Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

04 Dec

Hi folks,

Due to technical issues with the Republic Offensive Territory Battle (posted about last night), we will be stopping both Republic Offensive (Geonosis Light) and Rebel Assault (Hoth Light) later today. We will be sending all eligible players rewards as a make good for these issues (more info on that later today). We will not be restarting either of these events immediately to give us time to address the current territory configuration issue and review for any additional bugs. We will not be changing or re-tuning the difficulty for Republic Offensive. We will b... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Just a quick reminder that we will doing a live Q&A today. You can submit us questions beforehand or respond to the thread during the Q&A and we will get through as many questions as we can. Click the link below to submit your question and include your forum name if you wish to be credited.

Click the link to submit your questions >> SurveyMonkey
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Several players have reported issues unlocking the correct subsequent territories in phase 2 of Republic Offensive. We are investigating reports that finishing the middle territory will unlock both phase 2 middle and bottom territories (it should only unlock middle territory in phase 2), while finishing the bottom territory in phase 1 will unlock the middle territory in phase 2 (it should only unlock the bottom territory in phase 2).

We will not be intervening on this issue now and will look in to it first thing tomorrow morning.

EDIT: I'm also seeing reports that players who completed stars in the top territory are not unlocking additional territories in phase 2. We are investigating further
Hi Holotable Heroes,

I updated the SWGoH Developer Tracker earlier today, and while I don't normally post when I do my weekly update, I wanted to call out 2 specific issues:
  • Ki-Adi-Mundi can cause an infinite loop with certain squads - We will be addressing this in a future update. We will share more details when we can.
  • The Missing Buttons - We are still monitoring for reports of freezes since the update. The fix seem to have resolved the majority of issues but there may be different bugs causing a very similar behavior. Please ...
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03 Dec

Hi Holotable Heroes,

In the Road Ahead, TopHat talked briefly about the Hyperdrive Bundle. We wanted to give more insight into some specifics about this bundle and what you can expect:


When we launched Galaxy of Heroes, player level 60 was considered the “end game.” Today, much of the end-game content is accessible starting at level 85. As the game has evolved, your collection is really what determines your progress in the game rather than your account level.

We’ve heard from many of you in previous Dev Q&A’s that it’s important we focus on improving the new user experience, and help new players in Galaxy of Heroes to get integrated into the game more quickly.

While we want to offer players a new way to get into the action, it’s also important that we respect the time and investment many of you have put into this game over the years. With those things in mind, the key pillars of the Hyperdrive Bundle are:
  • P...
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27 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We're collecting questions for the December Developer Q&A and will be answering your inquires live on 12/04 from 12:30-1:30pm PT (18:30-19:30 UTC) in the General Discussion Section of the Forums. You can find previous Q&As in the ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update contains the ARC Trooper! You can find out more in his kit reveal here.

  • ARC Trooper is available on Cantina Battles 5-G. This is replacing Clone Wars Chewbacca, which is still farmable on Cantina Battles 1-C.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

War rages across the surface of Geonosis as Count Dooku attempts to repel the Republic invasion. Gather your finest Clone Troopers and Galactic Republic characters and head to the Petranaki Arena to battle the terrifying Reek, but watch your back, the Nexu also stalks your squad and could be hiding around any corner. Stop these vicious beasts from ripping apart the Galactic Republic with an army of Clone Troopers or Padme and her close allies. Unlock new Clone Wars era characters and ships such as Ki Adi Mundi or General Grievous' heavy cruiser, Malevolence, in this new Territory Battle, Republic Offensive.

  • The new light side Territory Battle, Republic Offensive, is available for Guilds - Don’t forget to choose which Territory Battle your Guild wants to participate!
  • Malevolence Blueprints can be f...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

Designer CG_Mandellorian is back to talk with me about the difficulties of creating the largest capital ship in the game and what strategies we should consider when utilizing the ship in battle. Charge the Mega-ion cannon and let’s get this started!


Q: What is the Malevolence?
CG_M: Malevolence is a massive Subjugator-class heavy cruiser used by General Grievous as his flagship in Clone Wars tv show during the Malevolence arc of episodes. Right at the start of the series, the Separatists use the... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

This week we are discussing a particularly recognizable Cerean Jedi, Ki-Adi-Mundi with CG_Miller! I ask what’s going on in that big head of his and what can we expect this Jedi Master to bring to the holotables.


Q: Who is Ki-Adi-Mundi?
CG_M: Most people probably recognize him as the Jedi Council member who asks, “What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?” in Revenge of the Sith but this character was given a much deeper lore and history outside of the main movies. He plays a si... Read more

26 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

The light side Territory Battle on Geonosis, Republic Offensive, will be added to the client later today and I have a few quick updates from the team:
  • Several players pointed out Shaak Ti was in Phase III platoons and also required in missions in that phase. This was an oversight and will be corrected for the launch of the event.
  • ARC Trooper will be farmable on Cantina Battles 5-G tomorrow, 11/27, not immediately after today's update. ...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for December.

