Space Haven

Space Haven Dev Tracker

23 Jun


Originally posted by Hight0werZ

im running linux bodhi, havent used windows in 2 years now. Would that make a difference?

thanks for taking the time!!

Windows 10 is problematic regarding OpenGL 2, but Linux can be problematic in other ways since its hard to know how various distros work with the game. Its tested on Ubuntu.

So impossible to say if it will work or not, but ensuring OpenGL 2 support is working would be great to do before purchasing the game =)


Problem might be OpenGL 2.0 support if you are running windows 10, since Windows 10 does not support OpenGL 2.0 of old Intel integrated graphics cards. Might be able to overcome that with instructions here:

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20 Jun


Not yet! But I hope you enjoyed the story at least :)

17 Jun

    Aksel on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings, Spacefarers!

We've got another update for Alpha 8, newest version is now 0.8.21. For this update we've focused on finalizing the new changes for Alpha 8 and also added another new facility, the Composter. We worked on a new view mode, the water vapor view mode, allowing you to see where water vapor is distributed on your ship. We also added a way to eject stuff from a storage and tweaked some things, read all about it below.

Introducing the Composter facility and fertilizer as a resource. Grow Beds will now need fertilizer to enable crops to grow. The composter will allow you to decompose many type of resources to fertilizer, carb... Read more

05 Jun

    Aksel on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings, Spacefarers!

We've got another update for you to Space Haven Alpha 8. Water has been one of the most discussed topics since the Early Access release of Space Haven. Many of you seemed unhappy of how it was working, wishing for more of a closed type of system. Indeed there was a lot of feedback pouring in regarding this.

Expanding on the systems already in the game is also something we would like to achieve with time. We're happy to introduce the Water Collector to you, along with a new gas called Water Vapor. Water is used to grow food in grow beds, as such it is stored in food, water vapor is released from both plants and crew members, which c... Read more

29 May

    Aksel on Steam - Thread - Direct

A week has passed since Space Haven was released into Early Access. It has been a nervous and stressful time for us, preparing for the release and hoping everything will work out smoothly.

We want to thank all of you for playing the game and sending us so much feedback, as well as reporting bugs for us to fix. And fixing is what we've been doing, and we have a patch out today once again!

Hopefully we did not introduce any new bad ones =) Just let us know and we will take care of it. We want to wish you a great weekend playing Space Haven, and we look forward to bringing you news of new content for the game.

If you want to read about our vision you can do so below:
... Read more

28 May

    aksel_bugbyte on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
**Greetings, Spacefarers!**

We will collect some great tutorial videos made by players here for easy access! As you may know we have an official wiki too. You can find it here below:

Community made Tutorial Videos
1980s Gamer Playing The Tutorial

DisturbedZ - Guided Playthrough

Full Comprehensive Playlist: Read more

27 May

    Aksel on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Spacefarers!

It has been very hectic for us here at Bugbyte, but we're really happy to be able to push out the new patch today! This patch addresses many bugs you've reported and also has some other smaller improvements.

We noticed it was easy to miss the UI box with the information on how to rotate a facility, and many wished they would be bound to Q and E on the keyboard by default. We improved the outlook of the rotation information box and made rotation keybinds be bound to Q and E by default.

We also heard you on the missing sounds and have started adding some more sounds to the game. We will aim to do this more and more with time.

We've also heard you on other issues and rest assured we are gathering all feedback and aim to improve the game! We just need a little time to figure out our bearings and make some implementations =)

... Read more

25 May

    Aksel on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings, Spacefarers!

We have been completely blown away by the Early Access release of Space Haven. Our small team of 3 has been scrambling to keep this spaceship together =) We welcome all new Spacefarers! May your journeys be eventful and prosperous.

We believe that you will see the love that has already gone into Space Haven, and the endless potential it has. However, we see plenty of room to expand on and improve the existing features to bring them up their full potential, which will be our main focus. We want to keep working on Space Haven until it is a true gem among indie games!

If you have any troubles with the game we are here for you at the Steam forums and our other channels ready to help! =) If there's anything going wrong rest assured we will be at the problem with the... Read more

12 May

    aksel_bugbyte on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Spacefarers.

We do not have a set in stone roadmap, because we do not feel it works well for us. We treat Space Haven as a living breathing organism, where our focus is best directed at features, which work great timing wise or due to sudden realizations stemming from something players have given us as feedback.

Having a set in stone roadmap would prevent us from being able to make quick changes to plans without having to spend time explaining why we are shifting from a "set in stone" roadmap.

With this system we believe all parties are winners, us developers but also you the players. We will be able to freely navigate based on the feedback we are receiving. This is the way we have developed Space Haven so far, and we're really happy with the results it has produced.

