Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

29 Jun


We’re looking to make it smaller for barricaded and larger for raid.


Glad you like it!


Game development


Originally posted by ostrichual

wasn't this update delayed like 3 months to to fix things like this

You can’t “fix” rendering twice.


Originally posted by EuxDomine

man I always recognize reticulons amazing animations, the scene at 1:47 remembered me of his showtime / castle of thorns short films, giving him a job at void was a 10/10 decision

He’s also responsible for a lot of game design too. Dude is all over ready or not.


Damn sorry all, I accidentally shipped the update 😅

28 Jun


If you take a left turn from here then cross the road to the other footpath, then go straight till you see a cafe shop, go right then you'll see a bridge, cross that, then turn left, the update should be straight ahead, you can't miss it. Many people get lost trying to find it, so don't worry, you'll remember the way eventually.


Originally posted by Dats_and_Cogs

There is no way in hell the game isn't basically ready to be released to us peasants. Seems like they got the really important bugs fixed and now they're just fixing a couple random things at a time.


27 Jun


Originally posted by armchairapathist



26 Jun


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

I still do not know what ShadyKutz' exact role in Void is

Developer. Still new to Void Interactive


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

These change logs were posted by ShadyKutz who didn’t really have a post history. Don’t know what his exact role is.

Hey, I’m a dev. Still quite new to the role :) Another updating will be coming today, I’ll be sure to post it here too.

24 Jun

23 Jun

21 Jun