In my humble point of view I see a problem to solve in a situation like this. Could someone die? Sure, they might, but by drafting and using only the most healthy and energy filled crew members could easily also lead to no deaths. Would someone dying be a big deal to me personally? Not necessarily, and perhaps that is also the part of where differences lie between players.
To me: I see a problem I can solve, using the tools in the game. The fire inside the console area can be put out by getting the crew members out of there immediately and closing all vents on the doors to the room, the fire can be contained, oxygen will run out and the fire will die on its own. The room is perfect for that =)
Will the room be filled with gas after this? Sure will. I would Put space suits on and crew members fixing/operating consoles and jump the hell out of there to lick my wounds in a more calm sector.
Shane, Ffion, Narci can be drafted and the storage fire put out. They a...
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