Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

15 Jan


This will be added! :)


Originally posted by deluxius

For anyone interested: I have tried around with the new guns and especially the Scar-L feels very easy to control even in full-auto to the point that I would argue it to be too easy due to the fact that the Scar-L even seems to boast a higher fire rate. The Mk1 BCM also feels very easy to control, the recoil pattern is very tight compared to other guns and it mellows out a lot towards the end kind of like how in tarkov the recoil gets a lot easier after the initial rounds. It is very easy to land a double or triple tap with either of those two. The SLR47 feels very punchy and very nice, probably due to it being 7.62x39. The recoil on it is as expected, a lot harder to control in full auto.

Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Elite0087

Ah that makes a shit ton more sense.

Carl Gustav coming soon


Got two new ones coming. :)


Alright guys pack it up, he's the god of Ron now


Originally posted by alex_fist

Oh yes heat it up and shoot it into my f**king veins

Good lord


Originally posted by muchvape2000

Congratulations you've created a community and its out of your hands now.

Just the way I like it

14 Jan


Originally posted by Stibawub

Tbh I’d say keep the rack loading as an option or attachment for rule of cool purposes. It’s a slow game with plenty of time to reload and this is way too cool and unique to pass up.

I and many players like weapons that are cool but less powerful, that’s why we use the Revolver, UMP, and other slower weapons that lack attachments and are objective downgrades, they are so cool!

Alternatively you could have the rack loading mechanism for a super shorty shotgun secondary, which would be balanced as a shotgun secondary would be powerful and unique but should have a long reload downside.

We're considering its use as an attachment, specifically for reloading from near-empty so you can immediately get the shotgun back into action. Same with a saddle for breech-loading.

But for now it's just cosmetic until anything like that gets a decent rework, since the implementation replaces the existing reloads all together (originally it was the ONLY way to reload, then you'd rip off the velcro holding the shell rack and replace it with a fresh one).


Oh no


Before anyone asks, the rack wont be able to be reloaded from (yet). We have the logic in game for it to work but man did it make reloads slow at the expense of being cool. We're thinking of better ways to make that work, like quad loading or something similar.


This is killer. Just FYI once full mod support exists youll be able to change voice lines to new characters, so while they replace stuff now I'm sure in the future you'll be able to add them stand-alone and let players enjoy them alongside our own lines. :)

So good. Love the LSPD line too.


This will be coming in the eventual UI loadout update. At first it'll just be JHP, FMJ. :)

13 Jan


870 for that sweet sweet magcheck CHK CHK


Originally posted by Rainyrain90

Takes too long to go off in my experience and hostages are instantly killed. I propably replayed the gas station like 100 times at this point. But if its for gameplay reasons then why make it so that a door kick alerts the whole map you know. It also doesnt make much sense that ai shots wont trigger ai to kill hostages , even if you get shot at you can still taze the guy silently after as long as your team doesnt fire a single shot.

Yeah hostage rescue in the current build thats public is really, really, really tough. Hopefully this next patch is gonna make it a lot of fun though!


Originally posted by NegligentWarreN19

So whats going on here? What is this referencing? I have so many questions

You'll find out.. ;)


Was he behind the door possibly? I haven't seen any instances of this happening. What are your specs?


Originally posted by Cleebo8

The reason doors don’t swing one way is because it’s a nightmare to code the pathfinding around. A lot of people ask for it, but honestly they swung both ways in SWAT 4 and it never seemed to both me.

Bingo. It's a major pain in the ass.


Originally posted by pm_me_your_dodo

"tweaked reaction speed" does this mean suspects wont start shooting the very millisecond a single pixel of you is in their line of fire?
