Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

09 Feb

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Definitely a lucky shot. It may seem strange that anyone would just walk up to a window and one tap it, but what happened was exactly what that player wanted to see. Everyone loves getting kills in a lucky spray or pre-fire.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zikiel: i did a post about this 2 weeks ago or so and i have to do it again, i know devs are aware of this but i'm just speechless
so there is supposed to be a mmr system in CASUAL matches
my typical team: coppers, low silvers
their team: platinum III, I, even diamond
i hope ubisoft TRULY improves this mmr system or removes it completely
i can no longer play a decent match, came back to play from a long break and there isnt even a learning curve because the enemy team wont let you breathe

no i dont want to play ranked in order to get matched with an equal skill level
i want a fair casual match when u dont feel like playing ranked...

Hi Zikiel, thank you for sharing your Quick Match experience with us.

Yes, it's true the mode has a hidden MMR system. I've noticed over the course of the past few weeks players voicing how they feel about the syste... Read more
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Fallen: I agree. Let us kick the ♥♥♥♥ing cheaters out of our games.
Being able to kick cheaters from your Ranked games would be nice! It would probably help reduce the amount of cheaters in Ranked. That's if the other players on the cheater's team actually Vote to Kick and don't keep them around for free elo. The MMR Rollback would help counter that. :)
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The RaiderPlayz: Please add cross platform for PC and Console

This would be... very interesting. Multiple players who've played on both platforms would say PC players would have a massive advantage over those on consoles since it's easier to aim and control recoil with a mouse. I can understand wanting cross-plat between Xbox and PS4, but crossing over to PC could be dangerous.

What's everyone's thoughts on this?

08 Feb

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Stormy:
Originally posted by UbiYubble: There definitely has been an increase of Vote to Kick abuse unfortunately. The dev team has been made aware of this and are looking at additional ways to combat toxicity in our game.

If any of you have suggestions, please don't hesitate to share!

Disallow parties of four or five to initiate kick?

This might be something to look at. Unfortunately, 4 and 3 stacks are usually the ones who Vote To Kick ... Read more
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ubisoft needs to add full recordability
Too many players are questionable in this game anymore.
Just to clarify, you are referring to a replay system? This has been an idea passed to the dev team, although we have no further info to share on that at this time.
I think it would be really helpful for players trying to submit Cheater Reports, as well as toxicity if it had the ability to record voice chat/text chat.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Honey Drake: I would like to get more personalized missions, for faster progression, should we get more tiers to farm. Perhaps make them weekly, but not reduce their rewards, so it doesn't become too grindy for everyone who is not spamming games.

The quality of content should stay the same though, as it's an important factor for me if I get the pass (or not), perhaps even switch out the blue alpha packs out, as they offer nothing interesting for me and felt like "worthless" (getting "normal" ones instead or "at least blue items, could be higher though" could be enough) levels I did not look forward to.

Everything else was pretty enjoyable, I must say.
Thanks! Can you explain a bit more ... Read more
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support! Do you have any other overlays currently enabled?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ACME Indestructo: I don't know why, but every 2nd time I go for TH, I am put on "bomb" at Bartlett University. Which... sucks.

It's the only map I *excluded* in my peferences, but that doesn't seem to have any meaning.

What is the value of a map where greycoats can see you while only Glaz can see them?
They are preferences, it does not guarantee you that you will never get it, but it tries it's best to not put you there.
Bartlett seems to have a mixed reaction as far as I can tell: Some players adore the map and want it in rotation, while others despise the map and want it completely removed from the game.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Major ADS nerf for all shields, plus multiple huge nerfs to the flash itself (worse range, longer recharge)
This ADS nerf hurt him too much, due to the unreliable flash and the huge cooldown...
Thanks for sharing your opinion on Blitz currently! I know many people have been discussing the state of Shield Ops in general, and have made note of it as well. I have seen a few reports regarding inconsistent flashes with Blitz, and suggest reporting those clips to support so we may look into them. I appreciate those that have been sharing their thoughts on the recent ADS changing as well!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by !𝕂𝕀ℝ𝔸: A lot of people including me believe that Level 30 is too low for someone to play ranked playlist, it increases the number of smurfs and the number of newbies who barely play newcomers/quick match and just ruin the game of others, i think Level 50 should be fair enough considering that's the level in which you can no longer play Newcomers so makes more sense Level 30
Thanks for sharing! I do not know if there are plans to increase this requirement, but I know some players have asked for it to be increased. I'll pass it along!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dragon Sin: I like the idea of battle pass, some free stuff for the people who didn’t buy it and so good stuff for the people who did. But being only 35 tiers of was way to short, anyone else agree?
A lot of players appear to share the same feel. Did you like the content in the current Battle Pass? Besides adding more tiers, is there anything else you'd like to add?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TheGamesGamer:
Originally posted by UbiMorning: Please read this article regarding Ping Abuse.[www.ubisoft.com]
Players with high ping are at a greater disadvantage than low ping players generally. It...
Read more
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Minds:
Originally posted by Fallen:
Yes it does. There is definitely a hidden MMR system.

Well then I'd love some proof.
Here you go![www.ubisoft.com]
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please read this article regarding Ping Abuse.[www.ubisoft.com]
Players with high ping are at a greater disadvantage than low ping players generally. It is not only about ping, but also reaction time.
If you think someone is DDoSing/manipulating pings, you should report them as a Conduct Report. But you can't simply report someone for having high ping, as they may not necessarily be able to control that.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there! If you are trying to report audio issues, they should be reported through the support portal[support.ubi.com] with videos if possible.
Moving this thread to Player Support.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for sharing your input on joining-in-progress games. We are well aware that a lot of players find these matches frustrating. The other side of this issue is many players get upset when players do not backfill their matches and are left at a 4v5/3v5/2v5/1v5 situation. This is a difficult situation when trying to balance both sides.