Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

09 Feb

    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Do you have a clip by chance? This sounds like a latency blip.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I understand you dislike getting charms in your Legendary packs, but I don't think the team would remove them from Legendary status. The packs are RNG anyway, so your other friends are just lucky. Some of the charms are fairly cool to be fair, but I know not everyone uses them/enjoys them. I appreciate you sharing your input regardless.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShyN3ko:
Originally posted by UbiMorning: Are you talking about trying to exit a building from the inside? I feel like this could cause issues if you are trying to leave out a 2nd story window with no balcony.

I understand that, but I think many spots are disabled in the source code unless its a hatch.
In my opinion every spot should be avaible, if the player die thats his fault.
There are just many confusing spots in many maps.

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    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving this to Player Support, but please note they will only be able to assist in English.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Stormy: It's probably that if you actually did fly through the window, you'd fall to your death from the other side.
Exactly what I was thinking. It would be like falling off of the building essentially.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys! Please note +1 comments are considered spam according to the forum rules. Please refrain from doing so from this point forward, and instead make construc... Read more
Just to help clarify, with the Y4S3.3 update the team adjusted the MMR Rollback system to reset someone's MMR if the system found the rollback was too large at one time. In theory, you should be able to do your placements and get back to where you belong quickly, assuming you play consistently like you normally do.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShyN3ko: Why does windows in the building not work?

I tried a great escape, because the enemies surrounded me.
Well, I tried :3
Are you talking about trying to exit a building from the inside? I feel like this could cause issues if you are trying to leave out a 2nd story window with no balcony.
You need to have the tab at least open to count towards watch time. If you have multiple monitors, you can just keep the tab open on one monitor.
Hey eXellius! Thanks for sharing your opinion on the Battle Pass and Road to SI event. The only workaround I can currently think of is you can purchase all of the tiers of the Battle Pass with R6 Credits. I don't entirely remember how many R6 Credits the entire pass costs, but you can select however many tiers you want to unlock and it should tell you.
I'm sorry to hear that you do not like playing in PvP though! If you are willing to explain your reasoning, you can either make a reply here or open a new thread to discuss it.
Hey there,

Would you be willing to elaborate on what you're attempting to discuss here?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
So close, but so far away...
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Fatal Cutie:
Originally posted by UbiMorning: The current system is supposed to be AA-DD. But thank you for sharing your input on the current system.
Overtime repeats the same rounds
Ah yes, thank you for clarifying!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is it possible to change Quick match rules so there is switch in defense/attack after the initial one?

I dislike the fact that if you attack you basically defend unlimited times.

My suggestions would be to flip sides after another 2 matches again to make it fairer.
The current system is supposed to be AA-DD. But thank you for sharing your input on the current system.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GoodGuyTaz: Sometimes explanations as to why you got teamkilled are a bit late, or the "intentional teamkill" popup doesn't show (like if you get teamkilled at the very end of a round). A button in the scoreboard menu to forgive teamkills would be a much appreciated QoL and doesn't sound difficult to implement.
Thanks for the suggestion! How often would you say you find yourself in a situation like this?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Player Support, but please note that they are only able to assist in English.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Carry The Label Guy: first to 7 pick and ban and six pick with a fixed 75 elo loss/gain per match. level 50 required to queue. 6 attack then 6 defense rounds or vice versa.
Thanks for the suggestion! Some have suggested just changing Ranked to match pro-league rules instead. Do you think this would be ideal?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by UbiYubble:
Originally posted by The RaiderPlayz: Please add cross platform for PC and Console

This would be... very interesting. Multiple players who've played on both platforms would say PC players would have a massive advantage over those on consoles since it's easier to aim and control recoil with a mouse. I can understand wanting cross-plat between Xbox and PS4, but crossing over to PC could be dangerous.

What's everyone's thoughts on this?
Please also note we do not have plans for cross-play at this time, but we still appreciate the suggestion!