Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

03 Jan


Originally posted by _downvote_me-

Because mods cut into their profits with DLC. VOID devs are smart and understand this will only make the game more popular, thus increasing sales.

We might be a bit stupid then (kidding) because we definitely want mods! There are already so many cool ones. But workshop support is something on the list, some good answers in here covering some of the risks though re: breaking the game each update etc.


We've talked about it, but it might not see its way into the game anytime soon. That sounds like more of an object for fun than for realism (since SWAT probably wouldnt carry batons), not saying it couldn't find its way in.


Oh my.


Someone's been playing enough with the AI to time it ;) Nice work


Originally posted by kickedbyconsole

Already refunded, too late!! 😈


02 Jan


Originally posted by ddsharknads

They spelled detectives wrong in one of the scenarios too. Can't recall which one. Shit happens, the game is still amazing

I'm an elite spellar

31 Dec


Yeah, its planned :)


Originally posted by TheFuzziestDumpling

Any word when pre-game briefing is coming?

Were working out the particulars of things like this. Currently we really wanna keep the "deployment" style of loading into the mission quickly with friends. Whether this means the briefing will be present in the lobby or handled another way remains to be seen. But we are experimenting and have some pretty cool ideas I hope you guys like.

I just wanna throw in here we're currently beginning our new year of Dev in a half-week or so and some of us are still on holidays, so this update aims to provide a bit of new content we've had brewing, while the even bigger updates (UI/UX, New levels, major VO passes, characters, ai) will take a little longer. These will definitely be coming (hopefully) consistently as we get into Feb/Mar/etc. We are as excited to dive into these new aspects as much as you guys are to see them.

Just note we will still be keeping on with the regular bugfix updates and sound/AI/gameplay improvements in bite sizes like we were before we broke for e...

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Originally posted by Tigishte

Kinda cringe to see an actual weapon locked behind the supporter paywall, but eh, it's one gun, I'll live.

I just wanted to touch on this in this thread, the supporter rifle is its own weapon simply due to technical limitations. We can't have "skins" with different skeletons, and different skeletons for weapons are needed when a gun has different proportions. It'll perform like any other 5.56 rifle and will have the same attachments as any other gun too. This is by no means a pay to win scheme and honestly, it's just to complete the FBI "look".

We have a shield for supporter players that is also it's own item, and in that case we use the same collision as the base shield to ensure there isn't a major advantage or disadvantage for players.

The shotgun will be a skin however, for a new shotgun we will be introducing to players soon enough.

Hope this gives some insight.

30 Dec


Originally posted by s1nk0

Some peeps at the Modded or Not discord are working on replacing all officers! Jackson was recently released.

Modded or Not is a sick name for a modding discord. Nice.


Goes to show the intensity of that shout really adds to the experience. Nice work! Will we see all the officers get the same treatment?

29 Dec


Originally posted by AMSAGENT000

Would you consider adding a disclaimer in the steam store clarifying that not all of the items in the supporter edition are available at time of purchase?

I shall follow up on that!


Nothing wrong there! The new model is being made, since the old one used a different skeleton (and kinda wasnt up to scratch with the rest of the guns). Should be coming soon.


This is a great video. I can only aim for a video to be made about Ron in a similar vein when it is finished!


This would be super cool. We've talked about it, and it might be possible!