Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

22 Jul


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

Yeah this is good. We already have plenty of plans. I mean, we just dropped a bunch of major AI changes, i feel like it should be obvious we’re not leaving them out to dry. These things just take a lot of time, but overall good thoughts and our goal is to have a very convincing AI by full release.


Originally posted by Few_Advisor3536

Im hoping the syringe isnt a health restore item, more of pain relief. Like you move at normal speed, dont have blurred vision after taking damage ect.

It was cut as a heal anim just like the multi tool pulling out a bullet was. Wont be returning at least not for gameplay.

21 Jul

20 Jul


Originally posted by Monollock

Is it just me or does the AI kill you even faster now?

Do you happen to have any videos showing this? The game is difficult, but it shouldn’t be impossible

19 Jul


Originally posted by mayonetta

Hey speaking of crowbars, are we still getting that door breach/peeking tool?

Not sure yet!


Originally posted by lorenzomuratori

I just tried it: all audible had a really great improvements! Especially enemies footsteps, now they are much more reliable during the game play.

Great to hear


Originally posted by GRIZZLY_GUY_

“Reduced suspect damage tracking time from 5 seconds down to 1 second”

What does this mean?

Ai can still fire through walls and try to guess your location but they don’t guess and fire for 6 seconds. Means you should have a better chance of surviving a firefight through drywall since they won’t just fire forever.

18 Jul


Honestly this stuff is probably gonna see a big rework and reassessment. Thanks for this feedback.


Originally posted by WheelchairTakedown

Let's hope it also fixes the bulletsponge AI.

Fix certain explosion having waaaay too much reverb.
Fix certain reverb activating a second reverb.

Hopefully this also includes the C2.

The bullet sponge AI was largely contributed to by this issue and the neck not being part of the head (was counted as “torso”), it should feel a lot better.


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

Resolved in the hotfix :)


Originally posted by dizzle229

Still no fix on suspects being able to shoot you without actually aiming at you, I guess.

Edit: Or spot and track you through walls...

Have you encountered this? They shouldn’t be able to shoot you like that as there were bugs related to it, it wasn’t some sort of “aiming component” bug, it was an animation issue.


This has now been released to everyone. Sorry about the delay, we ran into some surprises along the way…


Originally posted by Shadow60_66

Just wanted to say now that I've played the update: In the short time I tested they feel so much better. I was able to shout at a suspect and even though he didn't surrender I was visually able to see the weapon come up. Before I would have been instantly blasted! Good work.

Thanks! That’s good to hear.


Bro haha. We're not even trying to make a horror game, the game is doing it for us I guess


Team rocket blasting off again