Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

25 Nov


We found a temporary workaround and all services are recovering now resulting in fewer connection errors and loading spinners.


Originally posted by True-ExarKun

Man, you’re going to make my girl jealous, she may be replaced by those on my wallpapers!

Shhhh, just don't tell her, bae. You know we got something special. She'd never understand. She just doesn't get you like I do. 😘


Should recover now and you all should see fewer connection errors and loading spinners.


We found a temporary workaround and the services are recovering now. You should see less loading spinners now.


We are investigating and are working with our partners to get this resolved asap.


Originally posted by zeeplereddit

Can we get an update please?

We are still investigating and continue to work with our partners to get this resolved asap.


We are currently looking into the connection issue and are working on it. Once resolved, can you check again if they are still missing and if so, get in touch with our Customer Support to get this sorted?


We are already looking into this. We'll keep you posted!


We are looking into this and will update you all once we know more.


Originally posted by Lozsta

It seems it is still possible to pull a single shard of a toon or has the doubling effect not happened yet?

The complete list of characters that reward double shards now can be found in this post (at the bottom):

24 Nov


Originally posted by Insanely-Awesome

Wow! That's an awesome peek behind the curtain! Thank you for that! I know for me, it would take about 10 years to come up with a drawing like that. 9.5 years to learn how to draw and 6 months to draw stuff marginally recognizable. I really appreciate what you do!

We'll a big part of doing this work quickly is all the intensive study and professional experience that came before. I'm sure if you spent 10 years practicing you might do better than you think.


Originally posted by onexy_

i love them! (however Light Side Bastila's face is a bit weird `)



Originally posted by L-Guy_21

Garret I love your comments

I love this comment


Originally posted by dpw622

Juhani was always on my team whenever I'd do a play through of KoToR on original xbox. This artwork is great and thank you for sharing so much with us lately! I have the Finalizer artwork as my phone unlock screen and sometimes I'll power it on just to stare at it for a min.

Nice, that one came out really good. Glad you like it.


Originally posted by ASithLord66

Hey, um any chance of some more sith characters? There's just not that many compared to jedi...

Starkiller Plaguies Darth bane Darth malgus

These would be amazing, thanks (:

I'm only releasing event artworks already approved by Lucas, sorry.


Originally posted by megm26

I can hear the "I WILL BE YOUR DOOM!" from Juhani. Great job on the artwork!
