
Stormgate Dev Tracker

03 Nov


Originally posted by Mrdude000

If we were invited into the closed alpha, are we auto invited to the beta?



Originally posted by burimo

What about NDA? Any hope we will see more gameplay from beta gameplay made by progamers?

Yes, you will see Stormgate gameplay from pros sometime during the beta.
More details coming "soon."


Originally posted by SkyBlaze93

Is the December test under NDA for testers? like the October test?



Originally posted by DanBrink91

Will people be allowed to stream for the beta?

We'll still be in closed beta and under NDA, but future streaming opportunities are in the works. Stay tuned.


Originally posted by Finding_F_Nemo

When can we await E-Mail with an info if we got in or not?

Invites will go out later in November.


Originally posted by donatopai

cool! but how closed? a bit more open than alphas? i really want it :(

We are inviting double the number of playtesters for this phase. We still won't be able to let everyone in, but if you fill out the survey (and wishlist for good karma), the odds may be in your favor!


Hi, everyone!

We have some exciting news to share with you today. After many months of hard work and very successful closed alpha testing, we are ready to share that Stormgate will enter closed beta testing this December!

This means that we are ready to begin testing our three-player co-op vs. AI mode, which we like to call 3vE, and feel good enough about the core gameplay and underlying systems and technology to go from alpha to beta testing. The added good news for those of you who have been waiting to get in is that this also means we’ll be inviting many more playtesters.

However, this does not mean that we are nearly done with the game. Far from it. We are still quite a ways away from being “done.” Beta for our game means something different than it would for a box product–after all, we plan to regularly update Stormgate with new features and content for years to come. For us, the beta tag means that our technological infrastructure is in a great place, ...

Read more External link →



Originally posted by mortalitylost

Please sir, may I have a beta key? I'm desperate. Really desperate. I'll do things.



Originally posted by Sloppy_Donkey

Stormgate is designed to be noob friendly which means you can't die early game, there are no perma cloak units, everything is slower so it's not possible to turn games around in an instant, etc.

Just watch WC3 - it's very boring in my opinion compared to watching SC2 as there is much less variability, upsets, etc.

I must have missed the memo because I sure have been able to die early on...


Originally posted by HorizonShadow

Plot twist: stormgate is 4 years out

Not quite... ;)



Originally posted by Green-Peach1768

I’m just ready for storm gate which will be the true sc3. (Made by the sc2 devs)

We working hard to get the game ready for you!



Originally posted by NeedsMoreReeds

Frost Giant spun off from Blizzard after it was clear they weren’t interested in doing any more RTS. So all the Blizzard RTS developers went to Frost Giant. If Microsoft or whatever does SC3, it won’t be the same people making it.

Frost Giant is currently making Stormgate, which is a new IP that’s basically Starcraft 3.

We’re creating our own new universe with Stormgate. While our game will feel familiar to fans of Blizzard RTS, it’s going to be its own thing—we’re not trying to make “StarCraft 3 at home.”



Originally posted by DJEmpire80

Wait for stormgate




Originally posted by Nexvo1

I'd say there's a high chance, but not anytime soon. A lot of the blizzard employees who created SC2 and wanted to create new RTS games left for companies like Frost Giant (Stormgate) and Dreamhaven (though I don't believe they've announced a game yet).

Hey, Gerald at Frost Giant here—DreamHaven is a partner of ours and you’re correct in that they haven’t announced a game yet. Stormgate has been in closed alpha testing and development is going well! We’re eager to get it into more players’ hands soon.

27 Oct

20 Oct


Originally posted by letmelive123

he's also been successful in 3 different rts games (that I know of, maybe more).. .so yeah hes your guy

His brother is insanely good too.


Originally posted by Augustby

Is Devastator referencing the Dune series unit, or is there another RTS unit you guys were thinking of?

Yes, I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to the Dune unit.


Originally posted by TheRealAlosha

Still salty haven’t gotten to play yet

Most people haven’t gotten to play yet—less than 1-in-20 signups have received alpha invites.

19 Oct


Originally posted by mulefish

I've signed up for the newsletter/alpha like 15 times but still don't get the newsletters.

This is really strange. Please DM me so we can troubleshoot to see what might be happening.


Originally posted by phillukin

Does this mean chronosphere alpha invites will be sent out soon?

Chromosphere is the testing phase going on now. Our next phase, which will welcome many new testers, is codenamed Devastator. Invites will go out before the end of the year. I’m sorry that I can’t get more specific than that at this time.