Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

05 Feb


Hi Holotable Heroes,

We've identified the players affected and will begin providing them with a Make Good for the outage issue from 01/24/2020.

The compensation will include the following: 1500 crystals, 1500 GET 1, 1500 GET 2, 5 zeta materials.

Thank you for your patience.

Original Message:

We’ve been monitoring the recent release (1/26) and it appears that all players that were previously unable to load the game can now re-enter. We’re in the process of identifying those accounts specifically and determining next steps of a make good for those players. This process requires some research and analysis on our part, so please bear with us as we complete our due diligence. Thank you everyone for your patience as we worked through the issue.

04 Feb


Galactic Legends Journey Guide Placeholder Icons

NOTE: The number of placeholder units needed for Galactic Legends (question mark "?" icons) in the summary tab has been adjusted to reflect the actual number of units that will be needed (13 actual, versus the 17 currently displayed).
Assault Battle Challenge Tiers
The next phase of the assault has begun! Two Assault Battles, Forest Moon and Places of Power, are the first to receive additional tiers and bring a whole new level of challenge to the holotables. Deploy your best squads to battle with increasingly tough encounters and earn more rewards the higher you can climb.
NOTE: Today's update contains the additional Challenge tiers for Assault Battles: Forest Moon and Places of Power. Unfortunately, after reviewing the events over the last few days we discovered a bug in Places of Power that will result in a delay. We will be swapping the next Places of Power event with Forest Moon. Rewards and requirements will remain the same and the first event with these Challenges is Forest Moon on Jan 30th.
Galactic Legends: Character Reveal #1
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are excited to announce the Artist of War Mythic Event will be returning to Galaxy of Heroes this weekend, running from 02/08/20 to 02/09/20.

Expect more Mythic Events to arrive in the future!

See you on the Holotables!
Hello Holotable Heroes,

Several bugs are being added to the bug tracker as they impact the balance of our Territory Battle events.
  • There is a bug with Chimaera in the Republic Offensive LSTB that is causing it to not gain any of its intended stats above the base-level, resulting in an under-powered unit.
  • In the Reek mission in the Republic Offensive LSTB, there is a bug involving Jango Fett that results in enemies taking damage from Jango Fett’s Burning, despite Burning not having been applied.
  • The Vulture Droid in the Republic Offensive LSTB has a bug that will cause it to summon another Vulture Droid on death, even if the allied Capital Ship isn't from the Separatist faction.
  • Vulture Droid's Unique ability text does not correctly reflect the in-game functionality of the unit's assist cap.

We are currently planning to remove the Chimaera missions from the Geonosis Light Side Territory Battle until we have resolved the i... Read more

03 Feb

Hi Holotable Heroes,

As we experience the Grand Arena Championships on a regular schedule now, with a variety of changing feats, we recognize that there is some confusion about why some units are not being credited with a defeat in a few edge-case scenarios.

Here are the situations where the character-in-question will not get credited with a defeat:
  • The character-in-question assists, but the target was already defeated before that character is called to assist (we just keep the defeated unit there until all the assists play out). Note: if the character-in-question is the one to inflict the final damage, you will get feat credit.
  • The character-in-question puts a DOT or other damage-not-on-their-turn effect onto the target. If the target dies due to damage at the start of their turn, no feat credit is generated for the character who originally put them into that state.
  • The target defeats themself instead, due to how our system works. This in...
Read more

29 Jan


Assault Battle Challenge Tiers
The next phase of the assault has begun! Two Assault Battles, Forest Moon and Places of Power, are the first to receive additional tiers and bring a whole new level of challenge to the holotables. Deploy your best squads to battle with increasingly tough encounters and earn more rewards the higher you can climb.

NOTE: Today's update contains the additional Challenge tiers for Assault Battles: Forest Moon and Places of Power. Unfortunately, after reviewing the events over the last few days we discovered a bug in Places of Power that will result in a delay. We will be swapping the next Places of Power event with Forest Moon. Rewards and requirements will remain the same and the first event with these Challenges is Forest Moon on Jan 30th.

Galactic Legends: Character Reveal #1
As you may have seen in the game, we have released the first set of characters and their completion requ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for February.

Daily Login Character for February: Resistance Pilot

NOTE: Many legendary/journey events were changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar. Read this post for more information.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We’ve discussed what defines a Galactic Legend character, but we want to also highlight how the event itself will be structured.

At a high level these characters will require more effort than Hero’s Journey, Epic Confrontation or Legendary events, but players will have more time to invest in the required units. The requirements for a Galactic Legend will roll out in the months leading up to the event so you will know what’s needed for their events in advance. Unlike previous events, Galactic Legends are persistent and will become available as soon as the event is live as long as you’ve met the requirements.

Speaking of requirements, each character or ship needed to unlock Galactic Legends can have unique requirements regarding relic or gear levels. (Our first post on the required units is coming later this week!) We will have the requirements listed as quests on the Prerequisites tab in the Journey Guide.

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28 Jan

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Over the next couple updates we’re going to be adding brand new Challenge Tiers to the Assault Battles in the game. The first Assault Battles to receive these new tiers are Forest Moon and Places of Power. Each of these new tiers is tuned to be even more difficult than the Mythic Tier, and offer rewards appropriate for that difficulty.

