Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

10 Jul


Originally posted by tomoki_here

My all time fav game. Keep it up but don't burn yourselves out!

That’s awesome, it’s great to hear that kind of feedback.


Originally posted by TheCosmicGrizzly

Man can I just say I have always had a blast with this game and my friends from day one. Like yea somethings are sus like the random John wick AI but it's kinda funny sometimes to watch your teammate get obliterated. Anyways for an alpha this game has always been legit af ty guys for all the hardwork you do and all the work we aren't even aware of! Life long fan

That’s great to hear! Thanks!


Originally posted by sgtzack612

Lies, unless…. You’re no one?

You're right, I'll keep my secrets ;)


Originally posted by Nucleus24

Me and my friends will be doing a mission, and things are going great. Enemies react a little too fast...and are a bit too accurate...whatever. We are good at shooters.

Then Bam, I told a guy facing away from me to "drop the gun" and he 180 no-scopes me in the face with a tech 9 in a dark room. I'm talking literally 1 frame between pressing F while seeing the targets back and being dead. My friends shoot him but his arms and "steel armor" hoodie block 12+ 9mm rounds while he shoots two more of us.

Mission ruined, 20+ minutes ended in disappointment and frustration.

Combining that with the enemies having counter-strike bot levels of reaction times and first shot accuracy just make the game unfun.

Here are some posts from the last week. Give them a read and check out the comments. Some people are "this is fine" but the majority I believe are having a hard time with the game's current state.


Read more

Ok great, thanks for that feedback. We've improved the AI reaction timings based off the feedback from the community.

I'd be interested to hear how you find this hotfix.

We'll be continuing to improve the interactions with the AI


Originally posted by shoot4ass

No one knows, not even Void knows

I know


Originally posted by chase2121dw

Keep up the good work bros. We love it even though we get impatient. It is because we all see how good this is going to be eventually because it is already so so good.

Thanks mate! I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


Originally posted by Schwambo91

Bug fixes only for supporters?

We will ship to everyone once we confirm the hotfix is of an acceptable standard.


Originally posted by Nucleus24

How quickly can fixed AI be put into the pleb (non-supporter) version?

I bought the game for $40 and it's basically unplayable right now.

Once we’ve confirmed the hotfix is of an acceptable standard we will push to everyone.

Can you help me understand how it’s currently unplayable ?


Originally posted by Shadow60_66

Does this update fix the AI suspects instantly snapping and shooting you when you call out to them?

We’ve made improvements to the AI. It should have made it more ‘fair’. We’d love to hear your feedback on the AI now.

We will continue to improve and tweak the AI (both suspect and SWAT)


Originally posted by manboysteve

Okie doke, let's get back to it gang:

When update?

I thought one would’ve been enough??????


RON PVE Update 07/07/2022 (Patch 21566)

## General

- Hotel lighting fixes

- Gas lighting fixes

- Fix players being able to walk through vending machines on gas

## Gameplay

- Fix bullets not penetrating through limbs

- Fix ammunition penetrating through suspects despite being blocked by armour

- Fix shotgun ammunition having incorrect penetration and armour durability damage

- Fix buckshot having too much spread

- Fix excessive camera movement when shot with certain weapons

- Incapacitated kill penalty buffed to -200 (was -15)

- Damage to neck bone is now considered a headshot instead of a body shot

- Multiple crash fixes

## AI

- New: Armoured suspects will now react more severely to bullet impacts

- Reduced suspect damage tracking time from 5 seconds down to 1 second

- Fix AI getting stuck under some...

Read more External link →

Not enough vram possibly? Likely optimisations that need to be done to meth on our part.


The slap was the icing on the cake.


What in tarnation

This should be fixed next hotfix but god thats a good edit


Originally posted by BlitzFromBehind

iirc they wan't to add customizationand what I understood from that old devblog it will become an option to wear one on every character.

Yep coming in the future.

08 Jul


Originally posted by Loaf_Lord_Gaming

Is it with SWAT AI more than suspect and civilian AI? It would be cool for multiplayer if you can have doors swing one way. I imagine having doors swing towards officers can cause SWAT AI to get stuck on the door itself. I’d love some insight on how you guys handle this

Ahh it’s a f*cker for everything. But not impossible. PvP it’d be easier.


Originally posted by ozoneseba

Yup its a problem we need solution for, but it would be still better if we could change these settings in game live. So for example if I want to play a map were suspects have knifes only I dont need to download mod and restart game every time I want to check different scenario. Site rocks but I dont want it to be the solution

That’s cool but an absolute nightmare for standardising the ai on a developer end. If we provided such a deep level of control like that tomorrow we have no baseline for AI. All the feedback that weve already received would be impossible to determine without a bunch of extra data being supplied. While I don’t like using “early access” as an excuse, keep in mind you are modding an early access game that is still trying to find the perfect balance! So this could be something we provide more direct access to upon full release.


Originally posted by Farsa1911

That's great to hear! I would love to see more love put in to doors in a game that revolves so much around doors. Making them open only one way with visible hinges to tell their direction would be a very nice feature!

God I would love that. Doors are just such a pain in games especially when you have team ai. But yeah we will be giving them some more love, especially on the UI/UX front (eg bashing a door to kick instead of having to press use on an icon)


I’ll follow up with this.