Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

18 Jan


Originally posted by _No_Friend_

Okay so not perfect yet :D

Still better than most minus the disembodied head!

17 Jan


Originally posted by Drizznit1221

Gratis confirmed tarkov enjoyer (maybe he needs help escaping???)

Don't need any help escaping ;) keep my 10k rubles in the alpha case for muh car extracts


Tagilla with the hammer when


Yeah we want to inject a tonne of life into the world. Takes a while but this will be something we tackle.


This is planned for our next update.


Originally posted by hotlinehelpbot

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Thanks bot.


Biggest issue is the fact we use baked lighting. If you turn off the lighting in the house on meth for example, it will turn it off for everything that has a baked light. Including natural light sources (like if we had moonlight, barrel fires).

I've gone through meth and actually just made a lot of the lights dynamic so there is a possibility we could get this working if every single (or most) artificial lights were dynamic. Which would be ideal, I love seeing them get blown out and the room sinking into darkness.

16 Jan


Originally posted by Hrothke

There’s also a WIP map called Fast Food which is just a single building, as well as a test map Compound which is relatively small.

Compound was just a devtest map but yeah the sizes of those levels will be fun to see.


Something we've discussed and might have a look at soon!


Really hope you guys like it!


Originally posted by EnterOriginalUser

Is the breaching shotgun supposed to be long ranged though? I thought you just pointed it at a lock and at a short distance it would obliterate it?

Nah that's a bug.


Originally posted by Itz_Ultima

I just installed the update and it's being very very stuttery, and enemies are now either completely invisible or walk through walls and kill me. Not sure if it's just me.

Can you make sure you submit a report? That's strange.


Originally posted by ADeerBoy

The only change I'm not sure how I feel about is suspect first 3 bullets having aim penalty. That feels kinda gamey. Idk how suspect aim works, but having different states of aim like firing from the hip, being surprised, or hearing the police outside and aiming at a door before its breached, makes more sense to me.

Frankly they won't miss you point blank but it helps with their accuracy over distance, especially since they might acquire you as a target immediately. However it's always subject to change and if it feels too easy you can bet your bottom dollar it will be changed.


Originally posted by RhasaTheSunderer

My thoughts so far:

New maps are great, fast food seems a little small but has potential to be a fan favorite like 213 park homes. The grenade trajectory is a little weird, feels very similar to cs:go where the grenade seems to be coming out of your body instead of right hand (with a little practice I find this much easier though). The ambiance upgrades are beautiful especially in park homes wow no complaints there. 4 grenades is much better than 8 you actually have to think about using them. The new ar15 recoil is much better. The scar recoil is way too low especially when you do long bursts, this will be the meta gun for sure. The AK is good and balanced. The AI is SOOO much better, even if civs run from you after 2-3 commands they will comply. Yelling at suspects that don't see you actually has a good chance they will be caught off guard and surrender. The new voice lines are great, I even noticed that arrested civies will freak out if you start killing people. I don't l...

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Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Vendun_

"Meth: Open up the second house" The map will be bigger with a new section ?

I already find the map really big, it is going to be a pain to have a S rank.

The second house is only accessible on raid, and the back area + tunnels are not included. :)


Originally posted by GlassCannon67

Btw, didn't they say they gonna ban mod in coop, is that still the case? Or just "Do not save scores if game is modded"...

You can play with your mods in cooperative, just look for the server checksum option in settings.


Originally posted by SneakyAzWhat

Is the shotgun ammo count bug fixed? Unless I missed it in the notes, when you reload the shotgun it gives you one less ammo than you reloaded with. Sent a bug report in game a while back, seemed to happen on all shotguns including breaching one. (can't verify until patch comes to live servers)

Not yet. This is one weve got on the list though. No doubt your submission helped get it up there in terms of priority.

15 Jan


Tell your grandpa that we appreciate it!