talked to Tanner with my "main" character during the prologue, so I made another character and did so, but no fix.

PSN: Censora

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?


Originally posted by Bitter-Bar1837

Bonjour la meme chose je suis bloquée il me manque un personnage de eca dans le journal merci

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?

Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.


Originally posted by RavageHD

I currently have the 99% progression accolade even with every challenge completed, but I am also having an issue with the "legendary outfits" accolade. Have triple checked that I do indeed have a copy of every single peice of legendary armor on my characters yet my progress is stuck at 94/95.

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?

Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.


Originally posted by SynysterKLS

And how o Cam solve this?

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?


Originally posted by TKrev

I did yesterday. :)

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?


Originally posted by midvitnir

Only accolade I've had issues with is the read all journal entries one. I've finished all missions and expeditions and collected them all but still won't pop. Hope this helps :)

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?
Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.


Originally posted by sam4939

Definitely, thanks. Just DM'd you.

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?


Originally posted by Tokimori

"Progression" accolades stuck at 99% because "Supremacy: Progression" is stuck at 36/37 despite all other accolades in "Progression" being completed.

I've already gone through support and their only recommendations were restarting the game to be up to date, rebooting the console and reinstalling the game. None of which worked.

I hope that this can be remedied because this is the last accolade I have to unlock for Level 30 Accolade rewards.

Hello! We're currently still investigating the bug, but our support team has attempted to manually trigger your accolade. Can you confirm that this happened?

Note that this would only be possible if you DM'd me your gamer ID.


Originally posted by -Certified-

Just run the mountain outpost expo with turrets, happens constantly on the 2nd part with the brood mother and crawlers.

Are there specific map tiles where it occurs in this area or can it be anywhere? Can the same spot on the map be okay one second and have a second turret fall through immediately after?

Basically, what I'm asking is: Does the turret fall through because of broken geometry or because the turret itself becomes something that can fall through anything.


Originally posted by AhmedAbdu

The Picture is a bit big (so you can see everything in detail). Here:


Great image, very helpful - thank you!


Originally posted by Ching_Roc

It needs to not be called anti-duplication. It's misleading. What it should be called... one reroll if you have it and it could be the exact same thing system

one reroll if you have it and it could be the exact same thing

Bit of a wordy name isn't it...


Originally posted by WhiteWiddow1022

Ikr lol the one hidden improvement is better than their whole patch notes idk why they didn’t feel like this was worth mentioning in the notes

My bad - It's something I missed while macheting my way through all the individual internal notes.


Originally posted by Ok-Communication-220

Saw a guy who was clearly 50 but his level said 1?

It's a bug that is on our radar!


I don't think I've come across this previously, but if it's on maps with crawlers, I wonder if it might be mitigated when we resolve the issue that is causing performance issues when Crawlers are on screen (which is part of our next patch).


Thanks for the report - I made sure that we're investigating this! Thanks to /u/electricweiner for raising this in the main thread yesterday.

15 Jul


Was the first player fully AFK or might they have been in menus?


Originally posted by pcross1

Any fixes planned for the Unreal Engine 4 Madness crashes that have made this game unplayable for some? I've tried every fix I can find with ni luck, uninstalled it until I see a fix. Or is this just assumed to be the players computers causing it?

Yep, that's the issue we mentioned this Tuesday and that we're trying to expedite a fix for. Here are some steps that have helped other users:

If it's a persistent crash, please try the below:

- Please try switching to DX11 mode. You can force this with the following if you don't get the option automatically:

- In Steam : Outriders Demo -> Manage -> Properties -> Launch option-> Write the below in the textbox without the " "

"-force -dx11"

Additionally, please check whether your intro movie has been renamed or deleted. If it has, please try renaming it to it's original name and launching the game then.

We are already working on a fix for this issue and will implement it as soon as we can.