
Phasmophobia Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by Decicio

Yay! Most of the bugs we saw last we played are in these fixes. Any word though on the bug where vr players sometimes spawn outside of the van?

Hey, we will hopefully get this into another bug fix update tomorrow

07 Apr


Originally posted by iligyboiler

The sanity pills one is STUPID. Imagine new players earning 70$ on amateur, while spending 20$-80$ every time they use them. By this logic, you should also buy salt and crucifixes every time after you use them. Please remove, or add 80$ more reward for every map and difficulty, and introduce a new auto-buy system for sanity pills or something. Not to mention they made surviving a hunt more difficult, making it almost impossible NOT to use sanity pills. Why? New players usually die anyway,due to the mistakes they made, why made it harder for them?

Hey, this is going to be reverted in a patch later tonight


Hey, this will be reverted with the next patch later tonight. They will instead be made a consumable when we do the progression update.

04 Apr


Originally posted by StarWight_TTV

And most of us thank you for that. Also, whoever did the April Fools patch notes was freaking hilarious. Loved the "poltergeists will now throw players" lmfoa

Thanks, we all added parts to it. That one you mentioned was mine, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Hey, we understand why some people want this however we do not want to make this even remotely competitive as we want it to stay as a fun cooperative game.

18 Mar


Originally posted by Drix22

I don't want to have to bounce lobbies to see options.

Unfortunately it's not possible to show you the options before joining without sending a massive amount of data into the lobby which would disconnect a lot of people


Originally posted by ImDeadInside

I'm really excited about the new updates, I really fell in love with this game.

I have one request: can you please add the players to the "Recently Played With" on Steam? sometimes I'd like to add people I play with on random servers but it's hard finding them especially if they crash before we could exchange discord handles or Steam profiles.

They're found here:

AFAIK this is only possible for peer to peer games and not games with dedicated servers however we will look into adding this in eventually.

20 Jan


Originally posted by SpiceD-

Does fix #4 fix the thing where if your flashlight was on right before entering a locker, the ghost would know you were in there? Or do you still need to turn it off well before getting near the locker?

Hey, yes this will fix this bug as well

15 Jan


Originally posted by sathelitha

Happens frequently, ill post them from the photographers side next and tag you.

Hey, can you please DM me on discord when it happens next with screenshots from the person who took the photos

11 Jan


Originally posted by ceej-jupitor

It's definitely not just me, been on lots of forums with equally frustrated peeps that can't play. Crashes during every load for a map. Got nothing helpful to say? Maybe leave it alone.

We are currently in the middle of upgrading to the latest stable version of Unity which will hopefully fix most crashes

10 Jan


Originally posted by Kougeru

I loved the audio bug in solo since can't mute mic which is ridiculous. I have a chronic cough but my XLR doesn't have a mute button on it. I can rarely play solo because a cough will kill me. I don't understand why solo mic is always on

Hey, next update will allow you to use push to talk in solo


Originally posted by aguadoy

50 minutes trying to hear the special sound of the banshee with the parabolic microphone, always pointing directly at the ghost, without success. Bugged?

They are bugged at the moment, it is fixed for the next patch


Originally posted by jaxrains

If you crouch and run at the same time, sometimes you will move in a different direction than you are running. It feels like you get caught on something invisible or something like that. It seems to happen randomly, but it might have something to do with the carpets I’m not sure. It has happened to me and my brother and it happens kind of often. It happens in non-vr mode, I’m not sure if it happens in vr I haven’t tested it yet.

Oh ok, I know exactly what is causing this. It's not an easy fix unfortunately and is a problem with how the player physics are handled. It will be fixed eventually however it's not a big priority at the moment.


Originally posted by jaxrains

Have they fixed that weird crouching bug yet?

Hey, which bug is that?

23 Dec


Originally posted by reckonerX

/u/cjdxn4 what all is entailed in VR optimization? Any chance of teleport locomotion like in Alyx and other VR titles? I find the movement in VR makes me really sick and this is the only game that has that effect on me

VR will be getting a complete modernisation of locomotion, grabbing, physics etc.

01 Sep


Originally posted by Imperatorjonah

I find most of the positions on vr items to be uncomfortable, lefty here and the worst offenders are photo cam, strong flashlight and video cam which look like I'm breaking my wrist to hold them.

(also please allow always full speed movement in vr, we're sick of dying to poorly optimised movement in what is otherwise such an enjoyable experience)

I've been looking into this for the controller based rotation however for now you can fix it by swapping to head look rotation in the VR settings on the main menu.


Originally posted by dakodeh

Will the Index implementation of the auto-sprint be fixed in a future patch? Setting SteamVR bindings is a royal pain and I can almost guarantee most people won’t even attempt it.

Index controller support is very limited at the moment since they did not exist when I started working on the game and Valve changed the SteamVR input system for them which Phasmophobia doesn't support so unfortunately it can only be fixed when we upgrade to OpenXR which won't be soon. A custom binding is the only way to fix it for now.


Originally posted by ClayWatney

It feels like the flashlight is going through my hand. Just like the example image above. I want the flashlight to feel like I'm holding it, not like it's replacing my hand

Ok, thanks. I will fix it for the next update which will probably be tomorrow.


Originally posted by ClayWatney

Well, you tried at least. Please make it optional. It's really, really bad.

Can you confirm what is bad? Is it the rotation of the actual model or just the hand visual?