Originally Posted by Ghostiid
I now have the same issue but not only on R6, Ac Valhalla and Odyssey as well. Older games like AC Rogue and AC4 run fine. all was fine few weeks ago last time i played now i just get black screens on all of them upon launching. ive tried every trouble shoot under the sun. Deleting games, verifiying files, deleting ubisoft, updating drivers and windows, uninstalling gpu drivers and reinstalling them, whitelisting all games on both windows firewall and norton firewall, made all games run high performance mode and high priority. Specs are 2080 Super ryzen 7 3700x 64gb of ram running temps in the 40s and 50s deg C. all parts in the pc are no more than 3 months old as the pc is basically brand new as well. Some help would be great. Please dont reapet yourself like you have done to everyone else in this string for the last 2 yrs actually figure the problem out as clearly its an issue.
Hello Ghostiid,
Welcome to the forums and sorry to hear you're having issues running multiple games!
Thank you for giving all of our previously suggested steps a try, if you're still encountering black screens, could you please open a case on our
Support Site and send over your system files? You can also reach us on
Facebook and
We'd be more than happy to take a closer look into your setup and investigate any additional potential causes further
Thank you!