However, we do have larger modules we know we would like to work on, but it is impossible for us to know when the opportunity to focus on a module presents itself. ... Read more

08 May

[Image: HOe69vt.jpg]

Bzzt...bzt.. This is Bugbyte mission control. Houston, we don't have a problem, we have a date. Repeat, we have a date! We have a Steam/GOG Early Access release date! Bzzt...Bzt... Over and out. Space Haven will be released on Steam and GOG as Early Access on Thursday 21st of May. Let's make this rocket launch a successful one together!

Story time. We recently attended a small game dev gathering here in Turku, Finland. When asked to introduce ourselves we eagerly told our story, and how Space Haven was looking very promising to be our best game yet.

We continued on to say one of our game dev related dreams out loud, which would be to have the number one spot in the "global top sellers... Read more

28 Apr

[Image: SlfUuNf.png]

Alpha 8 comes as a smaller update focused on the Build Menu. We've spent a few weeks improving it and making it easier to use, easier to find facilities and utilizing different resolutions in a better way.

For those who have been playing the Alpha for some time already it might take a little time to get accustomed to the new build menu, but once that happens you should notice it is much improved to the previous version =)

[Image: SVzPyyF.png]

We've also worked hard on improving the translations, and hope to receive more feedback on them on our Discord server. We have set-up a channel for each language and ... Read more

10 Apr

[Image: A7P5tow.gif]

So, we find ourselves in midst of a pandemic. Never would we have believed that we and the world would find ourselves in such a situation as the Steam early access release of Space Haven closes in.

We truly hope you are safe out there. So far we have managed to continue on as before, our small 3 person indie team has not been infected. We've stayed healthy and focused our energy on Space Haven, and as a result there's lots of new features we want to show you. =)

Advanced Game Customization

[Image: rr8f3tZ.jpg]
Many knobs and levers to emphasize your beloved features in th... Read more

13 Feb

[Image: 40xFkCW.gif]

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It is the thunderous roar from a spaceship turret. Space Haven Alpha 6 is the biggest update to date and brings ship-to-ship battles with it, along with a bunch of smaller feature additions, improvements and bug fixes.

[Image: yu0Vf8a.gif]

Developing support for ship-to-ship battles was challenging design wise, but we're really happy with how it turned out and how it further supports the core of the game. The new additions enables you to build a proper bridge for your spaceship consisting of many console modules.

Note! There's only one turret at the moment, but our focus wa... Read more

22 Jan

    aksel_bugbyte on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Need help, Spacefarer?

The Space Haven wiki has lots of helpful information to guide you on your space adventure. You can find the wiki below:

We also have the following channels, where we and other players will be able to help you:

Discord server, come chat with us:

... Read more

19 Dec

[Image: eZW4siF.png]


We've arrived at the end of the year and it's once again time to head out to take a little break and celebrate Christmas and New Year replenishing our strength for the coming year, 2020.

This year was special to us. It's hard to fathom that it has already been well over 7 years since we started on our journey to create games. A lot has happened in that time, a lot of hardships and disappointments, but also successes that kept us alive to fight another day. We're very grateful to still be alive as an indie studio to this day.

Being a game developer is wonderful because you get to bring fantasies to life, and ... Read more

27 Nov

Greetings, Spacefarers.

Christmas is closing in and so is the Yogscast Jingle Jam! We have decided to join the Jingle Jam Bundle this year, with one of our older games Battlevoid: Harbinger. All the proceeds of the bundle go to charity! We try to do something charitable every year, even if it something small. Part of the fun of having some success is the ability to give back! =)

Additionally, the Yogscast crew has promised to play Space Haven in their stream, and we're really excited to see that. This will be a great opportunity for you to see the current state of Space Haven, and do check out their Jingle Jam streams throughout the whole of December!

We've been working on improving the user-interface th... Read more

10 Oct

[Image: rPFbAgX.jpg]
Girl. You walked into the wrong ship. Now show our Captain Pedro some respect or you gun' get it!

Greetings, Spacefarers.

Time flies when you are working on something cool and we believe this is the most exciting update for Space Haven so far! This big mixed bag of goodies update has it all, the biggest feature updates include:
  • A new alien and the alien behavior implemented further. 
  • Hailing and communicating with other factions, with faction relationships, settlements and more.
  • Boarding with the ability to surrender, take prisone...
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13 Sep

Greetings, Spacefarers!

Let's do a check on the starting resources and resources otherwise too so we can do some tweaks if need be for the next Alpha update.

Please only answer this if you have played the newest Alpha, Alpha 3 - Version 0.5.3. Otherwise we will get irrelevant feedback unfortunately =)

How are the current starting resources according to you:

  1. Are there some starting resources that present too much of a problem in the beginning? Which starting resources are they and is it problematic both in scenario 1 and 2?
  2. Are there some starting resources that are simply too plentiful at the moment?
  3. Which resources in general (Even beyond the beginning) present the most problems for you? And why?

Take into account: The point of scenario 1 and 2 is not to build a complete fleet outright, rather getting that first vessel capable of hypersp...

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