Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

07 May


If you partially meet the requirements, the event will have a golden border and a holographic background. For the C-3PO event, for example, you need to be level 85 (this is a prerequisite requirement) and have 5 Ewoks. I hope this explains it (and makes sense). I agree that it looks overall inconsistent and have flagged it for review now.


We have already flagged this for further investigation. If you DM me your ally code, I can add your account to the ticket.


The difference is for overall balancing reasons. You get fewer low gear rewards but more of the higher gear. That is intended.

06 May


Originally posted by puredude310

Account got restored but my shops are messed up????? I have reduced area to get stuff from such as guild, guild event and fleet

You will need to wait for a store refresh to properly reflect the restored account level. I've got a list of known issues here


We just launched an Update to fix this issue. Once we can confirmed that this is fully resolved, we will announce the make good for the affected players. Right now we are keeping a running tally for what these players are missing out on.

Thanks for putting a list together for us to compare our notes with. We will announce this as soon as we can.


Originally posted by Gouj4

They’ve commented on this already, conquest went live before mando was accelerated and once a conquest begins nothing can be done to alter any part of it, including the store so once this conquest is finished mando shards will go to the accelerated amount in the conquest store


Which shipments are you referring to?


Originally posted by Jaw243

Any status update. It's morning in California, they've been in the office for a few hours and nothing. I'm guild leader of higher GP guild and I cant help with TW which is very close

The team is still working on it (sorry that I can't be more specific).


What have you done? Now I can't unsee that!!!


Originally posted by tekozlofiu

I was using JKR, Jolee, GMY, Bastila, Hoda.

Opposing team was GG, Magna, B2, B1, DT

Thank you!


Originally posted by HellsBelle8675

Do you plan on having this fix out soon? It is affecting our guild's territory war, since one user we saved for offense/breaking through a wall can't play...

The team was working on it until late last night and will continue to do so when they are back this morning. Hopefully, we can get the fix out asap


Can you DM me your ally code and the date and time it happened, please, so that we can have a look? Thanks!


DM me your ally code, please, so that we can add your account to the investigation.


Your account might be affected by the reset (sorry!) which can prevent you from accessing the game. Once we have the fix rolled out, that should be resolved. If you DM me your ally-code (given you still have access to it), I can have a look.


What team were you using and what was the GG team's composition?


It takes a while to get into those c*ckpits, but yeah, we are already aware :D


Originally posted by KMFlockaDick

Oh, okay. I misread. I thought both 25% packs would then become a 50% pack. Thanks for answering my question!

Anytime =)

05 May


Originally posted by KMFlockaDick

I purchased both at 25%, then only the box came up as the 50%. Do I need to buy the box at 50% to get the chest?

There is no 50% chest :(, sorry!


Originally posted by PreservedInCarbonite

Can you clarify the Bonus Box of crystals? Is it a 50% discount off the regular price ($10 is USA) or a regular priced Box with 50% bonus crystals?

Regular priced box with 50% bonus crystals.


Did you buy both, the "Box of Crystals" and the "Chest of Crystals" with the 25% discount? After you purchased both you get a 50% discount on the next "Box of Crystals" for a limited time.