Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

28 Jul


Originally posted by Here-Is-TheEnd

If you just reported him then CG is going to have to investigate from here. There’s probably no instantaneous result

Reports do take time to process but I don't know when you sent this in. As other folks have mentioned, DMing CG_LucifersDaddy and CG_Leviathan on the forums can help escalate it quicker.

If it has been a while since you reported it to them on the forums, send me a DM with their info in a message on Reddit and I'll make sure it gets looked at soon


Originally posted by Ok_LukeP16

I have more proof and ally codes if needed. Can something be done about hackers/cheaters

Send me their info and I will make sure this is investigated

27 Jul


Originally posted by Gravity_Probe_C


That part got me good hahaha.

Saving this image for all time

16 Jul


Originally posted by RyanWalker4516

The issue resolved by itself. I launched app in the evening and it somehow worked


15 Jul

14 Jul


So “as of recent” that Garret and I no longer work there :P

I did hear great things about the new artist though, but I havent met them yet. The big shame about the Journey Guide is that it de-emphasized that movie quality event art we got good at making so the game hasn't had much cool stuff in that regard lately.

09 Jul


We've checked the cantina node 7-G and it is working as intended, meaning shards and gear is being dropped there. Must be a case of really bad rng for you.

30 Jun


Originally posted by TheMFlash

Was there any change to the tm reduction then?

No, we haven't touched anything in that regard.


We've tested it today on all three challenge tiers, and KRU got his max health correctly increased when his turn meter was reduced.

27 Jun


Eh, phase 2 was harder IMO. Only had Droideka and B1 at relic

21 Jun


Originally posted by voncruxz

An ocean of bad content is not a good thing. That orientation makes it literally unplayable <3

Consistency is the death of innovation, you know. Probably.


Originally posted by voncruxz

He is clearly a scourge upon this Earth.

Bah, you should be thanking me for keeping the IG-2000 relevant after all this time. Its almost like I provided a veritable ocean of content.

15 Jun


Originally posted by Luckylegutki

Anyone notice the relic 9 GMK in one of the pictures..?

Edit: now the picture is changed lol you can see General Kenobi as relic 9 in the first picture though

These screenshots are from the test server and we have the ability to Relic up past 8. Relic 9 slipped into my screenshots and is not coming in the next couple months. Apologies for the confusion

10 Jun


Originally posted by jeremypcleung

are they aware of the issue that i can't even get past the Disney lucasfilm page on Android after the update?

Several players who have ran into this issue reported chat clearing the game cache (Android / iOS) resolved the issue for them.

Others have reported that a fresh reinstall also helped (if you rein...

Read more

Hello there guys, the team are aware of this and are working on a fix. Please see the below Forum post.

Audio Issues After Today’s Update


Hello there, the team are aware of this and are working on a fix. Please see the below Forum post.

Audio Issues After Today’s Update

09 Jun


Hi there,

As the OP mentioned, this has been brought to the teams attention for further investigation.

08 Jun

04 Jun


Thanks for the report. It looks like the announcement post has the wrong numbers (you can see both the "old" and "new" tables are the same). The in-game numbers appear to be the correct ones.

PS: Forgot to mention that the original post had the correct numbers: Upcoming Grand Arena Championship Division Changes

Edit: Looks like the original post had some different numbers too. Sorry for the confusion!