
Planetside Dev Tracker

25 Mar

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sad_forlife

I have video footage of the bug where shield in front of vehicle spawn pads being misaligned is an actual gameplay problem, where is the best place to report it? I don’t expect it to be fixed since it has been in the game since DX11, and I am 100% sure you devs and 90% of people that play this game know about it. But still.

We're aware of this one, and it's on our list of things to fix. Like you said, it was brought on with the DX11 update. The reason the gates are offset is an issue with bad code that we want to be able to address correctly.

We could definitely go to every base in the game and bandaid their current positions by shifting the NPCs down, but they're in their correct positions in all of our tools, which means we'd have to unbandaid everything again later. Given the relatively low impact on gameplay, it's a better time investment for us to wait on code resources to free up and take a look.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AgentRedFoxs

They should keep it so it does damage. A player base can be taken out in a matter of seconds with the bastion. The Glaive only has a 1000m range and cant fire in no deploy.

To be clear, we are keeping it so it does damage. Bastions themselves should never be taking damage directly, and should only be taking damage when hardpoints are destroyed. Those are the bugs we're cleaning up in this update, both with the Glaive IPC dealing damage directly, and the physics collisions dealing damage (in some cases insta-gibbing the Bastion.)


Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,

The game update publish is currently in progress, but it looks like we're on track to unlock at or a bit before 10am (Pacific) / 5pm (GMT).

As I mentioned in my post last night, in addition to the prep work for Outfit Wars, we've made several bug fixes to War Asset crafting and server performance. Though we identified several individual server-related optimizations that should improve performance, there might still be additional optimizations needed.

Once the servers are back up and unlocked, please post any feedback here - ...

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Originally posted by Taltharius

Yes, pretty please.


/u/jgolenbo I would highly recommend that this be a QoL improvement for a future 'small' update; this sort of thing is what helps retain players between the 'big' updates.

Aye, agree with this. Definitely one of the ideas on our agenda once we can transition from hotfixes/improvements related to Escalation.


Originally posted by Ansicone

u/Jgolenbo I think you mentioned at some point that we can expect something in this space Soon™️?

Probably not in the near future, given some of the challenges immediately on our plate - both in PS2 and just generally, keeping ongoing live ops and future development on schedule as we adjust to WFH reqs. But Twitch Drops are absolutely an area we have ideas for going into our next major update.

That said, player retention is always a top priority, and we have substantial plans for that well beyond what we plan for Twitch - starting with improving performance and in-game stability, and moving rapidly to new content that...while we’re not ready to unveil it yet...we think the community will be majorly receptive to.

Keep the ideas coming, tho!


Hey everyone,

Its been a few days since the last time we discussed the general state of PS2 and what the Rogue Planet Games team is focused on this week, so I wanted to provide a brief update…

To say that this past weekend was pretty rough in terms of server performance issues would be an understatement. A lot of the feedback with regard to when the server performance tanked was centered around the Friday morning game update. We spent all weekend, yesterday and today combing through the various changes that went into the Friday update to determine what could have caused this. While there was no smoking gun, we’ve identified several smaller issues that are likely contributing to the reduced performance. There is also the possibility of the increased number of people currently confined to their homes that has resulted in a noticeable hit on overall internet connectively around the world. Over the weekend, our TechOps team noted that the EU region was seeing a 20-40%+ ...

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    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
All PC servers will come down tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25, at 6:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM GMT for the new game update and Emerald (US East Coast) server hardware upgrades. Downtime is expected to last up to 6 hours for Emerald, and 4 hours for all other server regions. Full patch notes can be found on the forums here.
    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
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24 Mar

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Jarazz

ghost-shell reloads

The ones that happen if you restock ammo at that moment?

That's the one.