Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

29 Dec


I will relay this to the team.

28 Dec

27 Dec


Nah. It just gets too expensive performance wise to match that and sync all the stuff. We used to do it but it just caused so much complexity.

25 Dec


Love the review format. Nice work! Thanks. Let's get that 8.2 to a 10 over the next year

24 Dec

23 Dec


Originally posted by 66Break_Stuff66

I've been hit by a lot of pepper balls. In a rain jacket, track suit, or sweater/ hoodie you don't even notice the impact. I took one to the neck once, that stung good. When you pull the sweater off and dump all the pepper dust in your face that sucks a lot, but other than mild irritation I didn't notice much effects from the chemical irritants on impact, but it's always been outside.

Bean back shotguns like those used in game do hurt, but in baggy clothes like those worn by the guys in the yellow hoodies you can definitely shrug em off (although I've never gotten one at less than 10m ish). Even in lighter clothes I've never been winded or knocked down by them, and I'm not particularly tough. 40mm rubber bullets though, those hurt and have a similar effect to the bean bag guns in game.

I'm not super effected by tear gas, it just kinda burns and makes my eyes water at exposure levels that have made others throw up. That said I definitely wouldn't want to be gassed...

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Killer. This gives me some cool ideas.

22 Dec


Currently awaiting being completed for Active Shooter and Hostage Rescue :)


Originally posted by Coffeeist

Absolutely, I love how responsive they've been on here

/u/Gruntr in addition to the game itself of course, your replies on here are much appreciated and for myself and I'm sure many others help keep the hype going strong for what changes, fixes, and new features/content await in the new year. Best wishes for a great relaxing holiday, it's well deserved and I'm sure well needed particularly after that barrage of updates y'all cranked out in the last few weeks!

Thanks for noticing! Nothing like talking to ya'll about stuff. Can't wait to get more content out there!


Originally posted by YODEADGUY

I have not seen anything in my gameplay time to suggest you lose damage from using a silencer. I want to say recoil feels better but I haven't sat down and tested it to see if it's that much of a difference.

on hostage rescue silencers are a necessity due to the fact any sound alerts the enemies to kill the hostages. the one thing I do see them help with is if you silently enter a room and take out the people in the room without them firing first, it won't alert the people in the next room over. That being said, the AI is very quick to shoot you. Only way silencers benefit in my opinion is if you're doing hostage rescue and are able to one tap EVERYONE you see until you reach the hostage room, then you can flash/stinger breach that room.

As a side note for some suppressors I believe the damage is slightly buffed, but i dont think it makes a huge difference.


Originally posted by peckarino_romano

The impact method also needs a nerf, it's way too easy. I've been hit directly with a pepperbal 5 round burst in training, it's just a painful paintball impact, it is not as effective as ingame. Maybe bare stomach or a thin tshirt it can stop those who are surprised.

Maybe if they replaced the TAC700 with the FN303 in the final game the impact's effect would make sense. Most people don't even shoot people with it in training because it's too powerful and can cause more serious injury.

Chemical agents in general need more of a delay for effectiveness, suspects with glasses and gas masks should appropriately reduce effectiveness, and suspects in armor should be immune to pepperball impacts and beanbags to the chest.

I've actually never spoken to anyone who has been hit by pepperballs. Could you share some more insight into this? Very interesting. Area saturation currently doesnt exist but its on the list right now.


Good grief. Would be scared to face you in PVP..


Originally posted by icemoo

The AI are cracked imo. Literal aimbots like the bad guys and with microsecond decision making of the ROE, they instantly notice of a bad guy starts going for a gun with a fake surrender where it make take a real person a second to see the animation start playing.

The only downsides is that unlike swat 4, you cannot coordinate dual breaches through the helmet cam. Hope that feature makes a return in this game cause that was my favorite part, fullscreening the camera and having a duel flashbang breach on big rooms.

As a kid i played swat 4 with only AI, will play this game with only AI cause f**k random players.

It shall make its way in as a feature! soon as we figure out how


We could look into this. Thanks!