Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

17 Sep


The feat is currently only counting DOTs applied by an ability. We have flagged this as a bug with the team.

15 Sep


When you see "Tap for Price" that usually means your game couldn't connect to our servers properly. Check your internet connection and restart the game and you should be fine.

09 Sep


How dare you! We will remove those extra shards immediately from your account.

Joking of course, glad you hit the jackpot!

02 Sep

01 Sep


Hello there,

After checking the OPs account, we can see that they did receive the materials for upgrading JKL to R8 (from R7 to R8) in their inbox on August 19th.

31 Aug


That's not a bug. We, unfortunately, had to shut it down and will relaunch it later.

See: Conquest 7 Known Issues and Reschedule


Error 155 is usually related to something not being loaded correctly. Could be a corrupt game file or asset. Have you already tried a fresh and clean reinstal? If you can DM me your ally-code we can have a look into it.

28 Aug


Nah if anything Scopely (via Boundless) kept hiring CG people, its the other way around. Its pretty hard to stay competitive when you’re the only studio in Sacramento, actually.

25 Aug



The team is aware and already looking into it.

24 Aug


That feat reads: "Win 3 Fleet Arena battles without using a reinforcement", so yes, only fleet arena battles count towards it.

20 Aug


tbh I think its well made so thats a job well done but its too realistic for my taste and for the game at large. My intention when we started going with higher res models was to still stay a bit cartoony and find the sweet spot like we did with RH Finn, Cara Dune, JKL, etc … but the newest batch with Old Ben and Dooku is too far in the realistic range for me.

I also dont like the new icon work a whole lot, I always tried to keep them close to the model with a slight touch up instead of making them look like marketing art.

Small gripes tho, plus Im not there anymore and I know how hard it is to do all of this so I don't want it to sound like I don't appreciate the effort put into it, and trust me theres a lot. More than two ways to cook an egg, is all.

19 Aug


Originally posted by Joliet_Jake_Blues

Why did you make original Rey look like Gollum?

thats some low quality bait there, you can do better, I believe in you


Originally posted by PopularExpulsion

Scav Rey is essentially climbing out of her portrait, while GAS is like 5 steps back. Why can't they be consistent? It's also off center.

Why … do they have to be centered? This aint the DMV. A little variety is good.

14 Aug


Before I left we planned to update it more regularly but screens like these are pretty difficult to get approvals for, so its not surprising that it became a lower priority over time. Its a big upgrade over the previous and honestly, for screens like this, thats enough.

11 Aug


Hi there and thanks for the report.

We have now brought this to the the team for further investigation.


Hey guys and thanks for the report.

We've now brought this to the teams attention for further investigation.


Hello there guys,

The team are aware of this and currently investigating it.

29 Jul


Unfortunately, no workaround but the team is already working on it.