Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

08 Jul


Originally posted by NorthKoreaSpitFire

I think it would be cool to have speed of moving just like in ArmA Reforger where you can increase or decrease moving speed with middle mouse button

We had this for a while but unfortunately most of not all players really just moved at the fastest or the slowest without using much in between. However it’s a very cool feature in Reforger and in other games, too. I just don’t see it finding a place in RoN again right now. :(


Originally posted by dravensnanpll2

I want maps honestly But anything would be ok

There are a lot of great maps, Breaking News comes to mind.


This sounds like a strange bug partially. Particularly with the shotgun. Have you got any mods installed? Have you performed a clean reinstall as well?


Originally posted by Farsa1911

No worries! From what you've already delivered to us, I'm pretty confident in your skills and VOID's commitment to polish and making an awesome game! Much love from Brazil!

Thanks a lot! Brazilians are so great (I tried Brazilian bbq a few years ago with some friends from São Paolo and still haven’t found a good place to get it in Australia)

07 Jul


Originally posted by AsystolieGER

I appreciate that an actual developer is answering. If the enemy was able to see or hear me first and then try to shoot at me through lets say a drywall then yes thats plausible but iam talking about concretwalls me and my Team got hit through those kind of walls and the enemy had a perfect aim. Also my team started yelling at a suspect so i turn around only to see that All of them look at the floor and try to shoot through the floor.

I enjoy this game and have the Supporter Edition. I like the stress this game puts on me, you need to think and plan ahead, thats awesome.

Thank you and your Team for creating this game, keep it up!

Thanks for your support and your feedback. I float around this subreddit and will respond to things when I can, but I read almost every comment: both critical and complimentary.

This will absolutely be worked on going forward because you probably shouldn’t be getting killed through solid concrete.


Originally posted by Farsa1911

Not even tied. We need to be able to call civilians and complying suspects away from doors or other possibly risky places.

Big time. We’re experimenting with the smoothest implementation and if it’ll work well!


Originally posted by -Speechless

don't they automatically run outside to safety? at least on the gas station map they do and automatically surrender.

For active shooter only right now.


Originally posted by AsystolieGER

My biggest complain is that the AI (SWAT and Bad guys) actually try to shoot through Walls, closed doors, the floor or ceiling. I had that serval times now other than that iam ok with the AI.

So penetrating walls attempting to kill the player is intentional behavior but there seems to be some missing checks (as it’s supposed to occur through walls if the ai have spotted you for some time — imagine how this might occur in a real world scenario), typically they aren’t accurate enough to hit and if you do get winged through a wall it’s supposed to be because you didn’t move far enough from the threshold.

That’s not to say there aren’t also bugs related to this where they might spot players through some gaps in geometry we haven’t found, we are aware and are working on it.


Originally posted by jonk285

Is this something that was discussed in the supporters discord? 👀

Nah it’s just on paper right now. :)


Originally posted by TheSpartaN_G

Dad Gruntr, I was under the impression that the intention was to keep them separate. Does this "yes" imply that the ability to have both attachments simultaneously is actually coming and that intentions have changed? Or does "yes" just mean "technically we did think about it, but still no. lmao get trolled nerds."

also we luv u dad <3

Oh. Yes as in this will happen and be added to the game. :)


Bug report flair would be good. I’ll send this internally though thanks!!


It’s currently a missing feature but likely we can resolve this going forward.


Great screenshots.


What are your mirrors on out of curiosity?


Originally posted by caracal5

I would disagree.

A map SDK should be released now and updated with every new patch. That is how mod support works.

Every other game out there with mod support does that. They update the SDK with every patch.

Typically games are finished when an SDK comes out, and the patches are minor, don’t adjust the gameplay formula much, or are bug fixes.

As it stands, if we had an sdk we would have had to spend a lot of dev time updating it due to the cover system amongst other things.

We will create this in due time, it’s not off our radar, but it needs to be done when we’re comfortable. I understand it’s painful however.


Originally posted by FrostyVacation2035

I might have been hyperbolic but I believe it will stay like that for a long time because it's pretty darn hard to get a consensus. Nobody can agree on what the scoring should be like

Ahh definitely true that this can be a bit of a challenge. But we will definitely be getting this right this year.


Originally posted by jonk285

I think you guys are starting to get that feel for different modes down. The gameplay on active shooter for Wenderly Hills Hotel is really well done in my opinion. It's fun having civilians running toward you calling for help and following where they came from and the open doors to eventually find the gunman. It really drives home that environmental storytelling you're going for when you have situational clues like that allowing you to piece together where the assailants are and quickly neutralizing them.

Keep doing what you guys are doing because for early access this is damn good! Your response on fixes is very timely, especially compared to other early access releases that feel like they've started to stagnate.

Thanks for that. I can’t wait to share the hostage rescue changes that will be coming as well.