
Stormgate Dev Tracker

29 Nov


Originally posted by StormGateLover

I think u/FGS_Gerald was disappointed that I capitalised the 'G' in Stormgate. It's a mistake I have to live with forever now 😔

This is correct.


Originally posted by HellaHS

Signed up day one. Whatever I’ll just keep playing SC2 lol.

We really appreciate your support. We wish we could invite everyone to beta test, especially our day one signups, but it’s simply not possible without additional funding.

I hope this doesn’t deter you from continuing to support Stormgate and I look forward to seeing you in-game.


Originally posted by FigBananaLettuce

I thought their funding was secured? Curious why they are going to kickstarter.

Totally reasonable response. I considered using the title "We are fully funded to launch Stormgate, but we're doing a Kickstarter for other cool stuff," but it didn't have quite the same ring to it!


Originally posted by harsbo

I went to bed watching and harnessing the power of Giant Grant Games' latest video "Warcraft 3: A Brief Retrospective", which is only 4 hours long, so very brief indeed, and woke up having received the Beta invitation, just saying.

I came to Warcraft 3 as a 7 old kid, so not only did this retrospective really bring back the extremely fond memories of how fun and playful the W3 game style is, but it added GGG's incredibly astute attention to the details of the design of the game as an RTS. Obviously, being a kid back then a lot of the details about the assymetry of the races and W3's innovations of the RTS genre in comparison with previous games were things I didn't realize at the time, I just experienced the game and took all that for granted. However, now, as an adult, being able to really appreciate the design dimension, it was such a treat to watch the GGG video and it has made me soooooo hype to delve into the beta <3

Welcome to Stormgate! <3


Originally posted by Glaki

got it too. i feel like they sent it to everyone bcs it's not actually an invite to beta, just an invite for a short playtest december 5 - december 22.

December 5-22 is our upcoming closed beta phase.

I can confirm that we did not send invites to everyone. Despite doubling the number of invites again for this phase, the number of signups who still haven't received an invitation to beta is much, much bigger. Meeting that demand is one of the primary motivators behind launching our upcoming Kickstarter campaign.


Originally posted by TertButoxide-

Frostgiant didn't create Starcraft 2 or Warcraft 3.

I just want to say that the language "From StarCraft II & Warcraft III creators" is getting wild. I think more fair descriptions would be like "from part of the team that brought you SC2 & WC3" or "former StarCraft 2 developers" as most independent media has settled on. You've deployed the word creators here in a way that its used nowadays in the general media space, like say in youtube or tiktok, to mean — people who work in that media ecosystem. So its a claim that these are people who work in ...

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Hi, there! That copy came from me. I never meant to claim that we were the sole creators of Warcraft III and StarCraft II--our track record and work histories are public and we've discussed our respective involvement in those franchises extensively.

It was an honor for many of us to work on those games--on the website, we say we walk in the footsteps of giants. On my side, I was at Blizzard for 11 years and supported the StarCraft II franchise from the Wings of Liberty launch through the founding of Frost Giant Studios. I have incredible memories of StarCraft and Warcraft that I'll treasure forever.

This was really just a matter of being restricted by the character count on Kickstarter's site. My original copy was too long and I lost some of the nuance in trimming the wording down to the e...

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28 Nov


Hey, everyone,

Our Kickstarter Coming Soon page is now live. Please sign up to be notified as soon as the campaign begins!

See you in Stormgate,
-The Frost Giant team

External link →

27 Nov


Originally posted by Lusankya

It's far too early in development to know all the details of how the game will be monetized. You can hang on to your gift cards just in case, but they may turn out to not be usable beyond purchanding the base game.

The Stormgate base game will be free.


Originally posted by LuckofCaymo

Careful, crowdfunding an already funded free to play game sounds bad. Why not just run it through your website. Have it as something purchasable with your account. Doing it through Kickstarter has bad vibes to me.

We can’t provide beta keys as bonus rewards outside of a crowdfunding campaign per Valve’s policy. Doing it on our own is not an option.


Originally posted by Rufus1223

Blizzard are masters of responsive games in general, so anything that doesn't come from them will feel dissapointing. It's also the main reason why WoW still remains one of the most popular MMOs, because even if Blizzard f**ks up everything else the reponsivness feeling is unmatched by any other game.

