Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

07 Feb

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bear:
To maybe fix the issue Castle should have an latch system, Roamer runs up to castle. Presses a button to open the castle 'Door', closes behind them. Pretty much a mini door attached to the castles.

I think this is one of my favorite Castle buff ideas. Well done!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dr. Necrofeelya: a c*cky teamate wanted to 1v1 me because I got more kills than him (I did not brag or taunt or insult him) and I thought sure why not could be fun. I picked rando characters (Tachanka, Recruit, P90 doc) not taking it too serious but it still trying to win. Results were 2-4 for me, so he non-stopped called me names, insults and ♥♥♥♥ like that. Now I'm really just ♥♥♥♥ing bummed out because 90% of players are like that, no matter the game I play and I'm just sick of it. Is there a way to mute people or not make them ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥s?

Hey Dr, thanks for sharing your experience with toxic players.

As generic as it sounds, ignoring people like that is your best option. Report them in-game for toxicity, mute voice/text chat for that person, and continue on with playing. These kinds of toxic individuals exist only to get into your head and ruin your experience. Don't give th... Read more
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Seen this a lot recently, so thank you for providing your feedback as well! I'll bring this up to the team. Which cosmetics in particular have led you to wanting to have all cosmetics disabled on your end?
Originally Posted by cwhitt02
All of the year one attackers have an elite...but not montagne. I dont think I'm the only one who want a elite for the forgotten soul.
What kind of design are you hoping to see in a Monty Elite?

EDIT: I've merged your new thread with this one since you commented on this thread.
    UbiTrenchcoat on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Auch, wenn du weißt, dass du hier falsch bist, schützt das deinen Thread nicht davor, verschoben zu werden, da weder Hilfe zum Gameplay noch technischer Support nötig sind. :steamhappy:
- Ubisoft Support
Originally Posted by Nick Witucki
One of these days I will convince my friends to form a Tachanka, Warden, Clash, Goyo and Castle dream team!
Dream team indeed! Who'd you play as in this scenario?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by twunny phaiv:
Originally posted by UbiYubble: *Sits back and observes thread.*
You're allowed to give your own opinion too, you know

I know, but I'd like to sit back first and see what everyone has to say before voicing my thoughts! I like the idea of a Yacht rework, although I think I'm in the minority when I say I enjoy it in its current state.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Fatal Cutie:
Originally posted by UbiYubble:
I'm assuming this is in reference to Maestro losing his ACOG? He's a 3-speed operator who isn't designed to run and gun. Ash, on the other hand, is an entry fragger. That role by definition means she's going to be on the frontlines 95% of the time she's picked.
Err... Maestro is a 3 armor operator MADE to hold long angles with his cameras and LMG aka the kind of person that should an ACOG. Ash on the other hand is 3 speed ...
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    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by gravity: If you down someone as Cav, and they leave while downed, it should count as a kill towards Cav. This is being abused way to hard. People leaving while downed so they don't get interrogated. Actually annoying as ♥♥♥♥.

I agree! I know it's frustrating as a Cav player to have someone you're interro'ing leave the match just because they're upset they got caught. I'll pass the feedback along. Thanks!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
*Sits back and observes thread.*
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by exanimalus:
Originally posted by UbiYubble:
Yep, and that's for balancing purposes. Siege isn't a run and gun shooter.
not a run and gun shooter... so why do you guys remove the acog from guns then? removing it makes it easier to run and gun

I'm assuming this is in reference to Maestro losing his ACOG? He's a 3-armor operator who isn't designed to run and gun. Ash, on the other hand, is an entry fragger. That role by definition means she's going to... Read more
Originally Posted by AceBooch5954520
Mute has a BB Gun, I wasted a whole mag on the weakest armor character and didn't die. 5 Headshots, yes I counted. Please ubi fix this piece of crap gun.
Hi there, welcome to the fourms.

Were you able to capture this in-game at all? The footage would be useful.

06 Feb

    UbiFate on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The renown penalty ends when the ban expires! So you will be able to gain the normal amount of renown once the sanction ends.
    UbiFate on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Draco Humble: no im meaning it disables running it doesn't even let you cancel the reload

Do you mean it forces you to be stationary while the reload animation occurs? Do you have a clip of this?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Carry The Label Guy: you cant run while reloading in general

Yep, and that's for balancing purposes. Siege isn't a run and gun shooter.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Being worked on as we speak! It's been mentioned in the Top Issues and Concerns dev blog post. [www.ubisoft.com]
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Strider: when are bans actually going to mean something?
Why do you feel current bans aren't having a larger effect on the matches you play?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Can I get a video of this so I can take it to the team? Thank you!
Originally Posted by KnightGhostbear
Seriously, just playin Terrorist Hunt and wow, Mavericks gun is absolute trash. High recoil, pretty **** damage, just yikes.

And if im completely honest, his skill isnt that useful either. You poke a hole in a wall and no one is there, its wasted. You poke a hole in a wall and they are there, all the AI just shoot your face off.
Have you tried slapping a Holo sight on it and seeing how it feels for you that way? When Mav first came out, I wasn't a fan of his M4 either. At the time, it seemed like the recoil was too much for my taste, but recently I've found myself being able to manage it pretty well, and all it takes is a bit of prac... Read more