Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

20 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s update contains our 4th Anniversary celebration! We have the tremendous honor of entertaining one of the most incredible Star Wars communities in gaming. It is your continued passion that drives us to keep growing and pushing this game to new levels. As we look to the future, we are excited to continue to evolve this game for many years to come. Thank you for help creating this amazing experience. We will be sending these gifts as a token of our sincerest appreciation for being a part of this game and community later this week.

  • Happy 4th Anniversary - Here’s what will be in the Anniversary inbox later this week!
    • Title - A New Hope
    • Portrait - 8TtPgAp.png
    • In honor of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes' fourth anniversary, we will be rewarding double drops on Light Side Battles, Dark Side Battles, Mod Battles, Cantina Battles and ...
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Hello Holotable Heroes,

Welcome to another installment of the Road Ahead. We posted earlier this week about the new light side Territory Battle on Geonosis, but in this post we’d like to discuss some exciting changes we have planned for future content in Galaxy of Heroes.

New Trilogy Content
While the Light Side Territory Battle for Geonosis completes this current chapter for Galaxy of Heroes, we’ve been delighted from all imaginative Clone Wars squads you’ve built. But for now we are transitioning to the New Trilogy and, like all of you, we were incredibly excited to see the final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! We’re looking forward to having old friends (General Hux) and some new friends (Sith Trooper), kick off our foray into the culmination of the Skywalker Saga! While we can’t release specifics about some of the other upcoming characters and ships, we can tell you that this phase of content will take us well into spring.

Fo... Read more

19 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today's update will require all players to download the latest fix that deployed yesterday (notes here) from their respective app stores.

The update appears to have fixed the vast majority of accounts we have checked and had the updated version. Many players we reviewed still reporting issues did not have the latest client version but we are continuing to monitor and please ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Get ready to battle over the new light side Territory Battle on Geonosis, Republic Offensive!

This difficult event will be available for preview in game next week and starting in early December, you'll need a mix of light side characters such as Jedi, Clones or Galactic Republic characters to defeat the waves of Separatist droids and Geonosians. Just like with Hoth, your guild will battle from right to left crushing the Separatist army in exciting new special missions, unique fleet battles while facing off against the terrifying Reek and Nexu. We have also created a variety of new granted abilities for each phase to help you shutdown the Separatists defenses. The light side version of this event will feature difficult missions with iconic Republic characters such as General Anakin Skywalker, and General Kenobi.

There are new units that can be earned from special missions and from the currency earned from the event, along with plenty of... Read more

18 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update contains a fix for the disappearing buttons issue. We will start rolling out the client fix shortly and will be available sometime over the next 24 hours. We will require you to update your client tomorrow (or the next day depending how the roll out goes) and ensure all players receive the missing buttons fix.

You will be able to download the update manually in the Google Play app store in a few hours if you want to download the fix in advance. This will also be available on the iOS app store later this afternoon.

  • GENERAL - Fixed an issue where battles would de-sync and cause a soft lock when assists were triggered between encounters
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We have an update today that contains a fix for the disappearing buttons issue. We will start rolling out the client fix shortly and will be available sometime over the next 24 hours. We will require you to update your client tomorrow (or the next day depending how the roll out goes) and ensure all players receive the missing buttons fix. You will be able to download the update manually in the Google Play app store in a few hours if you want to download the fix in advance. This will also be available on the iOS app store later this afternoon.

We had an inbox message this morning set live this morning prematurely that mentions the return of the character requirements for Separatist Might as this issue was resolved. Apologies for the confusion, this was intended to go out later today with the update.

15 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update contains a fix for Grand Arena Championship feats. As we mentioned yesterday, there were some issues with the feats expiring before the event started.

  • EVENT - Fixed the duration for the "Execution Squad" Feat in Grand Arena Championships so it does not expire before the Attack Phase begins.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We found a few more timing issues last night and are planning on an update this afternoon to address the Grand Arena Championship feat "Execution Squad" and a few other feats. This change will occur prior to the start of the event and will make the feat available during the event. Stay tuned for the Update Notes later today.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware that some Guilds are reporting that they are not receiving the correct number of Wat Tambor shards when completing the special missions in the Geonosian Territory Battle. We are investigating and looking into what could be causing such a problem. I've added this issue to the Dev Tracker and I will keep the status updated there but I will also post on the forums if there are any major updates.

We are also investigating the GAC feat, "Execution Squad." There appears to be an issue with duration of the event and is not possible to be completed. I will update this thread when we know more.

Update: We are working on deploying a hotfix this evening to address the GAC feat timer
Update #2: We need additional time for testing the changes. The hotfix should be ready for a release tomorrow

14 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update contains an update to the November Calendar and changes the Territory Battle: Separatist Might mission entry requirements to no longer allow all Dark side units. We believe we have a fix for the missing buttons issue and will be addressing the bug in a client update prior to the start of the next Territory Battle.