The first tier, Challenge Tier I, recommends you to bring in characters that are Relic 3 or higher. Successful completion of the 8 waves of enemies will reward you with the following:
  • 5x Injector Cell Salvage
  • 5x Injector Handle Salvage
  • 5x Injector Head Salvage
  • 10x Mk 9 Kyrotech Battle Computer Prototype Salvage
  • 10x Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage
  • 2x Ability Material Zeta
Note: There are no “First Time” rewards for Challenge Tiers, you will receive the normal rewards every time you are able to complete it.
... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We’ve announced that the first two Galactic Legends will be Kylo and Rey, but what exactly are Galactic Legends and how do they differ from Legendary, Hero’s Journey, or Epic Confrontation units?

Galactic Legends will be some of the most powerful characters in Galaxy of Heroes and will have several unique mechanics. We want these characters to plug and play into many different teams but also have a specific squad that they are particularly well suited for. For example, Galactic Legend Rey could lead a great Resistance squad due to several abilities that affect Resistance units but could also work well with just about any light side squad as she has abilities that also directly target all Light Side characters.

Part of this relates to how Galactic Legends manipulate the Mastery stat. Introduced with Relics last year, the Mastery stat provides different stat bonuses based on the character’s role and is a core part of how Galactic Legends... Read more

27 Jan

We’ve been monitoring the recent release (1/26) and it appears that all players that were previously unable to load the game can now re-enter. We’re in the process of identifying those accounts specifically and determining next steps of a make good for those players. This process requires some research and analysis on our part, so please bear with us as we complete our due diligence. Thank you everyone for your patience as we worked through the issue.

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Client Update contains a fix for the login issue impacting a small number of players detailed here. This release will roll out over the next couple hours and you will need to update your client from the app store to receive this fix.

  • [GENERAL] - Fixed an issue that caused some clients to consistently crash on start up

25 Jan

Hi folks,

We have been investigating an issue that is causing some players to not be able to log in since earlier today. While only a small number of users are affected, we understand this is incredibly frustrating for those players. We have been working with several of the affected players to fix this as soon as possible and they have been a tremendous help in narrowing down the issue. Unfortunately, we were unable to resolve this issue this evening but this will be a priority again tomorrow.

Our sincerest apologizes to those players impacted but we will continue working to resolve this issue tomorrow and through the weekend if needed.

Thank you for your understanding.
Hi folks,

We have been investigating an issue that is causing some players to not be able to log in since earlier today. While only a small number of users are affected, we understand this is incredibly frustrating for those players. We have been working with several of the affected players to fix this as soon as possible and they have been a tremendous help in narrowing down the issue. Unfortunately, we were unable to resolve this issue this evening but this will be a priority again tomorrow.

Our sincerest apologizes to those players impacted but we will continue working to resolve this issue tomorrow and through the weekend if needed.

Thank you for your understanding.
Hi folks,

We are aware of a possible issue that is causing some player to not be able to login in the game. We are going to investigate through the weekend to get this resolved as soon as possible. At this time, it does not seem to be affecting large number of players but if you are experiencing this issue, please head over to AnswersHQ and post the following:
  • Device Information (Make, Model, etc)
  • Device Firmware Version
  • Your Ally Code or PlayerID
  • Are you experiencing this issue on multiple devices?

24 Jan

We're receiving reports that some users on iOS devices are having trouble logging in or making purchases. We're investigating the issue and will update as we learn more.

23 Jan

Hi all,

The missing Wat Tambor shards (and GET 2 currency) from the Geo TB which ended on 11/11/2019 have now been returned to the affected guilds.
We sincerely apologize for the delay in returning these items and to thank you for your patience we've added an additional 250 Crystals.
If you did not received inbox message with Wat Tambor shards or GET2 and participated in the GeoTB on the date above (due to switching guilds or similar circumstances), please send a private message to EA_MindTricks with the details and we will investigate.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Server Update contains several minor fixes for the game. We will be rolling out the server update over the next several hours. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

  • [GENERAL] - Player Profile now displays your current Galactic Power instead of highest achieved.
  • [EVENT] - Fixed a rare issue when a player encountered a message that another player already deployed the same unit in a platoon, the unit that could not be deployed will now be available to deploy elsewhere during that phase.
  • [GRAND ARENA] - "Championship Best Rank Achieved" stat is now updated after a Grand Arena Championship season is finished.
  • [GRAND ARENA] - Fixed an issue that could chase an "Invalid Layout" error when setting a defensive fleet that has an empty slot in the reinforcements.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Server Update contains several minor fixes for the game. We will be rolling out the server update over the next several hours. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

  • [GENERAL] - Player Profile now displays your current Galactic Power instead of highest achieved.
  • [EVENT] - Fixed a rare issue when a player encountered a message that another player already deployed the same unit in a platoon, the unit that could not be deployed will now be available to deploy elsewhere during that phase.
  • [GRAND ARENA] - "Championship Best Rank Achieved" stat is now updated after a Grand Arena Championship season is finished.
  • [GRAND ARENA] - Fixed an issue that could chase an "Invalid Layout" error when setting a defensive fleet that has an empty slot in the reinforcements.