Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

18 May


Did you maybe drop to rank 60 in the 18 minutes until your payout?

What ships exactly are causing you trouble with the restarts you mentioned?


PM the details to CG_LucifersDaddy on the official forum (

PS: Clearly not a bug :P


Originally posted by DesignerPasta

I know this is 4 days old. But I just noticed that my mods are also missing. I submitted a ticket but have not heard back from anyone. If you could help then that would be great.

We are currently still working on this specific issue and will release a fix for all affected players.


Originally posted by KurdtCobainer

Okay, I wasnt sure if this was a known bug or not, or if it was even a bug at all. Thank you for responding EA_HighCommand!

No problem at all. That's what I am here for =)


Unfortunately that is a long standing bug we haven't gotten around yet.

17 May

14 May


I think Disney is pumping out enough new SW characters that they wont go back to KOTOR for a while (I havent asked, this is just speculation)


DM me your ally code if you haven't contacted our support already. I can check that for you.

13 May


Originally posted by july1st2018

20 different skins for a protocol droid. yeah no wonder theyre not there any mopre

ah yes, a nice reminder of "why do I bother"


Originally posted by july1st2018

ok... how are there 20 different concepts for c3po. It's literally c3po, how complicated does it get.

cause they were for different kinds of droids, what you see in-game is just what we ended up with


Oh the guy we made like 20 awesome concepts for before he ended up as a texture swapped C3PO? Im still salty about that. At least we got to make him malfunction.


Originally posted by EA_HighCommand

PM me your ally code, so that we can have a look.

PS: The mods and gear were restored already. See

We have several reports of players not receiving them. We are investigating any issues with mods being returned.


PM me your ally code, so that we can have a look.

PS: The mods and gear were restored already. See

12 May


We already flagged this as a bug.


We're on it!

(That's a joke of course :D) Congratulations I'd say.

11 May


PM me your ally code and we can check if you are indeed missing shards.

10 May


Originally posted by Mediocre_Oven2262

If your account is setup as a minor account you won’t be able to change your name or see chat.

^ This is correct.

08 May


Originally posted by GDJT

That's nice and all, especially since they didn't have to do anything, but how could they forget the chewie shards?!

Doh! How could we forget something so important... I'll update the post and get those added in.