
Stormgate Dev Tracker

19 Oct


Originally posted by DrumPierre

It was a small comment posted here from an official FG account months ago...I can't find it though.

Anyway we've seen them be repaired before so we know they're robots for sure.

Can verify that the above is true!


Originally posted by Eirenarch

That's not "super early"

We’re in alpha, which definitely feels super early to me!

18 Oct

06 Oct

    FrostGiantGerald on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We can't wait to share co-op too--the team is working on it. :)
    FrostGiantGerald on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We're working on it! Things are moving forward nicely, but this is a process and good things come to those who wait. Looking forward to having more to show soon.
    FrostGiantGerald on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Araon: I'd say it's just a reflection of a lack of trust, which is honestly waranted. With the insane ammount of big releases that keep marketing the next revolutionary product only to come out boring, unplayable or greedy, or all of the above - people are just sick of being lied to.

On the surface, Stormgate looks about as perfect as it can be. F2P with no p2w, single player, pvp and coop,hand-crafted engine to manage things that RTS games need which not many other games require, thus it not existing in many "off the shelf" engines, a comprehensive editor for player generated content...
If that's all true, it's going to easily be one of the best modern RTSes out there...

But that's just the thing - ...
Read more

Originally posted by Dorenton

assuming the survey actually does anything

It does.

03 Oct


Hey folks, we deployed a change that has corrected the error.

Please click the button in your invite email again to return to your Dashboard. You'll receive the proper link by clicking the Discord button.

We're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Have fun playtesting!


Hey folks, we deployed a change that has corrected the error.

Please click the button in your invite email again to return to your Dashboard. You'll receive the proper link by clicking the Discord button.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Have fun playtesting!


The correct Discord link can be found in the game client by clicking on the Report Bug button. We're looking into the Discord link issue and are very sorry for any inconvenience.


Hey folks, we encountered an issue where our Discord links were going out as "undefined", which would send people to a shady Discord that we do not control instead of the Private Closed Alpha Discord. Our team is working on making a change to our Dashboard so that testers will receive the correct Discord link.

We're super sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please check for the proper Discord link again in a few minutes.

29 Sep


Please send me a message here and include your email address so that we can discuss.

In case anyone is wondering, account sharing of the closed alpha playtest is not allowed and 100% against the rules.


Heroes are currently slated to be in every Stormgate game mode that isn't 1v1.


Originally posted by SirKunh

What about sharing screen on discord with friends, being 100% sure that nobody will record?

That’s not OK. The friends won’t have signed an NDA and we would likely see leaks that way.

28 Sep


Originally posted by Kaycin

For the record, I love the approach. Something that a lot of developers lack is connection/rapport with their player base. This sets the precedent very early that you value your player's feedback and trust them with your product. I'm very excited to jump into the closed-alpha next week!

We look forward to your feedback!


Yes, this is a closed playtest period under NDA, not one of the typical late-stage marketing beta tests you'd see for a nearly-finished game.

The goal of this closed alpha is for our playtesters to help make the game better by providing feedback directly to our devs--it's not meant to be a vehicle for them to make content. We'll be excited to watch people stream Stormgate or make videos when it's further along, but we're going to wait until the time is right.


Originally posted by voidlegacy

StarCraft and Warcraft will be hard to surpass, especially for an indie team (even if they're veteran developers), but I'm rooting for Frost Giant. They definitely have their work cut out for them. I hope we can get more video updates.

Frost Giant Studios was founded by key members of the team behind StarCraft II (most recently Legacy of the Void) and Warcraft III.


Originally posted by Thrmis21

Greetings sorry for bother you, any official discord? Thanks a lot for your time.

Not yet! There’s a lively unofficial discord you can join that some of us hang out in (link is in the description for our recent YT video.) we plan to launch an official Discord in the future, but that’ll be a while.


Originally posted by Zolden

SC2 Map Editor is very powerful. I was able to remake many games with it. I did the vinci faction of Rise of Legends, realtime versions of Civilization and Heroes of Might and Magic with most of the mechanics. Also remade the old Z rts game. Also implemented a few of my own designs, one of which became popular.

Nice. We’d love to have you check out Stormgate’s editor (once it’s ready, of course).

27 Sep


We're all super grateful for your support. Thank you so much for the kind words.