Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

24 Nov


Originally posted by Insanely-Awesome

Just curious, but how long does it typically take to make one of these (if done properly) and how long did you have to make these such that corners had to be cut?

They are all awesome, by the way. :)

I hate to say it depends but it does. If we're really in a rush and I have good content made by the 3D team that I can paint over, then I can get it done in 6 hours or less. If I'm doing everything from scratch (ie hand drawing the background and the character from approved Lucas reference), it can take me 8 to 16 hours depending on how much I have to do. The initial iteration phase can go pretty quickly, if we include Lucas in that phase it can take a week or two before I can get started. Iteration and feedback can add anywhere from 2 to 16 actual work hours on top of the initial work. It all depends on Lucas approval and internal review.

But if we're really really short on time and need to get something in ASAP then we've been able to turn these artworks around in 2 days from initial concept sketch to final illustration approved by Lucas.


Originally posted by JediShepard

The KOTOR events are my favorite events in this game and what really got me hooked into playing long term. I just replayed the Revan events after the last update and got to see the opening cinematics again for the first time in awhile, and they hold up.

Nice. I've always been the most critical of these works because I was short on time and had to cut corners to get them done. But most people don't notice the rough edges, so it's all good.


Originally posted by egnards

Hopefully you also read “Love You Forever”, another beautiful classic.

The “Go the f**k to Sleep” trilogy is me for the same of the parents.

I'll look those up; the more the merrier. My all time fav is Millions of Cats by Wanda Gág


Originally posted by egnards

Are You My Mother by P.D Eastman - 1960, what a memory.

Are You My Mother by P.D Eastman

I love that book, I read it all the time. It helps that I have a baby girl but I also just read it for myself.


Originally posted by True-ExarKun

These all look great! Dark Bastila the best though! All hail Revan’

Oh yeah, that reminds me. I added a little som'tin to the bottom of that post. Hail Revan, indeed.


Originally posted by egnards

I don’t know the correct way to react to this comment.

Are. Are you ok?

Do you... Do you need to talk to someone?

Maybe my dad... are you my dad?


Originally posted by breezett93

Thanks for sharing!

Maybe next time for Venators

Hey, no problem!

Maybe next time I'll do what I want!!! You're not my real dad!


Originally posted by [deleted]


No worries, we appreciate any feedback, and no idea is too crazy. That doesn't mean everything will be implemented but we play around with a lot of different things.


Originally posted by YellsAboutMakingGifs

Can you tell us for real what the plan is though.... Today? I hope.. Please

The plan is prepared to be executed!


Actually, we are going to stop at the 16 shards to prevent server overload, 38 shards are more than generous, don't you agree?

I am joking of course! 3 Chewie shards it is!


If you already linked another account to that specific GameCenter account, you can't link your main account to it anymore (only 1 account can be linked to GameCenter).

The only solution here would be a brand new GameCenter account to link your main SWGoH account to.

23 Nov


Originally posted by Shiny_Darkrai-

Yes of course ;) Hope you find the solution. Glad to hear from you

Looks like your auto-deploy failed last round :( We keep digging as to why and hopefully can prevent it from happening in the future.


Originally posted by Shiny_Darkrai-

The error had dissappeared, but here's my allycode anyways 177-656-452

Glad to hear it disappeared. We still have a look as to why it may happened =).


Originally posted by tryanotherusername20

I mean... it’s “unending” so that should answer the question right there

That's a good one!

As to why it is still a thing: Because we haven't found a solution yet :(


Originally posted by Lupius

This is a known issue on certain screen resolutions on Android devices.



Can you PM me your ally code please, so that we can have a look? Thanks!


Can you PM me your ally code, please, so that we can have a look? Thanks!


Looks like his auto-deploy failed for some reason. We are looking into it to see what may have caused that.