Daily Login Character for December: Kylo Ren (Unmasked)

NOTE: Many legendary/journey events will be changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time in the next update and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar. Read this post for more information.

25 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

With the Republic Offensive coming soon, we would be remiss if we failed to let you know what the Platoon requirements were for this Territory Battle as we have done in the past. Like Hoth and the Separatist Might Territory Battles the platoons are static and will remain as they are for the foreseeable future.

Because Republic Offensive is the most difficult content we have included to date, all platoon characters and ships need to be 7* to qualify for being put into platoons. In addition, phase three will require General Skywalker in a number of platoons (since he is not required for any missions in that phase). We know that this is a tall order to fill even for the highest GP guilds, but remember that this content is made to last for a while, and eventually guilds will have enough 7* General Skywalkers to have members fill the platoons and allow other members to use them in the battles themselves.

... Read more

22 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today I want to cover what’s changing with events. Specifically, scheduled Legendary, Journey, and Epic Confrontation events (going forward these are the events referred to when “events” are mentioned). These events are often the key to unlocking some of the most iconic and powerful units in Galaxy of Heroes, but by their very nature they are some of the toughest to understand. When will the event return? Which units are required? How strong should they be? Without exploring some of the (awesome) community resources, you may not only have a hard time answering these questions, but might not even know that you have questions.

We want to begin to tackle improvements to the player experience by changing the event cadence we ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

With the announcement of the Republic Offensive Territory Battle on Geonosis we’d like to take a moment to give you an idea of what you’ll be facing and when you’ll be facing it.

First off, we’ll answer the when. The first Republic Offensive Territory Battle will start at 10am Pacific Standard Time on Dec. 2nd. The phases, like Separatist Might, will run for 36 hours for the foreseeable future, but you should anticipate both Geonosis Territory Battles getting reduced down to 24 hours when we feel the time is right.

And now for the what. In this post we will share with you not only all the character requirements but what Elites you can expect to see in which territory as well. Remember, with Geonosis Territory Battles each player will get their own random set of encounters, so you and your guildmates may have different experiences.

Phase 1 Top Territory

Combat Missions

  • HMP Dro...
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Hi! I’m CG_SvenGG, you might remember me from the last few Q&As or my posts on the forums. I’m a Senior Game Designer for Galaxy of Heroes and I helped create the Journey Guide.

Hi Holotable Heroes,

As we announced in the Road Ahead, the next Title Update will bring The Journey Guide to Galaxy of Heroes. With 177 characters and 44 ships in the game, understanding how to unlock your favorite Star Wars characters or how to build the mightiest fleet in the galaxy can be awfully daunting whether you’re new to the cantina or a veteran of the holotables. With that in mind, we explored what opportunities we had to improve each of these... Read more

21 Nov

Hi Holotable Heroes,

With the new Territory Battle, Republic Offensive, we’ve been able to include the final two execution beasts that were first seen in the arena in Attack of the Clones: the Reek and the Nexu.

The Reek is encountered in the arena itself in the third phase of the Territory Battle. Your team of Clone Troopers, lead by Jedi Master Shaak Ti, must face off against both the Reek and the bounty hunter who was the template for the clones: Jango Fett. The Reek itself has a new mechanic, Trample, which makes anyone subjected to it vulnerable to extra damage for a short while. This includes Jango Fett, who can only be defeated while he has the Trample condition. You’ll need to defeat Jango before you can take down the Reek, so plan your attacks carefully. Players who triumph over Jango and the Reek will find they have earned a Ki-Adi-Mundi shard for their Guild as a reward, so make sure your squad is up to the task.

And then there is the Nexu. In a... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s update contains a bug fix for the missing sim counter. This will be rolling out over the next couple hours and we will notify you here when it is complete.

  • GENERAL - Fixed an issue where the Multi-SIM reward screen wasn't showing the number of battles
Hi folks,

There was a technical issue with the update today and the following inbox was accidentally sent out with incorrect information:

Initially we were planning to modify the weekly shipments for the Anniversary but we ran into some technical issues. Apologies for the confusion.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

In conjunction with the recently announced Geonosis Territory Battle, Republic Offensive, we have a few new units hitting the holotables. These units are drawn from the Clone Wars era and significantly add to the flavor and theme of the new Territory Battle.

First up, we have the ARC Trooper. This unit is the light side equivalent of the Geonosian Brood Alpha, and will have his shards available on the Cantina just like GBA did when it was released. ARC Trooper, like GBA, has a Summon ability. This is in the form of an automated turret that adds additional firepower to his squad. In addition, the ARC Trooper has the 501st tag, which gives him a home in a General Anakin squad, as well as the ability to take advantage of Fives’ Tactical Awareness ability. We’ve already posted his kit as part of the General Skywalker event here if... Read more