
Stormgate Dev Tracker

08 Nov


Originally posted by Dorenton

ok cool thanks

do you guys have an opinion on signing up like 200x? I did the survey and didn't get in, feel like I'm just shooting myself in the foot only signing up once

That wouldn’t be fair to everyone else. Honesty is the best policy.


Hey there--yes, we are running a private Discord specifically for collecting closed alpha feedback and supporting our playtests. Everyone in there is under NDA. We'll be opening up the Discord to everyone when we're closer to releasing Stormgate.

I know you said you didn't want the link to the unofficial Discord, but TNO, who operates the Frost Giant Cave, has been a great ally to us. He even staffed our booth at Gamescom! The Frost Giant devs hang out there and it's one of the best ways to connect with other future Stormgate players.


Originally posted by DjChrisSpear

Guess it's a good thing Frost Giant exists.



Originally posted by applecat144

Yeah I'm awaiting stormgate impatiently. I didn't want to have to much expectations but the alpha footage and tournament really does make it seem awsome !


07 Nov


Thanks, Dude on internet!


Originally posted by Dorenton

are there random invites in general going our still or only through facebook/twitter?

Yes, we will still draw from the general signup pool. Filling out the survey helps.


Nah, man. You still need to build your own base, etc. we just have a few optional shortcut macros that consolidate your available build options and simplify the process so that you don’t have to select an individual worker first, for example.

You’ll also command big armies—(assuming you are doing what you’re supposed to)—we’re not making a MOBA.


Originally posted by Arch3m

I can't imagine how much it must cost to construct additional pylons.

FYI, former members of the StarCraft II team left Blizzard to form Frost Giant Studios and we’re working on Stormgate, a spiritual successor to the classic Blizzard RTS games. Closed beta testing begins in December—sign up at

You can find out more & wishlist on Steam. GLHF!


Originally posted by karlheinz2525

there is also infernal in this closed beta?

Yes, the Infernal Host will be playable—like the rest of the game, they’re still a work-in-progress and we’re looking for feedback.

06 Nov

04 Nov


Originally posted by KungFuFlames

I wish I had twitter.

I posted the same thing on our Facebook. Do you use that?


Originally posted by Omni_Skeptic

Custom games editor? If I can continue to mapmake in Stormgate, HYPE

I've seen your work--super hyped to see what you can build using our editor!


Originally posted by AldricReynor

Is there a way to change my survey answers? If I remember right, hardware was involved in the questions and mine has changed drastically since I filled it out.

You can try filling out the survey again using a different email account, maybe?


Originally posted by Chrisau233

Great news really excited! Also looking forward to being able to contribute financially to building the next great RTS, whether thats through merch or whatever.


03 Nov


Originally posted by Freeturbine

Thanks for all you do for us.

We appreciate your support! <3


Originally posted by Otherwise_Mud_69

So is devestator the first wave of beta, or will devestator be another alpha wave this month?

Devastator is Closed Beta phase one!


Originally posted by krivel01

Sounds awesome! I haven't received the last few newsletter emails even though I used to get them. It seems other people have this problems as well! Is there a fix for this? It would suck to miss out on beta invites because of email shenanigans

I'm looking into this. Please DM me your email.


Originally posted by BR3AKR

I'm really excited about this news! Hope I get in and if not I hope the NDA gets lifted soon after so we can watch some streams. Is there a chance we'll see a third faction during that playtest or is that still a ways out?

Huge milestone FG! Way to go! Feels like everything is moving so fast.

For closed beta phase one, we're focusing on 3p Co-op vs. AI and more 1v1 action. We'll still be at two playable factions for this playtest (codenamed "Devastator.")


Originally posted by shebalima

I love you Stormgate

We love you too!


Originally posted by Tangled-up-and-blue

Have you seen one of the threads about people not receiving emails from frost giant / stormgate?

I am on of the users that has signed up for beta, but starting last December have stopped receiving new email newsletters.

I'm sorry that you haven't been receiving our newsletters.

Will DM you to look into it.