
Stationeers Dev Tracker

19 Sep

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CaptainCamembert: That would be amazing. Is there also a way to separate the suit buttons from the actual inventory? Like have another checkbox that when ticked, the first time I press "3" only the inventory comes up, the second time I press "3", only the buttons for AC, temp up, temp down etc. Show up?

I know this one is a little more elaborate, but that would be PERFECT.

Thanks a lot.

Added in r7779 with the following change note:
+ Added Legacy Inventory setting. When enabled, only one window at a time will be open, similar to how the game was before. Note that it current does not allow you to have more than one window open at any time, including the hands - so it is not exact... Read more
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CaptainCamembert: Please tell me this is not the intended end result. I know it isn't for the movement, but please tell me the inventory will get some way of switching back.
Would it be an improvement if I add a tick box to enable "one window at a time open" mode? This is something I can do. I can try do this tonight, and then it would appear on beta.
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CaptainCamembert: I'm intrigued. Let's start a poll then.

I don't know how to or if that's even possible but I would really like to know if people actually do enjoy it.

Could you please start a poll about the inventory system and one about the movement? Maybe even over on discord and make a permanent link to it here on the forums? That would be nice. Thanks
You've mentioned many times you're not happy with the game - I am sorry that is the case, and that you no longer wish to play it.

I realize you are probably well over the refund time limit, so if you email me at ... Read more
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CaptainCamembert: In case I did miss something and my rant was in vain, you say:"as well as the old system" where can I change to the old system?
I'm pretty sure you know what I mean; there is no need to be obtuse.

I realise the new system is not exactly like the old one, but it is very close. And as you can see from the original post above, that user specifically does not want to buy the game because of that old system. He is not alone. Many people found the old one far too difficult to use, and so some compromises needed to be made.

In fact, it would be fair to say the vast majority of people find the new system a great compromise between pure keyboard control and pure window mouse ... Read more
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RacerX: I do not own the game. I have been following the progress though. I am thinking about buying it. I have seen gameplay on youtube. I looked at all the negative reviews which right now are mixed. So with 99% of the negative reviews about the Clunky UI and Inventory system , why has this not been addressed? I would like a developers comment only please and not a fan-boy player that thinks they know.

We originally said we would not change it, not out of spite - but because we couldn't figure out a way to maintain what we had and do a new system.

I ended up spending my own personal weekends researching a solution, and many late nights, and I found a solution and implemented it.

So while you found a post from 2017, this is not true. Now we have full mouse control for the inventory as well as the old system.

17 Aug

    Heightmare on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thats the problem with a lot of base building games I've found - initially there are many threats you need to address but once they've all been mitigated then things get pretty stale. We're working on some stuff that'll hopefully make that established-base life a bit more interesting, with the game ready with an array of spanners to toss into the works.

26 Jun

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This website:

Was created by the community track the changelog. If you want to see what is live on both default and beta branch you can check it out.

Big thanks to Melair who developed and hosts this.

04 Jan

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The current sales are ~16000 copies. There are over 50k wishlists. Less than 100 of the wishlists are for OSX/Linux (although that stat isnt perfect).

22 Dec

    rocket2guns on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We will add an option to turn them off. Thanks for the feedback!

02 Aug

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Will the game support 32-bit Operating Systems?
No. While we could support 32-bit operating systems, it means that we would have to run a separate executable. 32-bit OS also cannot utilize as much memory as a 64-bit OS. This is why the game now only runs on a 64-bit OS. This allows us to have a dramatically increased scale (more objects). Only a very small fraction of the gaming community continue to run 32-bit operating systems, so we think this will have minimal effect.

I don't like the art style, is it going to change?
No. The art style has been chosen for entirely development reasons. This is a game about systems, so an art style was chosen that allows rapid development while still offering fidelity needed for the games systems. We are able to add new things to the game within a day because it is a reasonably simple art style. We actually really like the art style as well!

How realistic is the science in the game?
We use real science where... Read more