  • Updated November Calendar
    • DS Territory Battle added - 11/18
    • Territory War 99 moved - 11/24 (Attack Phase starts on 11/26)
    • Territory War 100 moved - 11/28 (Attack Phase starts on 11/30)
  • Terri...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

We will be making some changes to the November calendar in an Update later today. The next Dark side Territory Battle and 2 Territory Wars will have their dates changed. These changes have been added to the November Calendar post here.
  • DS Territory Battle added - 11/18
  • Territory War 99 moved - 11/24 (Attack Phase starts on 11/26)
  • Territory War 100 moved - 11/28 (Attack Phase starts on 11/30)
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Server Update contains some minor server changes. There is nothing publicly changing with today's update. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

08 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update contains several minor timing adjustments for bundles but there are no player facing update notes for this release.

See you on the Holotables!
Hi Holotable Heroes,

I saw some questions on the round rewards for this Grand Arena Championship. As with past Grand Arenas, Grand Arenas that contain a ship combat node have a different round rewards, specifically they contain Ship Omegas instead of Zeta Materials. That said, we are re-evaluating rewards for this mode regularly and are currently assessing if/what changes we may make to future Grand Arena Championships.

07 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today's Server Update addresses a small number players who were impacted by the second bugged Star Forge Showdown event. We will be rolling out the server update over the next several hours. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

Hi Holotable Heroes,

With phase 2 of Separatist Might coming up, I wanted to answer a frequently asked question about the Acklay battle. That is, if Geonosian Brood Alpha is still the only unit with the Beast Warden ability that can remove the Acklay’s enrage.

The answer is yes, you will need GBA in your squad if you wish to use the Beast Warden ability and calm down the Acklay. GBA does not need to be in the leader slot, but does need to be present. The ability was not given to any other units, so while you are able to use any dark side unit in the Acklay battle (for this run of the Territory Battle) it may be insurmountable if you do not have Geonosian Brood Alpha in your squad.

06 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update contains several bug fixes and adjustments for daylight savings. Darth Malak’s event, Star Forge Showdown has been rescheduled for Friday of this week.

  • Bundles, Packs, and Event timers have been updated to reflect the end of daylight savings time.
  • Star Forge Showdown returns 11/08 @ 11:00am Pacific (19:00 UTC)
  • BTL-B Y-wing event start date was moved from 11/7/2019 to 11/14/2019
  • Reverted Jedi Knight Anakin’s Portrait back to his original version

  • UNIT - Fixed an issue where Chewbacca's “Loyal Friend” could cause him to assist multiple times per turn.
  • UNIT - General Skywalker will no longer exit "Cover" and gain Deathmark from enemy Darth Revan.
  • AUDIO - Stopped the audio quality from degrading over time on some 64-bit devices.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

With the upcoming release of ARC Trooper, we will have 2 characters in the game that can summon an additional unit at the start of an encounter and you are probably wondering what happens if you take both of them into combat. Most of the time, it wouldn’t be particularly useful to have ARC Trooper and Geonosian Brood Alpha on the same team but let’s examine what happens in this situation for future cases.

First, there’s a couple rules we should cover.
  • There is only one slot for summoning units regardless of the size of your squad
  • There is a definitive order in which these units will be summoned. - The unit at the top of the order will be summoned and the others will not
  • ARC Trooper’s Blaster Turret is at the top of this list and has priority over summoning the Geonosian Brute
This means even if you bring a 4 man squad containing both ARC Trooper and GBA into battle, it will only result in 1 summoned unit, th... Read more

03 Nov

Hi folks,

We've seen reports of players having issues when changing their activity times in the Time Settings menu. We are investigating what could be causing this behavior and will update you when we have more details on Monday.

01 Nov

Hello Holotable Heroes,

It’s been a busy week and wanted to reach out to give a few updates:
  1. We’re starting to finalize testing on the Starforge Showdown. The event has been tentatively rescheduled to run next week from 11/8 through 11/10. We’ll keep you updated if that date changes again.
  2. Chewbacca is currently bugged and doing more assists than he should be. We’ll be rolling out a fix for him next week.
  3. We had an omission from our most recent patch notes. We’ve changed when the roster lock occurs for both TW and GAC matchmaking. Previously, your roster did not have a snapshot of your collection taken until the moment matchmaking had begun. This resulted in some players rosters being updated after the moment matchmaking by the nature of the system going through and taking snapshots of everyone’s roster. Now, when you click the Join button your roster is snapped. For TW, if you exit, you are removed from matchmaking consideration. When you rejoi...
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