Stormgate will be the most responsive at 64Hz (or 64 ticks)—SC2 is 22.4, most other RTS are 8 tick.

No other RTS, past or in active development, matches Stormgate’s responsiveness. (At least as far as I know!)

26 Nov


Originally posted by PineappleLordLive

Thank you so much for this clarification

Thanks for reading! I enjoyed watching your recent video--we really appreciate the support.


Originally posted by Oneandonlymightyduck

Commenting for my little brother, on the off chance I could give him a beta key for Christmas. He's had the family signing up emails and filling out surveys for awhile now.

Give your little brother a big hug/high five from us and our thanks for being an early supporter.


As a veteran SC2 player, I hope you'll check out Stormgate. It's being made by Frost Giant Studios, including key members of the former SC2 development team. (We enter closed beta this December.)

There's some discussion in this thread on the pacing and gameplay feel of the respective RTS games and how SC2 has a higher server tick rate than other competing RTS games (past and upcoming). Stormgate runs on 64 Hz servers, which we believe makes it the most responsive RTS yet. (3x faster than SC2, 8x faster than typical 8 tick RTS games.) Stormgate will even support rollback, which we haven't seen in another RTS.

AoE 4 is a lot of fun, though, and I recommend it. I've played it quite a lot with my wife, who has been a longtime fan of Age of Empires since AoE2.

Check your PMs!

25 Nov


Originally posted by Talnir

Before going to the questions, I think there is one essential thing that needs to be mentioned even if it is going to sound trivial. Goodies & bonuses are good but I think the industry those days sometimes lose sight of what really matters: that the game is great.

I know you said you already have enough money to release the game but I bet that most people on this sub would be GLAD to give you some money just to increase the quality of the game itself and with no goodies attached to it. I know it sounds a bit unrealisitic (ofc ppl are going to want something for their money) but what I mean is that most of us is going to found the crowdfunding more because we want to support you & for the game to be awesome than to get goodies.

That being said, to the questions :3 :

REWARD TIERS: I think ingame things like skins, portrait, voicelines, UI designs, basically any type of cosmetics are great, & pbbly the most accessible.

Access to the game soundtrack or e...

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Appreciate the thoughtful note about wanting to support the game directly. Every dollar that comes in to purchase a Founder's Pack would go directly towards supporting the development of Stormgate. <3

24 Nov


Originally posted by m4ma

Alright this scares the shit out of me. Last "crowdfunded" game I played took years of development, was released half baked, and shuttered within a year.

Hey, just to be clear, this campaign is meant to fund physical collector’s editions and to sell founder’s packs with beta access for those who want it. Unlike some kickstarters that never result in a playable game, Stormgate is already fully funded for release to early access.


Originally posted by renok2504

Hopefully the Collector's Edition will have international shipping(?)

Hey, folks. We'll have a pledge manager to handle the backer's shipping costs. I believe US, EU, and UK should have standard shipping rates. Not sure about other regions just yet, but we're investigating.

23 Nov


Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!


Originally posted by AnxietyNo8032

Hey Gerald! Amazing job with this community! What about a Kickstarter to help fund a map editor, or some sort of version of UEFN, to keep the game and it's community alive long after development support has slowed or stopped. Coming from the StarCraft 2 modding community which started my career in games, really wish there was more support for modders to profit while also bringing players to your game. I get that this might be too soon to plan for, but wanted to make sure it's on radar.

Remembering Star Citizens Kickstarter, I wished I'd been aware of it because, for hundreds to several thousands, they offered a day or interview with the founder. That's valuable to me as a 2 year designer and I'd pay as much for time to explore ways of thinking and insights. Maybe offer 2 options for discord/zoom/in person meeting. Valuable to a fan too because nothing like understanding development or lore of the world.

I also paid 140 for fortnite founders edition, before it was...

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Happy to hear that you’re excited about our plans for custom games! We plan to release the same tools our team is using to build the game as an editor—the most advanced RTS editor yet. It’ll be a while as we’ve got to get the game out first, but we’re excited about the possibilities.

As for reward tiers that include behind the scenes access, that’s an intriguing idea…


Originally posted by Buzerio

I think if backing it on Kickstarter would give me access to later co-op commanders, campaigns, etc that I'd buy anyway then I'd definitely do it.

Yep! The Founder’s Packs would include campaign packs and Heroes.