Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

03 Aug


Originally posted by AMSAGENT000

What ever happened to the advanced ballistics system that was advertised a long time ago?

The one from when we first released? Like pretty much everything we had back then, it was just poorly written due to lack of experience and over-complication (thus requiring re-writes). We're working on some interesting stuff with bullets now, and even as it stands it does the job -- anything too complicated would probably yield a very small noticeable change. One of the quirks of game design I guess.


Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

I just coomed

Well spoon it back in because it might take a bit of time!


Can you submit a bug report in-game? We can profile it and maybe find the cause.


Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Is it possible to make it so yelling is proximity based rather than having direct line of sight between suspect and player? You should be able to yell around corners/doors/objects without putting yourself at risk while waiting for compliance

Yeah totally! Yelling in general is gonna get a few things added/fixed. I don't believe this will be for the next update. It's already looking incredibly meaty, but some of the things we came into early access with (like yelling and grenades) are gonna get big reworks that improve their functionality and purpose.


Originally posted by AWittyNuker

Truth be told, I haven’t had this happen to me all that often, usually because I know to get the hell away from where rounds are coming in. I have had many friends die to suspects through walls however, not necessarily due to poor positioning.

It can certainly be tweaked. I really don't want to lose the firefights through walls since it's a massive aspect of CQB (soft vs. hard cover, specifically). Also worth keeping in mind is if you get clipped through a wall 1 time out of 25 it will probably still feel bullsh*t purely because a lot of people are used to feeling secure in a room they've cleared. Ultimately this game is gonna get plenty of tweaking! So I'm happy to read all this feedback. :)


I like this concept, and something is planned for it (and general endgame stuff), but that doesnt exist as of now.


Originally posted by Kadorja

I was messing around on single player at the fast food level and my team was in an intense firefight through about 4 walls with an enemy. I kept circling the building trying to find out where they were at. My team was following me but kept tracking the enemy through multiple walls.

I think I got it on video so I’ll have to see if I can upload it.

Please post it if you can. :)


Originally posted by AWittyNuker

I definitely appreciate what the devs are going for here because being shot through a wall or door is certainly a real problem in a deadly force scenario, but I agree that it is far too accurate when you start moving. I think they should just fire at the spot they last saw you and maybe in a small radius around it, which would prompt you to pull back.

That's honestly what they should be doing. I've experienced being engaged through surfaces but haven't been hit often. If I did it was because I was static. Still lots of room for improvement.


Originally posted by DevastatorCenturion

Great, when are they going to fix their reaction times and animations related to shooting players?

Ali is just showing something unique he's working on, I don't think there's much harm since it was posted in a minidev. For example, yesterday we posted an update about turning the club music down, but it doesn't mean that is something we're focusing on at the expense of all other things! As a note, the issues you've mentioned are being looked at. :)


Originally posted by ToaRogerWaters

Pulled the gun out of thin air too. That animation shouldn’t be available if they don’t have a waist band.

So y’all downvoting this are just fine with people pulling guns out of literally nowhere? Because you can do that in grand theft auto. Not exactly the pinnacle of realism. But you wouldn’t like that game, headshots kill in one hit.

More or less something that's planned, as well as improved upon since now suspects can pick up guns (if you were around in december, remember they actually couldn't do this!). Eventually we'll place them somewhere for a much more readable experience, though to be honest it's one of those gamey things that may not be resolved for a while. The biggest problem is obviously the direction she's pointed. Very strange.


Originally posted by Bruno0_u

Holy shit what a find maybe email this to the FBI next time. It breaks code 34 of Title 42 of their Interactive Media Code Guidelines. Just look up "FBI rule 34" to find out more.

Also if they were larping they wouldn't be mowing down civilians would they

One of those things you read as a dev and get that electric shock down your spine before realizing what the poster meant.


Originally posted by rayven99

No, it makes sense, I just wish the game registered that they fire shots at you better.

Yeah we're definitely gonna make some improvements to this because it does happen a lot. Honestly it'll probably come with a lot of our larger changes (to AI stuff) vs. just being patched for now. Sit tight!


Originally posted by Daytrip66

how would you find bugs if you dont try things out of the ordinary?

True, we wouldn't have never of thought to try this haha. Thanks, we'll fix this

02 Aug

01 Aug


Originally posted by Mrdoko

Are we able to ask for a second option to bind a non toggle, but a hold for flashlight and laser aswell? Would love to have sone light discipline without having to double click each time! Great work on the recent updates btw, been loving it!

Yeah I’ll make sure this happens!


Originally posted by Flogger23m

59.6GB, looks like file size is fixed.

I'll play around in the Park Homes map. That seemed to give me the oddest AI behavior from suspects, some of which is covered in the OP. Do the suspects on different maps have different behavior and damage values outside of body armor?

Behavior not really, this is something planned for our next update. Damage values are based on the weapon they use. :) We affect their accuracy, time to fire after raising weapon, time to fire after changing target, time spent on target last known LOS, suspect moving accuracy, fake chance, flee chance, etc., Suspect health, time to fire door after kick to name a few.


Originally posted by BastillianFig

Will you be adjusting reaction times.. currently the AI can kill you in 250ms which is superhuman

Yes although we are improving other aspects of them to help (weapon raise, then aim, then shoot for example).

Currently the global (read: default) AI time to shoot after raising their gun is 300ms. The time spent on target before shooting is actually 100ms, which might be the issue for retargeting players being so lethal! Will require some investigation because there are other elements at play that can act a little strange.


Originally posted by dizzle229

It was recorded last night, I had just installed a 130mb update, whichever that was. In this instance I believe that each suspect had raised their gun (far too quickly imo). Although the first one is ambiguous due to particles, and since he exited the doorway while I wasn't looking, I believe that one was more an animation issue than reaction time. They just weren't pointing directly at me when they fired. In the third one, he appears to fire as he begins his gun raising animation.

I definitely think that first one is an animation issue, the others probably just means more tweaking ahead. Great video to reference though, especially since it's fresh. Thanks a bunch!


Originally posted by iena_

homeboi coming in for the save



Originally posted by dizzle229

Fun bonus: In none of the three clips were their guns ever pointed at me. #2 is the closest but not quite there on frame-by-frame inspection. And he still moonwalked out to get me. #1 could have raised his gun (he's obscured by splinters), but he'd have to have raised, aimed, and one-tapped about 1/10 of a second. In #3 he seems to be WAY off, and I even appear to hit him at least once.

Is this on the latest update where we actually lowered the penthouse suspect values to be more forgiving? The weapon pointed down one is more of an animation issue that we are looking to resolve in a few ways to make it feel better.